well-cum home

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"That's worse than a cigarette." I mutter as Lip inhales his vape, "Smells better though." He says, blowing the smoke out the window. "Did you tell Ian I was coming?" "No, I didn't even know you were coming." "Why would I not come with you to get my brother?" "Why would you leave your baby mom alone with Fred when she's struggling?" I ask and he's silent for a moment, "She has to learn eventually." He mutters and I roll my eyes, pulling my sleeve down further so he can't see my wrist. It's been two days and my bruises have turned yellow, he'd be so pissed with himself. I know he didn't mean to hurt me or at least I hope he didn't.

"Ian!" I say, melting into his embrace. "Please don't leave me again." I say and he grabs my face gently, tilting it towards his, "I won't." He says before Lip slips in between us and hugs his brother. "I missed you man." Lip says, "You didn't visit me once." Ian chokes, "Sorry, so much shit was going on." He says before hitting his vape, "You know those are worse right?" Ian chuckles before walking towards my car, "Can I drive?" Lip asks and I slap my keys into his hand before getting into my backseat.

The whole drive home Lip is talking over Ian and cutting him off, rambling about Fred and Tami, work, Debbie being a control freak. I gently placed my hand on Ian's right shoulder letting him know I'm listening and I'm happy he's home. His fingers reach for mine, squeezing them comfortingly. Lip is such a cunt.


"Are you not coming in?" I ask Lip as he leans against my car, "Tami told me to fuck off for the day. She wants to bond with Fred." Lip says before taking a big hit from his vape. "Can I use your car?" He asks as he blows out a cloud of smoke. I roll my eyes, "Fill my tank." I groan before walking into the house right behind Ian. "Carl?" Ian calls out over the loud music from Carl's friends, "Debs?" I call from behind him. "They knew you were coming home today." I huff and jog upstairs, I hear Ian right behind me. "Liam?" I call and Tami comes out of the room, full of baby spit up and her hair in a messy ponytail, "Can you guys like shut the fuck up for a few minutes? I can't get Fred to sleep, the Latino army down there isn't helping either." She says as Freddie is screaming. "Do you need help?" "No, I'm fine! He's MY son." She yells at me before slamming the door. "Okayyy." I say then turn back to Ian, "Well, do you wanna go get food or something?" I offer and he shakes his head, "I think I should meet with my PO, see what I have to do. Get this parole process over with." He sighs and pulls me in for a kiss on the forehead. "Thanks for being here." He says, resting his forehead against mine. "Of course, always." I smile and pat his chest, "Good luck." "You too." He chuckles and nods towards Lip's room where Freddie is still screaming. I roll my eyes before walking into my room, shutting the door and doing my work for the day.


"Sadie!" I hear Carl yell for me and I immediately run downstairs, "What's wrong?" I panic and he points to Frank and Ingrid's ex husband, holding two infants in car sats "What the fuck is wrong with you, Frank?" I shout "What?" Frank chuckles, "I can't believe you used your son's cum to get that crazy bitch pregnant!" I chuckle in disbelief, "Can that really happen? I thought I had to jizz directly into the vagina." Carl asks me and I put my face in my palms, "No, Carl. He used your cum to get her pregnant. Remember the little bet you guys did upstairs?" "Shit," Carl huffs, "You fucking tricked me!" Carl yells at Frank, "Well, you shouldn't ever jizz for someone and not know where it's going son." Frank says and I lunge at him again but Kelly grabs me, "When'd you get back?" I ask, "This morning while you were gone." She answers, "If you were to offer me two hundred grand I'd take them off your hands." Frank tries to reason with Ingrid's ex husband. "Fuck no, absolutely not! You could barely take care of the six you had never fucking mind these! These aren't even yours! You conned your son so if anything that money is his!" I argue, "How about a script for a thousand percocet?" Frank asks, "That would be unethical and criminal." Randy says "What would be criminal is leaving either of these babies with Frank or Carl!" I argue, "Frank's an addict and a loser and Carl is too young." Kelly adds on. "I'll take one." Frank says, "What?" I ask. "We can't separate them. That'll inflict so much intellectual damage." "Leaving either of them with Frank will cause severe intellectual damage regardless." I scoff and then my phone rings; Lip. "Hello?" "Hey, how's Tami?" "Dude, your dad just introduced two new grandchildren into this house. I don't know how your baby mom is." I complain, "Can you help her feed him? She can't do it." "Not my problem." I say before hanging up–I feel bad. I shouldn't be taking out my anger on him when it's towards Frank. I roll my eyes, "Guys, I'll be upstairs. Frank fix this shit." I wave my hands around frantically before storming upstairs, calling Lip again. "Hey, sorry. Yeah I'll help her." "Thanks. Sorry to come to you, I just don't know who else to call." Lip sounds very upset. "It's fine." I sigh, "I love you." He sounds like he didn't mean to say it. I panicked and pressed the end call button, what the fuck?!

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