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"Debs, calm down. I'll talk to her!" I say over her rambling in my ear about how Fiona found out from Derek's parents. "I'm not aborting this baby." Debbie repeats, "I know, I get it. I'll talk to her and I'll see you later." I say, "K, love you bye." Debbie says before hanging up, slightly annoyed. "What was that?" Lip asks, tiredly. "Fi found out Debs was pregnant after she told her she wasn't and is trying to force her to have an abortion." I explained, "She should." Lip says, "Why?" "She's fifteen!" "So? You let Karen have a baby at sixteen." I snark, "Not my problem, Karen is a grade A slut and she's not my baby sister. Also, I asked her to have an abortion too." Lip says, throwing a pillow at my face, "Debs wants to be a mom." I defend her, "I don't care." Lip says, putting his pants on, "She's gonna have the baby no matter what anyone says." I inform, "I'll talk to her." Lip says, "Good luck." I chuckle knowing Debbie will not crack.


"Where did this come from?" Fiona looks at me as she comes downstairs, "Carl brought Froot Loops!" Liam exclaims as he shoves individual loops in his mouth, "And cage free, organic eggs." I chuckle, holding up the carton, "And juice with pulp in it." Carl says and I mockingly gag, "Pulp is disgusting." I sing as I hand Liam a cup, "Where are you getting all this money?" Fiona asks, pouring herself a coffee, "Juvie job, saved up." Carl says, "You better not be selling drugs again, Carl." Fiona scolds, "I already lectured him." I groan as I shovel Froot Loops in my mouth. "Like I said, no drugs. Learned my lesson." Carl says, sitting at the table, "Mmhmm, hope that's the truth." I say with a mouthful. "Better watch out. If Fiona doesn't like what you're doing she might try to fire you." Ian scoffs, "Or make you get an abortion." Debbie adds on." "I gotta get to school." I say, putting my bowl in the sink not wanting to be in the middle of this argument. "Thanks for stopping by to make sure they were up and ready." Fiona thanks me as she sips her hot coffee, "No problem." I smile, "Bye guys, love you." I say, leaving as they all reply in unison. "Sade," Ian calls to me as he jogs over to my car, "Give me a ride to Lip's? I start work there today." He informs me and I nod, "Get in."


Just as I'm about to unlock Lip's door Ian gently pushes my hand away, "No, no. I got this." He chuckles, "Chicago PD! We have a warrant!" Ian shouts as he bangs on Lip's door, "What's up man?" Lip greets Ian with a smile and a hug then he pulls me into his embrace, "Hi beautiful." He says, kissing my lips gently, "Hi." I smile. "Check you out," Ian says, admiring his room, "This is all you? No roommate?" He asks, "Yeah, pretty sweet right?" Lip smiles, "Redbull?" Lip offers Ian, "Nah, why don't we get a coffee and you show me around?" Ian suggests, "Ah, I can't. I got a lab due in a few. I've been up all night, just a few more pages then two classes but after that I can hang." Lip informs. "Yeah, cool. I should go check in at the new job, anyway/" Ian says, slightly disappointed, "Thanks by the way." He adds on, "Yeah, no problem. I'll introduce you to Prof Youens, thank him too." "Slightly more functional than our dads but still a raging alcoholic that lets Lip teach all his classes and grade all his assignments." I chuckle as I lay in LIp's bed, "Sick." Ian snickers, "This is some seriously nerdy shit." Ian teases as I take out my binder and begin to study as Lip is on his computer, "Jerk." I mutter then throw an eraser at him, "I gotta get to work, see you guys later." Ian says, leaving the room.

"You think he's upset because you didn't hang out with him?" I ask, "Probably. Not my problem, I got shit to do." Lip says, not taking an eye off the screen. I sigh, "I know but I just feel bad." I groan and sit up, pulling my binder into my lap. "Don't babe. He's an adult, he'll be alright." Lip turns to me, "You look very sexy right now." Lip compliments, "Finish your work, horn dog." I say, pointing my pencil at him and he spins back around chuckling.


"Shit, I'm wasted." Ian says, staring off into space. "It's medical grade weed plus piss grade beer." Lip says as he lights a cigarette. "I'm seeing triple. I think I need to crash." Ian says and I quickly stand up from the hallway floor and hold my hand out to help him. "Thanks." He mutters as I help him stand, "That's why we always need at least one sober one here." I smile, "Thank God it's always you." Ian jokes, "You mind if I crash here?" Ian asks Lip, "Yeah, of course." "Like for a while? Fiona and Debs are always arguing, she treats me like I'm five." Ian rambles, "I mean, Sadie comes over sometimes and-" "I've heard you two fuck so many times." Ian scoffs, "Yeah, not to be weird but I've seen Mickey and Ian fuck before too it's nothing plus we have my dorm too." I say, confused as to why Lip is dissing him like this. "I can clear out when she's here if that makes you feel better." Ian adds on, "I'm the RA now you know." "That didn't stop you when you had Kev selling for you." I begin to grow annoyed, "I've earned my space." Lip raises his voice at me, "You didn't-" "Sadie, it's whatever." Ian stops me, "Listen, you can crash here tonight or any night. Just don't move your shit in is all I'm saying." Lip says. "You two never fail to give me a fucking headache." I complain as I walk into Lip's dorm.


"I can live with Sadie." I walk into the house to hear Carl say, "What's going on?" I ask, confused, "Fiona is pregnant and now she wants both of us to have abortions." Debs yells, "Oh shit." I look at Fi, "Not keeping it." She waves her finger at me. "Don't kill babies, Fiona." Liam says innocently, "I won't kill any babies. I'll just have some cells in my tummy vacuumed out, okay?" She says softly to Liam, "I'm gonna go." I say awkwardly, "Sadie wait!" Debs calls, "What's your opinion?" She asks and I take a deep breath, "Debs, I support you. Do I think you're young and making a stupid decision? Yes, but, I supported Lip through all his dumb decisions, you guys wouldn't be Gallaghers without your fucked up dumb decisions and I still love all of you." "Jesus, Sade." Fiona groans, "Thank you!" Debs says with a smile. "Debs, we made mistakes and it's not too late to fix them." Fiona reasons, "No, mine wasn't a mistake." Debs explains, "I did it on purpose. I lied to Derek that I was on the pill, because I know what I want." Fiona nods, "If you have this baby I will not support you. Not physically. Not emotionally. I will not change a fucking diaper. I will not be woken up in the middle of the night because it has a fever or croup or fucking colic because you will not be living under my roof. You are on your own if you do this." Fiona explains in a very serious tone causing Debbie to start bawling and run upstairs.

Harsh. But I understand why, she's raised five kids on her own since she was a kid; she doesn't need to do it again. She doesn't deserve to do it again.

Fiona looks like she regrets everything she just said as a stressed and anxiety filled look comes across her face, "Come on guys, let's go. You too Frank." V says, guiding everyone out, "Yeah, time for school. Carl take Liam to headstart please." I say and he nods. "Fi?" I ask once we are alone, "Sade, I can't do this again." She cries and I hug her, "I know. I know you can't and you don't deserve to have to care for another baby. You've done enough. Fi, Debs isn't gonna change her mind. We've all tried. We just have to let her learn on her own. She wanted this so she can figure it out." I explain and she nods, "You're right. She can figure it out all on her own. I don't want you helping her out either, Sadie." Fiona scolds me and I nod, "Fine." I huff out.

That's gonna be difficult.

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