engaging conversations

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"What the fuck, Sadie?" Lip mutters as he pulls me outside as soon as I get to Debbie's for her dinner party. "What?" I ask, "You don't answer any of my calls, texts and now you're here dressed like that and your titties hanging out!" Lip complains, "They're not hanging out this is a tasteful amount of cleavage! Debs invited me, I'm here for her, not you and your girlfriend." "Yeah well, they're distracting me." He yells, "Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot it's all about you, you egomaniac!" I yell, "Can we go in now? Debs invited me to her dinner and I'd like to be there for her." I say, pushing past him getting a strong whiff of alcohol, "Lip have you been drinking?" I ask, my heart feels like it's shattered. "A couple. It's under control." He waves it off, "Lip, you only yell at me when it's not under control." I say, "Jesus, Sade. Is this some weird way to show you still like me?" He scoffs, "Like you?" I laugh, "I don't like you but I do worry about you. Two very different things." I say and he nods, wiping his face. "You're ridiculous, Philip." I government him before going back into the house. "Everything okay?" Debbie asks me as I come in. I nod, "All good, let's have this party." I say, rubbing her shoulder and walking further into her house, sitting down next to Carl and Ian. "Your tits look great." Ian says, "Yeah they do." Carl gawks, "No." I thumb Carl's forehead and turn to Ian, "Thanks, I tried." I admit to Ian. I had to piss Lip off, I couldn't come here not looking sexier than ever, who do you think I am?

"Hey." Sierra says softly to Lip as they greet each other with a small peck, I could be sick. "I think Dom wants to get back together with me." Carl says, leaning back on the couch. "Absolutely not!" I sound like a hypocrite. "She screwed around on you." Ian points out, "Yeah but she feels bad about it." He sighs, "So no military school?" I ask, "You guys need me. I do a lot around the house." Carl says, "Like what?" Ian scoffs, "Bought it." He mutters and I rest my head on his shoulder, "I'm happy you're not leaving but don't get back together with her." I mother him and he sighs.

"Dinner!" Debbie calls softly, thankfully breaking up this conversation. "Sit next to me." Sierra says, grabbing Lip's arm while glaring at me. I'm screaming inside as I sit across from Lip, next to Carl and Liam. "I'll get your soda, Lucas." Sierra speaks to a little boy, "Who's he?" Liam asks, "Uh, that's my son buddy." Sierra smiles as she stands up to go to the fridge, SON?! I clear my throat so I don't chuckle, Lip looks at me, "Can you cut his potatoes please?" Sierra asks Lip, "Uh, sure." He doesn't want to. I bite my tongue so I don't make fun of him, it's hard. "Sierra thinks you're only with me for my money." Debbie's new boyfriend who happens to be Sierra's brother, Neil blurts out. Sierra looks so embarrassed. "You said that?" Lip scoffs. "You don't think it's a good idea either." Sierra tries to defend her point, I look up at her in disbelief–she just threw Lip under the bus. Debbie looks so upset, "Look, Debs. You don't need to do this to get DCFS off your back." Lip says, "Shut up, Lip." Debbie rolls her eyes, "What kind of choices do I have?" Debbie questions, "You may see someone with brain damage but I see someone who doesn't lie like all the other guys I've ever been with." Debbie defends herself, "So real." I mutter as I sip my drink, Lip quickly glares at me. "What kind of choices do you think Neil has? Are you always gonna be there for him?" She questions Sierra, "Because I will. I'll do his laundry, I'll cook for him, I'll let him watch me masterbate." All of us except Neil share a shocked expression. "You think he's gonna find another deal somewhere else?" Debbie says, "We're engaged." Neil blurts out. "That's why I invited you all to dinner." Debbie says as the room goes dead silent, all of our jaws agape including Liam's. Lucas begins to clap, "Yay uncle Neil!" He chants, "Eat." Debbie says, "Sadie I made sure to use only sausages, I know you don't like ground beef." Debbie tries to change the subject. "Thanks, Debs." I say grabbing my fork and beginning to eat the pasta.

"You don't like tacos?" Neil asks, "No, I do. I just don't like food in certain ways." I explain, "Weird." He scoffs. I don't know if I should be offended or not, he has brain damage and no filter. I decided to ignore it and continue to eat the food Debbie prepared for us. Sounds of silverware and cups clanking fill our awkward silence. Lip keeps rubbing his shoe against my ankle followed by me stepping on him; why can't he just leave me alone?

After everyone is finished eating I finally break the silence, "Debs, it was so good thank you so much." I compliment as I put Carl and I's plate in the sink, "Did you really like it?" Debbie asks, "Of course, you are a great cook." I say to her as she walks up next to me clearing other plates. "I'm gonna get going." I mutter to her and nod towards Sierra and Lip, "Oh, shit. Yeah, of course." Debbie says, giving me a hug, "I'll see you later." She smiles, "I love you, Debs. Carl, Ian, need a ride?" I ask, "Yeah." Ian says getting up and grabbing Liam. "Thanks for everything, Debs." Ian says before walking out of the house. "I'm gonna walk home." Carl informs, "Be careful." I tap his chin gently before following Ian out.

"You alright?" Ian asks, "No clue. You?" I ask, referring to Mickey. He shrugs, "Have you spoke to him?" "No, I don't know what to say." Ian huffs as he sits down in the passenger seat after buckling in Liam. "You should go visit him." I try to persuade. "I can't." Ian sighs, "I can't." He repeats and my hand reaches for his to hold in silent comfort.

I hope Mickey is safe and I hope Ian sees him soon, they need each other. They're good for each other.

Only You - [Lip Gallagher]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu