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"Yarima couldn't make it, again" Hibba tattled taking a mouth full of biryani rice. After the party ended and guests all left Hibba suggested they all have dinner before they leave for their homes.

"I don't think he's in town, or is he?" Suhana says not even sure but she could remember Hamza mentioning it.

Farha gulped down a numb feeling the lady's gaze on her. Hamza, Abubakar, and Hammad exchanged knowing looks as the environment suddenly became tense.

Abubakar's lips part to change the topic but Farha beat him to it.

"He left for Turkey"

It's strange how Farha got to know where Hisham left for. It's unlike Yarima to make mention of where he goes or what he does, then how did she get to know? The men thought.

"Huh! Kuma ki ka barshi?" Hibba dramatically shrieked. Okay, they're starting to get over the lines. Enough with the questions, Hisham-related topics are Farha's least favorite, don't they get that?

Of course not! He's her husband, remember that!?

She shrugged. "Karatun fah? Besides he'll be back, it's not like he's staying forever" she defended. She has got to stop doing that for him, he doesn't deserve it.

Either way, she's not doing it for him, she's as well saving herself from the embarrassment.

"Okay okay, no need to get all defensive amarya" Jannah chirped causing everyone to let out a laugh while Farha shot her a glare.

They don't know what Hisham did to deserve her but he sure is a lucky a**hole.

After dinner, the guys left for i'sha prayer leaving the ladies to themselves. The kids are asleep, stressed by the party that took place.

Layla clicked with the ladies just fine. It isn't like it's her first time meeting them, but today's just different. Unlike the usual greetings, they normally do when and if they meet and that was it.

"Guys I have some good news" Jannah announced feebly fidgeting with her fingers.

Hibba narrowed her gaze at her, "Wonders! A whole Jannah shy!? Something is definitely up" Farha couldn't fight back the laugh that slipped, honestly Hibba is a different kinda vibe.

Overdramatic would be an understatement...

"Hibba ki guji hushin Hammad fah" Suhana playfully warned

Hibba rolled her eyes at Suhana's remark. "Oya let's hear what you have to say" she ushers.

"Gulma" Farha snorted earning a glare.

"So the wedding date has been fixed" She murmured to their hearing though.

"Ma Shaa Allah! I'm happy for you girl. When is it?" Suhana gurgled.

"Yeah, girl! Allah ya sanya Alkhairi" Farha mutters flashing Jannah a smile.

"Three months from now." Hibba answered "Btw tell me something I don't know" snorting.

She threatened Abubakar into telling her some weeks back before the setting of the date. She noticed how overly excited he was after Hammad visited the other day, so after Hammad left she squeezed the supposed secret out of him.

Hibba knows her way when it comes to her husband...

"Time isn't on our side then, I suggest we better start preparing," Suhana says clapping her hands in excitement, she's a sucker for weddings.

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