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"Kid's got a set of lungs." Fiona's boyfriend, Sean, says as Lip and I descend the stairs, "I slept right through it." I gloat as I grab the orange juice, "Lucky you." Fiona mutters tiredly, "How long do you think she can go for?" Fiona adds as Frances' screaming echoes in the background, "She stopped for like a half an hour last night." Lip says, "So glad I moved back home, don't want to miss this." He adds sarcastically, "Sounds like a hunger cry." Fiona sighs, "She won't let anyone help her, I've already tried." I scoff, "She's not eating, sleeping, showering. Someone needs to do something." Fiona sighs as she leans against the counter, coffee in hand. "She has the postpartum thing." Lip says, pouring Liam some juice and kissing my cheek, "What's up with you two?" Fiona's boyfriend asks, "Friends." I blurt out "Married without the documents." Lip says with a smile, "Definitely not that." I chuckle and everyone walks out of the room leaving Lip, Liam and I.

"You're still not budging?" Lip groans, "Lip, it's been what? Two years of us not being together. It's not happening. You made your bed-" "And you still lay in it." He smirks, "Fuck off." I say, throwing one singular Froot Loop at him causing Liam to giggle and run away, "Come here, silly." Lip says, chasing Liam. He's so good with him, it makes my heart melt.

"I'll pay." I hear Frank's voice, the words I never thought I'd hear out of his mouth cause me to walk into the living room, "What did I just hear?" I ask with a mouthful of soggy Froot Loops, "I said I'll pay for Fiona's wedding." Frank repeats, "In money." Fiona scoffs, "Yup, cash, dinero, greenbacks." Frank rambles on, "Hey, if you're catching up on this dad shit, you can cover my tuition." Lip chimes in as he ties Liam's shoes. "I never had a sweet sixteen, could throw me one after the wedding." Fiona smiles sarcastically. "Has anyone seen Carl?" I change the subject, realizing his absence by the lack of smart mouth comebacks. "Yeah, he left about a half hour ago, while you were showering." Lip explains and I frown, "He could've said bye." I mutter to myself. He always says bye even through the door. "I think he just wanted to sleep in peace." Lip explains and zips up Liam's jacket, "Come on kid, let's go." Frank says, guiding Liam towards the door, "No, he's got head start." Fiona argues, "That's where we're going!" Frank rolls his eyes and walks away. "White rose for my boutonnière." He adds as he closes the back door.

"Hey Debs." I greet her, grabbing everyone's attention off the back door, "Where you going?" Fiona asks with a smile as she walks past all of us. "School. Missed a ton, gotta catch up." She's blunt, "Debs, let me watch the baby." I offer, "No, I don't need anyone's help. This is my baby and I'm going to take care of her." Debbie yells at us, "Have fun." Fiona says and walks away, "Let me at least take you, it's too cold to walk with a baby." Fiona's boyfriend offers, "No." Debbie says, putting on her jacket. "Hey Lip, I gotta get to class. You want to study in the library or something?" I ask Lip and he nods, "Yeah." He grabs his backpack and our jackets then walks out to my car, "And Debs, call me if you need anything. Good luck." I say to her softly as I grab my backpack and head towards the front door.

"Drop me off at the Alibi? I can get a few drinks and do some TA work." "Sure, make sure to do your work. I have an 8am and a 10am but I'll be out by 12, want to study later?" I ask as I drive towards the Alibi, "Study study or study?" "Study study, asshole." I slap his stomach gently, "Don't be gross." I insist. "Alright alright." He chuckles, "Bye, love you." I say once I pull in front of the Alibi, "I love you too." Lip says, gently grabbing my chin and kissing me passionately, "Married without the papers." Lip smiles and quickly gets out, "You're delusional, Lip Gallagher." I say out the window as I drive off.


"Hey," I greet Lip and Debbie as I walk into the kitchen, "Hi Franny." I cooed at her as I see Lip playing with her, "Franny?" Debbie asks, "Yeah, cuter than Frances. Sorry Debs." I awkwardly chuckle, hoping I didn't piss her off, "I like that." She smiles softly then turns back to her stack of papers on the counter, "I hate this." She groans. "What's going on?" I ask, "I got kicked out of school and I was told to join this program for mothers called distance learning. It's bullshit." She complains, "What subject are you stuck on?" I ask, gently taking Franny from Lip's arms, "Hi baby." I softly coo, "English." She groans, "Lip, you're up. I suck at English." I softly laugh, stepping away so Lip can come over.

"I just worry about everything. SIDS, jaundice, germs, reflux. I keep a mirror by my bed and check her breath 10 times a night." Debbie confesses, "I get it. Being a new mom is one of the most difficult things. It takes a village to raise a baby, please stop taking all of this responsibility on your own Debs. We're here for you." I say as I'm rocking back and forth, putting Frances to sleep. "Wow, how did you do that?" Debbie asks in amazement as the baby is almost out cold, "Pat the butt to the rhythm of your rocking." I informed her, "It works for puppies and kittens too." I smile at her softly.

"Oh we get to touch her now?" Frank asks happily as he walks inside, "Stop you're filthy!" Debbie exclaims, Frank looks slightly offended as he goes to wash his hands, "Have you talked to Derek yet?" Lip asks, "Not yet, I'm hoping he'll call." Debbie sighs, "Parents?" I ask, still rocking her, "They hate me." "What kind of man turns his back on his family?" Frank scoffs. I furrow my eyebrows and look at both Lip and Debbie in confusion, "Come here you!" Frank coos excitedly as he takes Franny from me, "Careful!" Debbie panics, "Debs, he's alright." I comfort her, "How are you little Gallagher?" Frank gently rocks her, "How are you? It's your grandpa." Frank introduces himself and she begins to slightly fuss, Debbie is on edge, "Debs, breathe." I whisper to her.

"Gotta start pinching pennies around here." Carl says coming in with a bag of stuff, "Diapers are like thirty bucks and formula is like twenty five a box." Carl groans, "Debs let me help you pay for stuff." I insist, "No, my baby, my responsibility." "Debs, village." I remind her as I slide her a few hundred. "Thanks, Sade." "Why did you get formula?" Debs asks Carl, "Because, Franny isn't getting enough food." I blurt out, "What do you mean? I feed her all the time!" Debbie gets defensive, "Debs, she needs formula. That's why she doesn't stop crying." I say and she storms off, taking Franny from Frank. "Good going." Frank scoffs and walks out.

Postpartum depression is dangerous, Debbie needs help. But how?

Only You - [Lip Gallagher]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें