voodoo java

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It's been three months since the wedding, three months since Lip relapsed, two months since he moved into his own rented house with Tami and Fred. Two months of a too quiet house.

"Have a good day at work." I say to Carl as he tucks in his black shirt into his cargos. "What're your plans today?" He asks and I shrug. "Hey, you okay?" Ian asks, walking downstairs. "Fine." I smile softly, sliding Carl and Ian a cup of coffee. "Still feel sick?" Ian asks and I shrug, "I have a fluttery stomach feeling and I feel light headed." "You go to the doctors yet? Could be Corona." Carl asks and I shook my head, "It's COVID and I don't have it, I have no symptoms of COVID." I explain. "Yeah well you've felt sick for like two months." Carl says, "Have a good day at work." I put my hand up and he leaves, "Good morning, Mr. Milkovich." Mickey comes downstairs, "Good morning, Mr. Gallagher." He smiles, "Feeling raw after five rounds last night." He smirks, "I could go five more rounds right now." Ian says, kissing him as I feel the vomit creep up my throat, "Again?" Mickey looks at me, I nod and rush to the downstairs toilet. "He fucks wrong with you? You fucking someone we don't know about or did my fingers magically get you pregnant." He jokes, "I haven't fucked anyone." I come out of the bathroom, wiping my mouth, "Just a phobe then?" He jokes and I flip him off, "I'll be upstairs." I mutter, sluggishly jogging up the stairs. I haven't told anyone I had sex with Lip before the wedding, I can't. I don't think I'm pregnant though, I don't feel it, my stomach hasn't grown, appetite is the same. I can't be pregnant.

"You feeling okay?" Debbie asks once I walk upstairs, "I'm fine." I say, "Good job, Fran." I compliment her bedazzle job on Debbie's ankle monitor. "Can't believe that bitch did that to you." "Yeah well thankfully I only have to wear this thing and didn't go to jail. Thanks again." Debbie thanks me for being her voice in court, she would've got time if I didn't help. That rich bitch she was fucking had too good of lawyers, it was a difficult case. "Can you take Franny to school?" Debbie asks and I nod, "They have real school today?" "Yes, finally. No more zoom." Debbie groans.

Since the wedding, there's been a pandemic that fucked everything up. Luckily, I've been working from home for years before this so it didn't stop my flow but the Alibi had to close and Kev and V have been struggling but since weed is legal in Illinois they've been making edibles and selling prerolls for money.


"Have a good day at school, beautiful. Got your mask?" I ask Franny just before she crosses the street to go to her bus, "Yup, Sandy gave me this one." She holds up a flower pattern mask that Sandy Milkovich gave her. Debs met Sandy at the wedding and they've been fucking ever since. I totally support it though. Milkovichs love hard. Debbie deserves it, "Cute." I smile and kiss her forehead. "Have a good day." I say to her before sending her onto the bus and heading over to Voodoo Java for my favorite iced caramel coffee, I've been craving it.

"Lip!" I hear the barista call as soon as I walk in, my heart sinks to my stomach, "Shit." I mutter and turn to leave, "Sade?" I hear his voice and it pulls me back into the shop. "Hi." I smile, forgetting I have a mask on–stupid Rona. "How have you been?" "Fine, how're you with the whole, you know." I refer to his drinking, "Good, haven't touched a drink since the wedding." He says and my eyes gaze down at the stroller he's rocking back and forth, "Holy shit, he's huge." I say and he chuckles softly, "Yeah, my big man." He gently scratches his cheek. "How's the new house?" "I rented it without Tami knowing and now have become her little bitch." He says, waving a coffee cup. "How's home?" "Quiet besides the sex from the Gallavichs, both of them. I gave Carl my room so he didn't have to share a room with the newlyweds." "Where are you staying then?" "In the newlywed room." I say, sarcastically thrilled. "Jeez." He chuckles. "Well, have fun being a Tamiette bitch." I say, trying to leave the conversation. "You okay? You look a little sick." He points out, "I'm fine. I've just felt a little nauseous the last couple weeks." "Are you eating?" "Yeah. I'm fine." I rub his arm comfortingly, "Let me buy your coffee." He offers. "No, don't worry about it." I say, pulling his mask over his nose, "Keep it over your nose." I chuckle. "Let me buy your coffee." He insists, "Please spend your money on other things. I'm fine, seriously." "You sure?" He asks and I nod, "Have a good day, boys." I smile down at Fred, tickling under his chin making him belly laugh. "Call me anytime." He says and I nod–nope– "I will." I smile, forgetting once again I have a mask on. "Bye Sade." He says before leaving the coffee shop. "Fuck me." I mutter and my hand goes over my mouth through my mask, I hurry to find a bathroom but it's closed–shit. I rush outside and vomit in the trash can right outside the door, "You okay?" Lip comes rushing back down the sidewalk. "Yeah. I'm fine." I say, out of breath before putting gum in my mouth. "You never puke you sure you're okay?" He asks and I nod, putting my mask back up. "I'm fine." I say and his hand goes to my forehead, "No fever. Cough or anything? I got COVID a couple weeks ago and I had every symptom in the world." He explains, "I'm fine." I repeat and he nods. "Call me if you need anything, okay? Hope to see you tonight, you coming right?." He taps under my chin and I nod–yeah I need you. I've craved him more than ever, not even sex just him. His smell, I miss his smell so much.


"Hey, glad you came." Lip says to me as I walk in. "Of course." I smile weakly. "You ok?" "Is there any chance I can talk to you in private?" I ask and he grows worried, "Yeah, co-" "Hi." Tami walks into the house, cutting us off. "Hi." I smile, walking away from the two of them, "I'm proud of you." I say to Carl as he is wearing his new police uniform, "Thank you." He smiles and hands me a piece of chicken, "Eat." He insists, "I have been all day." I defend myself before eating the chicken, "Don't look it at all. You look fucking sick." yeah and now I know why.

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