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"Sadie." I hear Lip say my name as I walk into the house through the backdoor carrying two arms full of bags from the mall, "What?" I asked, "I was telling Tami you should be the emergency contact for Fred and what the fuck is that shit?" Lip says and I shrug, "I'm Franny's and Carl's and Liam's, Deb's. Mall." I answer "Mine too." Lip admits and my eyes immediately go to Tami, she looks hurt once again, "Jesus Lip." I let out a breathy chuckle before handing him a bag, "Got Fred shoes and some clothes." I say as I'm walking upstairs.

"Punching him again, Milkovich?" I complain and punch Mickey's chest with my arm full of bags as soon as I see Ian's black eye. "Because he stood me up at the marriage office thing. The fuck is in those bags?" Mickey complains and rubs his chest, "Ian what the fuck?" I turned to him. "I didn't want to just have him marry me to protect each other. We found out who really killed our PO and it made me, us realize we were only doing it for selfish reasons." Ian huffs. "Bullshit, you two have loved each other since you were fifteen." I scoff, "Thank you." Mickey says and rolls his eyes, "No reason to punch him, dick." I scold quickly before turning back to Ian. "Ian, if anyone deserves to be married it's fucking you two." I lecture and they both sit in silence. "Give me a reason to get sexy in a dress please." I joke to lighten the mood. "You're my best man." Mickey adds onto my joke, "Fuck no she's mine." Ian glares at him. "Figure it out, Gallovich wedding is about to commence." I say as I turn on my heel, going into my room and plopping all my bags down onto my bed.


"This sugar in your cereal will kill you." Tami's racist weird cunt of an aunt says, leaning over the table taking Liam and Carl's food. "And that lifestyle of yours will kill you too." She mutters to Ian, "Why are you here?" Mama bear Sadie mode activates. "To take care of my grandson of course and help out this impecunious family." She insults, "What'd she say?" Carl asks, "She called us poor." Liam scoffs. "Go the fuck outside to that fucking RV outside where your grandson is then." I say, opening the door, "Lip come get your Aunt Dopey!" I shout. "It's Oopie." She says to me with a disgusted look. "It's whatever the fuck I want in my house. Get out." I shoo her out the door just as Lip jogs up the stairs. "What's wrong?" He asks, resting a hand on top of mine that rests on the door knob. "Tami and her family." I say, snatching my hand from under his. "Keep that racist cunt out of this house and keep her at yours." I roll my eyes and walk away from the door, handing the boys their cereal bowls back and rubbing Ian's back comfortingly.

"You know fifty percent of marriages end in divorce?" Ian says as he reads off his phone. "Stop being a Gallagher and be a Milkovich." I groan. "The fuck does that mean?" Ian asks me, "You're scared of commitment like Frank and Lip." Debbie says, walking into the kitchen, "Lip isn't afraid of commitment, right?" Tami asks, walking in at the worst time. "Why are you in here?" Liam asks. "Getting my scissors so I can go to work and cut hair." Tami answers, annoyed. "If you don't know that Lip is afraid of commitment, you're feeding into the dumb blonde statistic." Debbie says, patting her shoulder. "I gotta go get changed to pick up my step-daughter-to-be." Debbie announces. "Am I watching Franny again?" I call up to her, "Please?" She calls back. "Yeah that's fine." I answer. "You're with me again girl." I lean over, peering into the living room where Franny is watching tv. "Kay." She says, giving me a thumbs up. "I have to go run an errand." Ian sighs, standing up from the table. "Can we go get a trig calculator?" Liam asks, "With what money?" Ian asks, "I got it babe." I answer, "No, look." Liam says, pointing to the purse on the stool. "I didn't see shit." I shrug as Liam digs in Aunt Dopey's purse and whips out her card. "Be safe, good luck, have fun!" I call to the boys as they leave the house. "So, Franny. Watch TV and eat snacks all day?" I ask and her face lights up, "Yes!" She chants as I reach for her hand, "Let's go buy all the snacks the store has!" I say, walking to my car, buckling her into her booster seat and driving to the Mobil gas station down the street.


"Ready to watch TV girl?" I ask Franny happily as we walk back into the house with two bags full of snacks and drinks. "Oh, I'm glad you're home." Lip says from the kitchen, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask just before Lip walks out of the kitchen with a medium sized bouquet of flowers. "I came across some money today and I decided to get you a little something since you know you bought Fred some stuff." Lip smiles, handing me the bouquet full of my favorite flowers–this was put together with genuine thought. "Thank you, are you sure you want to give this to me?" I ask, I don't want to cross any more boundaries with Tami. I may not like her but she is Lip's baby mom. "Of course. I seen the empty vase on your desk so I thought I should get you something for it." He looks at me with soft eyes. "I also got you this." He says, hurrying into the kitchen and back out holding a pineapple. "It's ready too. I made sure the bottom was dark." He smiles, showing me the bottom of the pineapple–my second favorite fruit ever. "I couldn't find any yellow mangoes for you so I got this." He explains himself. I'm at a loss of words. "I don't know what to say." I chuckle nervously. "You do a lot for me so I just wanted to say thanks and since I got a hold of some money today I thought to spend some on you." He explains once again, I don't respond; what do I even say to this? "I have to get back to work. Have fun with your snacks and TV." Lip smiles, kisses my temple then Franny's, "Bye." He says, "Bye Uncle Lip." Franny says, sitting on the couch.

What the fuck was that?


Later that night after Lip didn't come in for dinner I decided to bring it out to him. "Hey." I call softly, grabbing his attention off the bike he's fixing. "Hey." He says, "I brought out your dinner and a drink. You've been out here all night, figured you'd be hungry and thirsty." I say, setting the plate and water bottle down on the bench beside him. "Sade?" "Hmm?" I hum, "You think I'm a thief and a degenerate?" He asks, "Well, you were but you've been doing a lot better. But, your growing up wasn't easy." I say, folding my arms in front of me as a light breeze causes all my goose bumps to form. "Here." Lip says, unzipping his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders, revealing his huge biceps. "You could've kept this on. I won't be out here long." I say softly, "Can you?" He asks, "Where's Tami?" I ask and he shrugs. "Sit." He nods towards the bench where his food and tools are. "Thanks for the flowers. I really like them." I thank him as I pick up his food and sit down, placing his food on my lap. "Tulips, daisies, roses and baby's breath fillers, right?" He asks, looking at his bike as he is tightening something. The veins in his biceps begin to pop out. "You remembered?" I chuckle and softly bite my lip as my eyes gaze to his arms. "Of course." He looks at me which takes my glimpse from his arms to his eyes, "How could I forget?" He asks and I shrug. "You've just never got me them before so I figured you never listened." "Sade, I've always listened to you. I just wish I would've listened to myself too." He says, tapping his chest gently before getting back to work on his bike.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

"I think I should go back inside." I say softly, standing up. "Okay." He nods but sounds disappointed. "Don't stay up too late." I say, squeezing his bicep comfortingly before putting his food back down and handing him his jacket. "Thank you." He says, taking it and palming the top of my head, shaking it back and forth gently making me smile. "Goodnight, Lip." "Goodnight."

Only You - [Lip Gallagher]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant