blame game

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I wake up laying on Lip's bare chest, I gently trace his triangle tattoo before getting up, I miss laying with him. I slowly remove myself from his grasp so I don't wake him up but it doesn't work, his eyes open quickly, "Is everything okay?" He whispers in a panic, "Yeah, I just wanted to go downstairs and check if my dad was here." I whisper back and he nods, "If he touches you, scream." Lip says, he looks exhausted, "Were you up all night?" I ask, he nods and runs his fingers through his hair, "Making sure your dad didn't come in here or realize you were home." Lip confessed and props himself up on his elbows, I gently caressed his cheek before quietly sneaking into my dad's room; clear. I creep downstairs to see my dad sitting at the table, he looks depressed. I stand there for a moment, contemplating if I should talk to him, he looks really sad. I let out a sigh as I brace myself to walk into the kitchen, "Daddy?" I call his name, his head jolts up and he rushes over to me, "Where have you been?" He slightly yells, I made the wrong decision, "I-I, Jasmine is back and I have been staying with her." I lie and his expression drops, "Your sister is here? What about Kevin?" My dad asks, I shrug, "He was here but I'm not sure if he still is." I say and my dad heads towards the door, "Green house, two streets over." I say to him and he rushes out. I shrug and walk back upstairs to see Lip finally asleep, I decide to let him sleep and go have a shower.

As I'm washing my hair I hear my bathroom door close, I jump a little and open the shower curtain to see Lip, "Just me." He smiles and starts taking his pants off, "Mind if I come in?" He asks as his boxers drop, I shake my head and he steps in, "I've missed you." Lip says as he helps rinse my hair, "We've been together like everyday the past like two weeks." I say, handing him body wash for himself, "Sadie, I mean I miss us together, I miss having you as my girlfriend, we broke up four and a half months ago and it's been the worst shit ever." Lip says, switching spots with me so he's now in the water, "We still are the same, just no title, thought you liked that better." I roll my eyes, "No, fuck, Sade. I love titles with you, I love the shit out of you." He says to me, "Then why did you always choose someone else?" I ask, the water droplets on my face mask my tears, "Because I'm a fucking idiot who was too scared to have something so good because no way can a Gallagher have a good relationship." Lip says and holds my face, "You are what I want and will always want, no matter how much fucked shit I do I will always want you." Lip says, "I don't just want to be your second option, that's how you make me feel." I say and switch places again so I can rinse my soapy body. "I don't want to make you feel like that." Lip says, "Then how do you want to make me feel?" I turn and face him, he picks me up by my hips and I wrap my legs around him as we make out passionately. Even though I want to stop, I can't, I want him and I'm so addicted to him. Each time he slams me down into his dick, I get more and more addicted, "Harder." I moan into his ear as I grip the back of his neck, he listens and both our loud moans fill my bathroom.

Once we finish we dry off in my room, "Hey, I have school today, you gonna be alright by yourself?" I ask as I put my clothes on, he nods, "Yeah, I'm gonna stop by Sheila's see how the baby is doing." He says, getting dressed, "Okay." I say as I quickly double french braid my wet hair, "You're gonna make a really great dad one day, I'm sorry your baby mom is such a bitch and you can't be a great dad now but one day, when you don't have a shitty baby mom; I know you'll do great." I smile and pat his chest as I walk downstairs to go to school.

Before school I stop by the Gallaghers, "Hey, how's Lip?" Fiona asks me, I nod, "Alright I guess, he crashed at my place yesterday, he's off to Sheila's now." I say, she nods, "You try to convince him?" Fiona asks, "I've tried for weeks, he wants to be a full time dad which makes no sense because she's giving it away, his pride I guess." I explain as I walk to the kitchen, "Is Deb's making cookies?" I ask but before Fiona could answer, I'm faced with Monica, "Hi, what's your name again?" She asks me as she is holding a tray of cookies, I look at Fiona wide eyed, "Uh, Sadie, Lip's friend." I explained, "Oh, the girlfriend who yelled at Bob a lot." Monica says and puts the tray on the stove, I nod, "Yup." I say awkwardly, "Debs, Ian, Carl, school!" I call for them so I can hurry up and leave. "Hey, Carl has a game after school, you'll be there?" Fiona asks me, "Of course." I smile and leave with the kids for school.

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