when life gives you lemons

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Lip quickly walks by me and I get a whiff of girl shampoo that isn't mine. "You showered with her?" I chuckle to myself, "Why wouldn't I? She's pregnant with my kid." Lip scoffs and I shake my head and wave him off–he's right but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. "Sadie, I don't love her. I can't but I have to be there for my child." Lip says, "She shouldn't even be pregnant, Lip." "I didn't mean to." "It shouldn't have even been an option for there to be an accident." "We weren't together and I didn't mean to cum inside her. I just haven't had sex in so long it just happened." "You're right. Sorry. I'm sorry for being a bitch. I'm actually happy for you, you're gonna be a great dad." I choke out before leaving the house. "Sadie, no." Lip grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug, the smell of another woman's body wash and shampoo suffocates me. "Fuck off. Don't fucking hug me when you smell like someone else." "Shit, sorry." "You don't fucking get how in love with you I was Lip, this isn't easy for me can't you just leave me alone?" I questioned. "This isn't easy for me either, Sadie. I'm stuck with a girl I don't love and don't think I can because I'm just so stuck on you." "Don't blame this shit on me you fucking asshole." I shove him as hard as I can before walking away. "Don't you dare blame me for this." I repeat silently, wiping my face and running my fingers through my hair in a stressed out manner. I can't do this anymore. "Yo, what's the problem?" Kev steps out onto his porch and asks with much protection in his tone, "It's nothing." Lip says, backing away, turning and jogging off. "Sade, what's going on?" He asks, "Lip got her pregnant." I sob and he walks down, pulling me into his embrace. "Shit." Kev mutters as he rubs the back of my head. "What's going on?" V asks, "Oh, baby." She empathizes and I feel her wrap her arms around me as I continue to sob into Kev's chest. "Do you want to come live with us?" Kev asks, "Kev, we don't have room." V says, "It's fine. I wouldn't ever ask you guys to do that. I know your hands are full with the girls and Santiago." "And his sister." Kev adds. They're having two new people but can't have me? Cool. "Kev." V says between her teeth and smacks his arm. "It's okay, I'll be fine." I say, sniffling and wiping my face. "Sade, can you help me sell lemonade so I can make money for Debbie?" Liam asks at the most perfect time "I can just give you the seventy but if you insist on being independent, sure." I sniffle once more and walk towards him, "Bye, love you." I quickly say to Kev and V, "You okay?" Liam asks once I'm closer to him "Yeah, I'm fine." I smile softly and nod before a taxi pulls up, "Is Ingrid here with Frank?" A man asks, "Who's asking?" I grow defensive. "I'm her ex husband, Randy, and she needs my help, she's unmedicated and Frank is enabling her." "He enables everyone." I huff and walk in the house right behind Liam. "Can I come in?" "I don't care." I roll my eyes and leave the door open behind me for him.

Just as I plopped onto the couch to mope, there was a knock on the door. I scoff as I get up and answer it, my eyes widen as I see a disheveled and dirty Xan. "Holy shit" I pull her into a hug and she holds me, crying softly. "Is Lip here? I'm sorry for leaving." She sniffles and I wipe her tears. "He left but we can wait inside for him or out here. It's kinda chaotic in there." I quickly wash my sadness away for her, she needs someone right now more than I need to be sad. "Outside is okay." She sniffles once more, nods and sits on the steps. I gently close the door behind me and sit next to her. "What happened?" "I didn't know where else to go." She says quietly "Where's your mom?" "I don't know. I waited at the motel for her for a couple days then a truck stop she usually works at but she never showed" She shrugs. "You ready?" Liam asks me, "Sorry babe, I gotta wait for Lip to come home." I say and nod towards Xan, "That's okay, I think I can handle it on my own." Liam smiles softly, "Sorry, I can come tomorrow. I promise." "Thanks." He says and walks away carrying his box of lemons and a pitcher. "You can go." Xan says and I shake my head, "Need to make sure you're safe and I can only ensure that if Lip is here. Anything happen at the truck stop that you wanna tell me about?" "No, nothing. You've been crying?" She asks, changing the topic and I sigh, "You sure? And Lip got that girl pregnant." "The one from the wedding?" She asks and I nod, "He's so stupid." She rolls her eyes. "Xan?" Lip shouts through the passenger side window of Tami's car. Tami is glaring at him, Tami hates Xan. "She didn't know where to go." I explain and he gets out and walks over to us. "I gotta go help Liam." I say "You didn't fucking call me?" Lip yells at "I told her not to!" Xan defends me, "Don't yell at her." She punches his stomach. "You need me to stay, Xan?" I ask and she shakes her head, "Come find me if you need me, okay?" I say to her and she smiles softly before I rush to go find Liam.

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