egotestical maniac

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"Ian, we can't wait for her anymore. We gotta go." I say, rubbing his shoulder. He sighs and presses the red button, "No answer again." "Same." Debs chimes in. "How bout Uncle Kev drives you instead?" Kevin offers, "I don't want Sadie to do it alone." Kev says, kissing the top of my head. Ian nods, "I'll go get my truck." He says and leaves the Gallagher home to go next door. "Ready?" I ask Ian and he takes a deep breath, "I don't have a choice." "We're all coming, too." Lip says, grabbing my hand and wrapping his arm around Ian, "Kelly, can you watch the girls?" I ask, sniffling softly. "Of course." She says gently. "Come on." V says and we all leave and pack ourselves into Kev's truck. We can't take two cars, they'll only allow one to enter per inmate. I don't mind being squashed in the backseat with everyone, the feeling of being slightly uncomfortable keeps me from sobbing the whole ride to Beckman Corrections.


"I thought Geneva and some others would at least be waiting for me outside." Ian starts and Carl pulls him into a hug, "You can only count on family, man." Carl sounds like he could cry, "I'm gonna miss you." Debbie says with tears in her throat, at this point the tears are flowing from my eyes like the Niagara Falls. Debbie and Liam start a group hug and we all flock to it, everyone but Ian is shedding tears. "Don't get too raped in there, alright?" Kev jokes, "Kevin!" V says, hitting his arm. "I'm really gonna miss you." I say to Ian, "Come here, cry baby." He pulls me into a huge bear hug, "Two years and I'll be right back." He holds my face, wiping my fallen tears. "I love you." "I love you too." Ian says one last time before he walks over to Lip, "Thanks for being my brother." He says which pushes the knife deeper into my chest and twists it. "Never had a choice." Lip chuckles softly before hugging him once more. "See you guys." He chokes back tears before he backs towards the gates and walks in. I hope he's gonna be okay in there, I need him to be okay in there. "He'll be okay." Lip whispers against my temple before kissing it.

We stand there for a few minutes, taking it all in, Ian is gone for the next seven hundred and thirty days, he's gone. My poor Ian.


"You sure you don't want to come to the Christening?" Lip asks as he irons his button up, "I literally will commit heinous crimes if I see that bitch again so, no I'll be staying home." I answer, "Have any of you heard from Fiona?" Debbie asks, worried. "No and I don't care to." Lip scoffs. She stood Ian up on his last day yesterday and she went ghost on all of us, she's not even at her apartment. "This isn't like her." Debbie says before sipping her coffee and storming out, "Yeah it is. She's passive aggressive." Lip says, putting on his shirt.

"You sure sure sure you don't want to go?" Lip asks me again and I nod, "Please don't fuck her again." "Fuck no. She's a heinous cunt." He mocks my verbiage and kisses my temple. "We'd all appreciate it if you came." "No, tell Brad and Miles and Cami I send my best." I say, walking upstairs to begin my work for the day.

"Sade!" I hear Debs yell not even forty minutes later "Yeah Debs?" I ask, coming downstairs quickly. "Now that you're all here. Fiona didn't blow Ian off because she was mad at him. Ford is married and Fiona was driving drunk. She got into a car accident, completely forgot about Ian because of Ford. She broke her wrist, car is totaled and she is nonstop ugly crying." "Oh shit." I say. "I'm gonna teach him you don't mess with women, especially not a Gallagher woman." Deb is serious and angry. "Shit." I mutter as she storms out with her welding backpack on. "I'm gonna go find Fi." Lip says, "You have shit to do, I'll go." I wave him off, slipping my shoes on. "You sure?" He asks and I nod, "Go."


"Fi." I call softly before opening her office door, "Oh shit." I mutter as I see her busted up face. "Debs told you?" She sighs and I nod, closing the door behind me and walking towards her. "Of course she told me." I say, pushing a loose strand of hair from her face to admire her stitched up cheek. "You okay?" "I'm fine." She waves me off with a stressed smile, "Debs thinks you're gonna kill yourself." "I'm fine." She repeats, "Nine stitches, no concussion. Wrist will take eight weeks but I'll be fine." She leans back in her chair. "How deep of a hole are you in?" I ask, leaning against her desk. "Listed my building so I should be fine. Open house at one." She turns her laptop screen towards me, "You don't have to do that. I can give you the money." I offer and she shakes her head, "I can't keep looking towards you to get e or any of us out of holes we dig ourselves. You've done more than enough, I can't ask you for that." "You're not asking, I'm offering Fi." "Sade, no. You need to save up as much money as you can and get the hell out of here." She advises me and I nod, "You sure I can't get you out this one last time?" "No, I'll be fine." She smiles up at me. "How was Ian, when you dropped him off. Was he upset?" She changes the subject. "He held it together better than any of us, especially me." "I'm gonna get up there, first visiting hours I can." "I'll take you, I want to go as soon as possible too. I miss him already and it's only been twenty five hours." "You can go do what you have to do. I just kinda wanna sulk here for awhile." She kindly tells me to leave. "Call me if you need me, okay?" I ask and she nods, "Thank you." She says as I gently close her door and leave Patsy's.

Only You - [Lip Gallagher]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz