Fries and Dr. Pepper

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I wake up to the sound of running water and Ian no longer laying beside me. "Ian, you okay?" I ask, sleepily, walking into the bathroom with my eyes half open, "Yeah, I enlisted into the Army and I leave tonight." He confesses and my eyes fully open, "What?" I ask in disbelief, he nods, "I need change." "You have to be 18, right?" I ask, "I found a way around that." Ian looks at me

"You really gotta go?" I ask, he nods, "It's what's best." He kisses my forehead, "I love you, be safe. Call me when you can." I say and hug him one last time before letting him go, "I love you too. If anyone asks, you don't know where I am, got it?" Ian looks me deep in the eyes, he's serious, "Does anyone know?" I ask, he nods, "Mickey but don't tell anyone else no matter what, please." Ian begs, I nod, "Okay, I promise. Be safe." I say, hugging him once more, "Bye Sade." He says and walks downstairs with his duffle bag. I hope he's okay.

"Sadie." I hear Lip's groggy voice as I walk past his room, "Yeah?" I lean against his door frame, "Come lay with me." He says, opening his arms, "Sure." I say softly as I crawl into his embrace, nuzzling close. "Thank you." Lip says, squeezing me, "For?" I ask, "Getting me into college and actually giving a shit." He smiles as he looks into my eyes, "I'll always give a shit." I smiled and before I knew it our lips were crashing together once again, sparks flew out of my skin like the first time all over again. Soon into our makeout session, Lip and I are having sex, I beat myself up inside for giving in but I also am thanking myself for giving in, I missed his sex but I missed him most of all.


Lip and I finally started our semesters in college! I'm a University of Chicago double majoring in Law and Forensics. It's been okay so far; only week two but I love my classes and hate most of the students here. Lip has been struggling, he's not used to people actually being smart all around him, he also hates change and this is huge for him. I'm proud of him for sticking in there though, I'm sure my daily visits help keep him sane, the only thing that hasn't changed for him is me.

"Your roomie's girlfriend HATES you." I tease him as his roommate and roommate's girl leave the dorm, "She's a raging cunt." Lip says as he rolls his weed, "How was class?" Lip asks me as I throw my bag on the floor, "Fine, long," I huff, "I'm so glad I don't have a roomie, I'd probably jump out of my window; head first." I say as I lay in his bed, "How was class for you?" I ask, playing with the hem on his shirt, "Fine." Lip says as he takes a drag from his blunt, "I have work study in a few, gonna hang around until I'm off or do you have to go?" He turns to face me, "When are you out, 7?" I ask, he nods, "I'll wait up for you, I don't have class tomorrow. You think you can bring me-" "Fries and a Dr. Pepper?" He cuts me off, knowing exactly what I wanted, "Am I that predictable?" I smile and sit up, resting my head on his shoulder, "I just know what my girl likes." Lip teases, "Not your girl anymore, just friends." I insist, "Yeah yeah." Lip rolls his eyes and puts out his blunt, "See you when I get out?" Lip asks, standing up, I nod, "See you later." I say, scooting up on his bed to lay properly, "I'll be here." I say, spreading my arms across his small twin bed.


"How was work study?" I ask as Lip storms in the room, he looks annoyed, "People here are so ignorant and spoiled bitches." Lip sighs and sits down on his bed, handing me my Dr. Pepper and fries, "Thank you." I take them from him gently, sitting up, "Wanna go out to eat?" I offer, "Can't, I have an early class." He sighs, "Tomorrow?" He suggests and I nod as I eat my cold fries with barbeque sauce, "Want one?" I offer and he opened his mouth and I placed a fry smothered in barbeque sauce into his mouth, "I see you've been sleeping with my One Direction blanket." I smirk as I point out my pinky blanket on his bed, "You left it here and it's warm." He justified, "No, you just secretly like them but don't want to admit it." I poke his sides, "No fucking way." He chuckles, "You're the creepy obsessed one." He throws the blanket at my face, "And I will be forever." I say, covering myself with the blanket, "No, they'll break up soon and you'll be over it." "And if they break up it's your fault and I will hate you forever." I joke, "You could never hate me forever." Lip says, cockily as he lays on top of me, "Don't push it, Gallagher." I say, "Or else what?" He smirks before kissing my neck softly, "Lip, not tonight." I push him off, "It was an accident last time, we can't fuck; that defeats the whole point of us being broken up." I sigh and sit up, "One more time?" Lip asks, "Fuck it." I mutter before our lips smash together and I start riding him.


"Why can't we just get back together?" Lip asks as he gets ready for class, "Because you can't do commitment." I say, "You can only stay committed to chasing something you want but as soon as you get it you take it for granted." I sigh, "See you after class, breakfast?" Lip asks and I nod, "Have a good class." I say as I get under his covers again, shielding the cold air from the window.

All of a sudden I got woken up to the sound of his roomie and the girlfriend giggling. I groan and throw the blanket off of me, "Jesus Christ, can't you dry hump each other in her room?" I scoff and stand up, grabbing my bag, putting on my shoes and jacket then storming out to find Lip. After hearing them dry hump each other for two hours last night, I've had enough; they are so weird.

As I was storming down Lip's hallway I accidentally bumped into him, "Shit, you okay?" Lip says as he grabs me, "Your roommate is fucking weird." I scoff, "Tell me about it." Lip chuckles and wraps his arm around me, "You alright?" I ask as I notice the stress vein sticking out of his neck, "Yeah, why?" "Seem stressed." I shrug and continue to walk with him down the hall, "I'm alright." He sighs, "Can we take a rain check on breakfast?" Lip asks and I nod, "That's fine, see you later, I gotta get back to school." I say then get on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek, "This is all new to us, don't get so worked up about stuff, you're smart–you'll figure it out." I reassure him, he nods softly, "Be safe, text me when you make it to your dorm alright?" he says while gripping my hips comfortably, I nod and move from his grip, "Love you." I say just before walking away.


"Hey sweet thang." The most annoying person, if you can even call him a person, Brian Jones says, leaning in front of my dorm door, "Don't call me that." I scoff, "Can you move?" I sigh, "You inviting me in?" "No." I say, crossing my arms. "Then no." He says, imitating my move. I let out a long sigh before turning on my heel and walking away, "Can't avoid me forever!" He calls to me, "But I will do my best." I mutter to myself as I walk to my counselor's office.

I gently knock on his door, hoping for a response, "Come in!" I hear his raspy voice through the door, "Thank god." I groan as I walk in and plop down on his couch, "What's going on Mitchell?" He asks, putting down his sandwich and wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Jones again." I sigh, "Need me to walk you to your room?" He asks, I nod, "But not yet, I need a minute." "What's up?" He stands up and leans against the front of his desk; Mr. Martin was around my age, 26 specifically. He's a first year counselor and he's so sexy, I couldn't hurt Lip like that or myself–I've seen his bulge; it's huge. "Sadie?" He calls my name, breaking my deep thought, "Oh, uh, yeah. It's about Lip again. You know I love and care about him so much but everytime we got together he treated me the way he did." "He asked to get back together again?" I nod, "What'd you say?" He asks, crossing his arms, "I said no, but, I love him and I always question 'what if this time he's changed?'." I sigh, "You know he won't, Sadie. Trust me, I was in college not too long ago, I'm also in my twenties and I get how guys this age think. You're a pretty girl, you can do so much better than him." He says, slightly tapping my chin, "Buck up kid, there's other fish in the sea." Mr. Martin says as he adjusts himself and sits back down behind his desk, "I guess." I sigh then stand up, "I'll see you later." I grab the door handle and he stops me, "You need me to walk you?" He asks and I shake my head, "I'll be alright." I say softly to him before shutting his door behind me and hurrying to my room.

Once I lock the door behind me I take my phone out to text Lip; 'In my dorm, I'm safe you can relax now.' I smile as I send the text, I know he's been staring at his phone since I left; he worries a lot especially since we don't live together anymore and he can't stalk me as much as he used to. 'Love you.' I read the notification pop up on my lock screen and softly smiled to myself; that smile slowly turned into a sigh, I love you too, sadly. I thought to myself, Why do I have to love the person that hurts me the most?

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