it's complicated

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"Where are you going?" Parker asks, groggily as he stands shirtless in his doorway. "I have to go pick up Liam and bring him to school." I say, locking my door behind me. "This early?" "Yes, I have to drive to south side, pick him up–make sure he's ready first because who knows if Fi or Ian got him ready and then bring him and hurry back here for my 10am." "It's six in the morning." "It's a Gallagher house." I chuckle and walk away, "See you later." I call out to him, "Bye pretty girl." He says. It's weird, those compliments use to make me feel like I was floating, now I feel nothing.


"Liam, are you-" I'm stopped in my tracks when I walk into the Gallagher house to see Monica standing in the kitchen, "Holy. Shit." I mutter. "Sadie! Sweetie!" She walks to me with open arms, "Hi?" I question, "What are you doing back?" I ask, helping Liam put on his jacket. "Just to see everybody, I missed you all." She smiles and looks at Debbie, "Oh shit, Debs. I didn't even see you there." I say, hugging her, "How're you feeling?" I ask, Derek's mom stole Franny. "I feel like a part of my body's been chopped off." She huffs, "Want me to go talk to them?" "No, no use." She sighs. "Call me if you need me." I kiss her forehead, "Good luck." I say, referring to Monica and Franny. "Come on Liam, let's go to school." I open my arm for him to walk beside me. "Kev?" I question as I see him laying on the couch, "Why aren't you at your house?" "Lana is freaking me out and I think V loves her more than me." He explains, "I don't have time for this right now. Bye, love you." I roll my eyes and leave with Liam.

"Who is that lady?" Liam asks me, "That is your mom." "Really?" He looks up at me, "Sadly." I say opening the backseat door for him. "Why don't I know her but I know Frank?" He further asks me, "Because she left but that doesn't matter baby, she'll be gone soon anyway." "Why?" "That's what she does, nobody knows why." I explain to him and he's silent, "You okay?" I ask, looking at him through the rear view, "Yeah." He shrugs, looking out the window. Poor baby.


"So how was your 'Gallagher house' and class?" Parker asks, following me into my dorm, "Weird and fine." "Why weird?" "Their mom is home." "So?" "You wouldn't understand." I wave it off and throw my backpack on my desk chair. "Explain to me so I can." He says, laying on my bed. "Um, can't do that. Not my trauma to tell." I pat his calf. Just then my phone starts to ring, "One sec." I say to Parker, "Kev?" I question, "Yeah, what building are you in? I've never been to your school before, this is trippy." "Why are you here?" I question, peaking out of my blinds to see Kev walking around aimlessly, "I see you, I'm coming down now." I say, hanging up. "Who's that?" Parker asks, "My kinda sorta dad. Complicated. I'll be back." I huff, closing my cardigan and rushing down to meet Kev.

"What's going on?" I ask Kev, "What do I do about the Lana V thing?" He asks, "You came all the way up here for that?" I ask as we walk around campus, "Yes and I kinda wanted to see where my baby girl is staying." He nudges my side. "We can talk up in my dorm but you will not be staying here and becoming the rape walker again." I wave my finger in his face, scolding him for what he did at Lip's school. "I won't!" He throws his hands up in surrender. "Good, come on." I say, leading him up to my dorm.

"Jesus put on a shirt!" I yell at Parker who is still laying on my bed, "Did I interrupt something?" Kev asks, embarrassed. "No, he's just in here. Parker, can you give me a minute?" I huff and point to his dorm, "Please." "Hi Mr. Sadie's kinda sorta dad." Parker smiles as he walks by Kev, "Hi?" Kev responds. "Who is that boy?" Kev yell whispers as he shuts the door. "A boy I went on a date with that's it." "A date? With a boy who is my height? Also who isn't Lip?" Kev rambles, "Not about me, about you and V and Svet." I change the subject, "Right. So, I just want V but V wants me and Lana not just me." Kev says, sitting on my bed. "Well, Svet is convenient. She watches babies, she runs the bar-" "She also lied to us about that man being her dad and it is actually her husband and said husband disappeared and I don't know what happened to him and she fake stole my titty van!" Kev exclaims. "Okay so that is a little much also makes sense why he tried to sell me." I say, realizing why 'grandpa' was so weird. "He did what?" Kev exclaims, "Forget it. I think you should show V Svet's true colors. Make her realize that Svet is being a little weird. There's something going on. She's Slavic, there's always something going on." "Isn't that a little racist?" Kev asks and I shake my head, "Kev, I'm Slavic. I'm Polish. Polish and Sicilian, you didn't know that?" "I don't know what I know anymore." Kev says, rubbing his face. "Thanks for listening." He says, hugging me and kissing the top of my head. "Call me next time." I say as he goes to walk out of my room, "Will do." He smiles and leaves my dorm.

"I'm Polish too." Parker comes into my dorm and my face scrunches in shock, "You were listening?" I exclaim, "Sorry." He acts innocent. "I gotta go." I say, grabbing my bag and my backpack. "Where are you going?" "Home." I say as I leave my dorm, "Out." I pull Parker out and lock my door behind us. "See you later?" He asks, "I don't have class tomorrow, that was also a violation of my privacy and weird, no." I explain and storm off.


'It's October and I'm still in love with you and you will always be my favorite person, no matter what happens.' I write in my journal as I sit in the boys' old room, where it all started. I've been writing in this journal for awhile now, it helps from it all bottling up and exploding, it also helps me express my feelings for Lip without physically doing anything or acting out on my thoughts.

"Ian! Sadie! Get out here!" I hear Fiona call, "What the hell?" I ask myself as I hurry downstairs. "What happened?" I ask Ian as I throw on my cardigan, "No fucking clue." Ian huffs as we walk outside. "Are you Ian Gallagher and Sadie Mitchell?" The man asks as he stands strong on the walkway, "Yes, why?" I ask, "Yes." Ian says hesitantly, "It says on record here you both visited Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich on multiple occasions, however Sadie Mitchell was the last to see him, is that correct?" The officer asks, Ian secretly pinches my leg; Mickey fucking escaped. "Yes, sir." We both say in unison; my stomach is in knots, "What happened, is he okay?" I ask, concerned. "Has he contacted you within the last 24 hours?" He asks, "No sir." Ian responds, "No, I haven't spoke to him since our last visit." "He escaped last night." The man speaks; I could be sick. No way he did this. No way. I look over at Ian, he looks paler than ever. I warned him. Mickey warned me.

"If he tries to contact either of you, give me a call." The man says handing us each a card. "Will do." Ian says, walking back into the house. "Ian, what the fuck do we do?" I ask, following him in, "We? No, I'm not getting involved in his shit." Ian waves his finger in my face, "Ian, you know he's going to try and contact you." I bring him to reality, "Fuck no." Ian says and runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm going to bed." He says, going upstairs.

What the fuck, Milkovich.

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