summertime sadness

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It's finally summer time again, Lip is still dating that raging cunt of a bitch, Amanda. Ian is doing much better as expected but we are all still hinting at him seeing a doctor; he's being in denial. Ian's last depressive episode lasted a week, all of winter break I comforted Mickey as he blamed himself for Ian's mental health. He's doing much better mentally himself and he's now realizing it's not his fault–after many, many long long phone calls at midnight from my dorm room. I liked being away from South Side for a few months but now it's time to go back; time to face my problems, time to face Phillip Gallagher.


"A yoga studio in this neighborhood?" Ian scoffs as he, Fiona, and I jog. "Gentrification." I scoff and look over at Liam and Yevgeny, "Isn't that right boys?" I tease, "Yup!" Liam says despite not knowing anything I just asked him, causing the elders to laugh, "How was your first year of college?" Fiona asks me, "It was alright, I missed you guys. I'm sorry I stayed on campus for three months straight but with Lip having another girlfriend and all-" "I get it, you're fine. We held down the fort." Fiona nudges me, "Except Carl, he had a hard time not seeing you." Ian added, "Weirdo still has a fat crush on you." He chuckles, "He's crazy." I sigh with a smile. "Hey, Ian. Did you have a chance to call that doctor?" I ask, changing the subject, "No, no. I'm good." Ian says while keeping his eyes forward; he hates when we talk about this. "Well, probably the best time to go, when you're feeling good." Fiona encourages, "Why is that?" he asks, "To have a plan of action, maybe." Fiona suggests, "No, that was a one time thing." Ian waves her off, "Shouldn't a doctor tell you that?" I ask, "I haven't felt that way since March, it's June. It was a one time thing." Ian scoffs and jogs ahead of Fiona and I. Fiona and I share a look before speeding up our pace to catch him.

"Guys, I don't have what Monica has." Ian informs us, "I know, but it seems familiar." Fiona replies, "There's too much coke down at the club. That shit makes you crazy; highs and lows. I've cut way back." Ian informs, "Good." I say, "We just want what's best for you, we love you." I add, "I know, I appreciate it and I love you guys too–seriously." Ian looks at the both of us. "Anyway, Sade. You coming home or are you going to your place?" Ian changes the subject, "Uh, not sure. I don't know how the whole Lip thing is gonna go." I shrug, "Fuck it, we miss you." Fiona says and I nod, "We'll see." "Well, meet us at the restaurant tonight. We're celebrating you and Lip for completing your first year of college." Fiona smiles and I nod, "Unlimited Dr. Pepper and fries?" I ask with a chuckle, the restaurant she works at has the best Dr. Pepper and fries. Those fries are to die for. "Anything for you." Fiona smiles, "Aw, she loves me." I tease, "Come home." Fiona encourages, "I'll see how it goes with Lip tonight then I'll let you know." "Sade," Fiona hesitates, "He's going to Miami with that girl, he won't be there after a couple more nights." Fiona breaks the news and my heart drops, "Oh, okay then. Sure, yeah. I'll come back. See you tonight?" I say, forking away from the group, "Where are you going?" Fiona asks, "Work." I lie, work doesn't start until tomorrow. "See you tonight, love you guys!" I add on before sprinting off towards my house. MIAMI?!


