shouldn't have happened.

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My heart drops into the pit of my stomach as I look at the screenshot Ian sent me, "No fucking way." I whisper to myself as I look at Lip's naked teacher in his room. "Sorry, I felt like you should see this." Ian's text reads, "Thanks, might kms later." I text back then drop my phone on the floor before pulling the blanket up over my face. My phone goes off again shortly after; 'Debs' it reads and I quickly answer, "Hey, you alright?" I ask, "Yeah. I wanted to invite you to my gender reveal party. I have the gender in an envelope and I wanted to do it today." She explains, "Oh my goodness, I'm so excited! I'll be there!" I say to her, "Great! I'll send you the address."


As I'm getting ready for Debbie's gender reveal my door flings open; it's Lip. "Hey, you look gorgeous in pink." Lip compliments me and pulls me by my waist, trying to kiss me. I move away and out of his grip, putting my shoes on, "What the hell?" He asks and I continue to ignore him, "Sadie?" He questions and I toss my phone on the bed with the picture pulled up. "Shit." I hear him mutter. I grab my phone, purse, and keys then leave my dorm.

"Sadie!" Lip calls as he follows me down the hallway, "Don't talk to me." I say still moving forward, "Why?" "Where are you going?" "Talk to me!" He shouts at me as I ignore his advances, "Sadie, stop!" "What? What do you want?" I shout, turning towards him, "I-I." He stammers, "Do you have any idea what you just did, again?" I ask, storming towards him and he doesn't say a word, "God." I scoff then turn and continue walking. "I love you." He says, pathetically. I take a sharp breath and turn back again, "You love me?" I question, "Yes!" He yells, "Fuck you, Lip." I let out a stress filled chuckle, "We can figure it out." He says, "I don't want to figure it out! I've had enough crazy in my life I don't want anymore crazy and Lip you make me fucking crazy!" I yell, pushing his chest, "Fuck." I say, holding my head, "I fucked up." He says, "Yeah, too many times and I was stupid enough to believe in this shit." I say, taking the ring off my finger, "Sadie, no. That picture was old." He chokes out, "It shouldn't have been taken, it shouldn't have happened. We shouldn't have happened." I say, gently grabbing his hand and placing his ring back in it. "Goodbye, Lip." I say, keeping my composure as I walk away, this time for good.


"Hi Sadie, glad you could make it!" Debbie says with a smile as she hugs me, "Of course." I smile, hugging her back and handing her a gift bag, "I got you some gender neutral clothes, blankets, and a few toys and this is for you," I say, handing her a small box, "Open this one now." I insist as her face lights up. She tears open the box revealing a small necklace that says mom on it and two hundred dollars. "Holy shit, thank you so much! I love you!" Debbie bear hugs me, "You're welcome babe. I love you so much. I also got you some diapers and wipes but I left them in my dorm, I'll get them to you as soon as possible." I smile at her and her happy expression slightly changes, "You've been crying." She points out, "No, I'm just really tired." I try to lie, "Sadie, I'm not nine anymore." She grabs my hands then looks down, "And your ring-" "Debs, we'll talk about it later okay?" I whisper, taking my hands from hers, "I'm okay." I reassure her as we walk over to the kitchen.

"Hi baby!" I said excitedly to Carl not knowing he'd be here, "Hey." He nods towards me and gives me a small hug, "Pathetic hug." I tease him as he sits back down with Nick, "Hi Nick." I smile at him softly and he nods towards me as well. "Fiona's not coming?" Frank asks as Debbie puts whipped cream on a dessert, "We'll start without her." Debbie says, slightly upset, "Thank you all for coming!" She starts, "Bathroom?" Nick interrupts, "Down the hall." Some lady with a bandana on her head informs him, "Um, so, as you guys know. I kinda wanted to keep the gender of my baby a surprise but Erica here, who's been like a mother to me, suggested I throw this party and include everyone." Debs smiles as she looks around. Only Frank, Carl, and I showed up. Poor Debs.

Just then, Erica's phone rings and she hurries into another room. Frank and Debbie share a concerned look, "What's that look about?" I whisper and Frank waves me off, "Too long a story." He insists. Just then Carl hurries to the front door as we hear a car squeal away, "Fuck." He says and runs outside, "Carl!" Debbie and I shout, "What the fuck." I complain, "Whatever." Debbie huffs and then her and Frank start motioning and mouthing things to each other, What the fuck I then mouth to myself.

"I think I'm gonna name the baby after Erica, Eric if it's a boy." Debbie blurts out as Erica walks back in the room, "I'm in remission." Erica blurts out, tears brimming her eyes, "Congratulations!" I say, genuinely happy for the woman, "Wow! That's so fantastic!" Debbie and Frank say in sync–they sound miserable.

My phone then starts ringing, "Sorry guys, I have to take this." I dismiss myself and walk down the hallway to answer, "Carl, what's going on?" I asked slightly, panicked. "Sadie please come get me, I'm by the house." he cries, "Yes, I'm coming now." I hung up and hurried back out to the kitchen; Carl never cries. "Debs, I'm so sorry to leave you, Carl needs me like really needs me." I begin to breathe heavily in panic, Carl never cries. "It's fine." She waves me off, "Let me know if I'm gonna have a niece or nephew, okay?" I say quickly and kiss her forehead, running out to my car and speeding to find Carl.

As I'm speeding through South Side I finally find him, sitting on a curb. I put my car in park and jumped out, rushing over to him and hugging him tightly, "What happened?" I say as he clings onto me, "Nick killed a kid over a bike and it was bad. He got arrested again." He says to me in tears, "Did the cops see you?" I ask as we get into my car, "No, but that was some fucked up shit." Carl says, "You gonna be okay?" I ask as I rub his knee in comfort, "Can you drop me off at Sean's?" He asks, I nod, "Sure." I say softly.

"Hey, call me if you need anything. I love you, thank you for calling me to get you. I'm glad nothing happened to you." I say as we pull up to Sean's. "Thank you for always being there for me." He thanks me then hugs me once more. "I love you." I say to him again, kissing his forehead, "I love you too." He says and gets out, walking into Sean's building.

My little boy Carl is coming back, I hate that this had to happen to him for it to fix him.

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