manic meanie

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I wake up to the sound of Lip shuffling around getting ready, "Sorry, did I wake you?" Lip asks as I sit up, "No." I say, sleepily rubbing my eyes. "I wanted to let you sleep, you had a long day." Lip speaks softly. "Is Debs okay?" I changed the topic, "Yeah, she went to the hospital, got stitched up and she has a boot on now." Lip explains to me and I nod, pushing away my loose slept in curls. "Gu-" Carl rushes into our room, "Sade, what's wrong?" He stops his original sentence, "I'm fine, what's up?" I ask him, "You gotta cover for me and tell Kassidi I'm in the shower." Carl whispers in a panic, 'Why, what's wrong?" I get up and tuck my curls behind my ears. "I gotta get a new uniform and duffel, she destroyed my other stuff." Carl explains and I nod, "We'll cover for you." I wanted to let him deal with the repercussions of not listening to me but I couldn't, I don't want him to suffer more than he already has been. "Be quick." I say quietly to him as he climbs out the window. "He's fucked." Lip chuckles, "Yeah, she has like a radar for him, she'll find out soon." I sigh.

"Thank you favorite daughter in law." Frank says to Kassidi and I grimace at him as I walk downstairs, "No offense my first favorite daughter in law but you and Lip aren't together anymore so you've been demoted, favorite Gallagher by association." Frank says as he eats his waffles, "I don't know if I'm offended or not." I chuckle, "If you're Frank's favorite anything, I'd be offended. It's Frank." Lip chuckles "Uh, Carl is showering." I tell Kassidi and she nods, "Just whipping up some waffles and bacon, hungry?" She asks, "I'm not, thanks." I smile softly, "Liam is sleeping outside, is that normal?" She asks and I groan, "I'm on it." Lip says, palming my head, grabbing a waffle and raw dogging it as he walks outside. "Why is he outside?" Kassidi asks, "He's been sleep-walking a lot lately." I explain. "And, I know it's none of my business but as a Gallagher now, I kinda wanna know. What's going on with you and Lip? I heard him talking about you the other day to Carl and he seems to be really in love with you but I guess you guys aren't together?" She mutters to me just as he walks inside with Liam, "Sleep walking again, babe?" I ask, avoiding the topic and Liam nods sleepily, "I'll make you an appointment to get that checked out okay?" I ask, kissing his forehead. "No, no doctors he's fine!" Frank waves me off, "Like Debbie's foot?" "The smell is still in here." Lip shudders, "Is that what that is?" Kassidi asks, "Burning flesh." I say in an excited, sarcastic tone.

"I'll get it." I say in response to the knock on the front door only to be met with Fiona on the stairs, "You got that?" She asks and I nod, "You okay?" She asks again, "Yeah, you?" "Barely, but I got my dog back." She smiles and shows me Rusty, "I was so worried about him." I pet him quickly before there is another knock. "Jesus, impatient." Fiona scoffs and opens the door, revealing Trevor and both of our expressions soften, "Hey, what's up?" I ask, "Is Ian here?" He asks and I shake my head, "No, I haven't seen him since yesterday. He did call me at some point last night but I was dealing with my own shit I guess you can say." I roll my eyes, "Have the police been here yet?" Trevor asks and my heart sinks into my stomach, "What?" Fiona and I ask in sync, "Do you guys have a minute to come look?" Trevor asks and I nod, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on. "Everything okay?" Lip asks, "Yeah, go to work. We're fine." I instruct him as I follow Trevor out.

I knew it, I knew shit would hit the fan. I knew he was lying about taking his meds. I knew he was going manic again. Fuck, why didn't he come to me? I tried to reach out to him but he just would tell me it's all okay and he liked being the "Gay God" and to just help people, but he needed to help himself.

I gasp at the sight of a burnt van, "Ian did this?" I ask, shocked and appalled. "Yeah, trying to prove a point about that kid who was getting kidnapped by his own father." Trevor mutters and shows me the video, "Holy shit." Fiona mutters as she tries to call Ian again, "His phone is off." I huff and show her my undelivered text messages. "Shit." She huffs. "Is he off his meds?" Fiona asks me and Trevor, "I'm not sure." He says, "He says he's taking them but this whole thing he's been doing is really reminding me of Monica." I explain and she nods, "Me too, ever since he started to protest against me I knew something was up but last time any of us got too involved he ran away and went AWOL." Fiona explains, stressed out. What the fuck, Ian.

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