"To Lip and Sadie finishing their first year of college, may you all follow in their footsteps." Fiona says as we all cheer our drinks. "Thank you." "Thanks." Lip and I say at the same time causing us to awkwardly look at each other, "I'm so happy you're home." Carl says, hugging me again, "I'm sorry babe. I'll be home all summer, deal?" "You're staying here this summer?" Lip asks and I nod, "You'll be in Miami, why does it matter?" I snark and he's silent, "Frank," Fiona mutters, changing the subject, "Yeah, to Lip and Sadie." He says, cracking open a beer, "You sure you should be drinking that?" Lip asks, "You think an untainted liver is going to stop Frank?" FIona scoffs, "Through extensive research I have found that my liver can support one beer a day." Frank says with a mouthful of salisbury steak. "Who's ready for pie?" Fiona clasps her hands together, "I want some cherry pie." Carl says, seductively. "You're disgusting." I flick his ear, "Another order of Salisbury steak." Frank says, "If you pay for it." Fiona scoffs, "How about you get me another order and we call it even." "Call what even?" I ask, "For her trying to kill my son with cocaine." "Douchebag, why would you even say that?" Lip scoffs–the way he speaks is so sexy, I'm already folding–damnit. "Why are you even here, Frank?" Lip adds on, "Just don't." Fiona puts her hands up, "I don't want any pie." Debs mopes as she plays with her straw, "What's going on Debs? First you're stabbing dolls now you're all mopey?" Lip asks, "Hollie and Ellie aren't talking to me anymore. It's like I'm invisible." Debs sighs, "They're fake and you don't need them Debs. They're whores anyway." I comfort her and she sighs, "I guess." "Fake bitches do that all the time." One of the waitresses comes up to us, clearing our plates, "Really?" Debs asks, "Yup." Fiona, the waitress, and I all say in unison. "Why?" Debs asks, "Jealousy usually." Fiona replies, "Two weeks they'll try to be your friends again." The waitress informs, "Don't let them; they're fake bitches." I roll my eyes. "Hey." A man's voice grabs my attention, "Hi." Fiona smiles, this must be Sean–she's told me so much about him; he's such a sweetheart. "Good pie dude." Carl smiles up at him, "Glad you like it." He says then looks at me then Lip, "Lip and Sadie?" He questions and I smile, "Hi, nice to meet you." I wave, "Yeah, nice to meet you." Lip says after me. "Hey, I have some paperwork in the back." Sean says, giving Fiona's arm a slight squeeze and I smile at her, "What's that squeeze?" Lip asks, "It's nothing." Fiona says, "The two of them are like that all day with each other." The blonde waitress says, "We are not!" Fiona chuckles nervously. "I'll be right back, bathroom." Ian excuses himself, "He ever go see that doctor?" Lip asks, quietly. "No, he's refusing." Fiona sighs, "We should talk to Mickey." Lip sighs, "Mickey won't listen." I inform, "You talked to Mickey?" Lip asks, slightly angered. "Mickey is like my best friend." I roll my eyes and take another sip of my Dr. Pepper, "Since when?" Lip mutters under his breath, it took everything in me not to blow up in his face but I can't do that in front of the kids, they already have enough toxic role models in their lives, I don't need to be another one.


Later that night, Debs called me to invite me to their pool party. I hesitated but I decided I'm not going to let Lip ruin my summer, besides; he'll be gone soon. Is that any better?

"Wow, you look good!" Debs compliments my red bikini as I walk up the yard, "Where are your clothes?" Kev yells at me through his window, "Oh, hush!" I flip him off and start walking up the back steps, "Hey, you coming in?" Fiona asks, "I will, I have to run inside real quick." "Lip's in there." Debs says, "That's fine." I smile softly and jog up the rest of the stairs, "No! Walk! Clothes!" I hear Kev complain as he is walking over, "Leave that girl alone, she's fine!" V laughs, "Don't teach your sisters any of that no clothing business!" Kev shouts up to me, referring to Amy and Jemma. "Oh, I will!" I sing as I walk in the house. "You will what?" Lip asks as he takes a swig of beer, "Nothing." I chuckle and start upstairs, "Hey, can we talk for a sec?" Lip asks, making me turn on my heel and step down the few stairs I climbed, "Sure?" "You doing alright? School ok?" I nod, "Yeah, everything's fine." I answer, nonchalantly, "Yeah, same if you were curious." A slight attitude is formed in his tone. "I wasn't." I snicker and turn to walk back up the stairs. "Why are you being such a bitch?" Lip scoffs, "I could ask you the same." I say sarcastically. "Everytime I thought about telling you I missed you, I also thought how unfair it would be to either." Lip says, following me upstairs, "So you decided to tell me now where it would be twice as unfair because for the next week we are back in the same house?" I turn to face him. Lip moves closer to me and he has that look in his eyes, the look he had the first night in the bathroom. "Lip, no." I say and push past him, hurrying downstairs. "Sadie, I love you." "If this is how your love feels Lip, I don't want it. Seeing how loyal you have been to Amanda for the past three months when I could barely get it for a week has shown me I need to learn how to stop looking for a love that doesn't know how to find me. I don't want what doesn't want me, Lip." I choke back tears, "Sadie," He sighs, "Enough. We're friends, it doesn't matter. Don't make any of this a big deal. You've moved on and I'm fine. Let's be civil." I say and walk downstairs.

Is this officially the end of us?

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