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Here's some egg whites and toast." I say as I hand Ian his breakfast, "Doing okay?" I ask as he buckles his pants, "Don't want to talk about it." He says, quickly eating. "Don't you have class today? It's Friday." He asks, "Nope, I'm off Fridays. I was thinking of walking to work with you then going to Patsy's to check on Lip without really checking on him." "Yeah, he's been drinking his ass off." Ian huffs and puts his plate in the sink, "Ready?" He asks and I nod.

As soon as we walk outside a really sketchy hooded man bumps into Ian and I, "What the hell?" I mutter, rubbing my shoulder, "What's your problem?" Ian shouts at the man as he continues walking. All of a sudden a phone rings at our feet, "Should we answer?" I ask as we look down at it, "Hello?" Ian asks into the phone, his expression drops, "Who is it?" I ask, "Mickey." He whispers as he closes the flip phone and drops it in the sewer. "He wants to meet me at the south shore docks in an hour." "I'm coming." "Sadie, you can't risk your college career like that. They catch you with a fugitive you're dead." "I don't care, I need to see him." I insist and he sighs, "Fine. I'm going to work, I'll play sick in about 40 minutes, I'll meet you there. One hour but if shit gets hot I need you to go." He fathers me, "Okay, okay. Since when did you become father Gallagher?" I roll my eyes. "Since you don't care about what happens to you, so someone has to." Ian says, "Not the time for trauma therapy sessions." I wave him off, "See you in an hour."


As I'm sitting at the docks, the same blue sketchy van has been circling. I'm getting slightly nervous since I'm alone, Jesus Ian where are you?

"You okay?" Ian asks as he walks up to me, "Yeah just getting creeped out." I say, folding my arms in front of myself. "Why?" Just as Ian asks the same sketchy van pulls up in front of us and one man aggressively snatches Ian and gently scoops me up putting us in the back of the van, "Okay the what fuck?" I say as they're gently holding my hands behind my back and have me sitting down. "Why does he have a blindfold?" I ask, "And what the fuck?" I try to wiggle from their grip but they tighten, "Fine, I won't move." I huff. This has to be Mickey, they're being too gentle and circled until Ian got here, it has to be. I hope it is.

After a lot of rough turns and stops Ian is thrown out of the van and I'm gently placed out, "You didn't have to be so aggressive with him!" I shout as they drive off. I then help Ian up. "Why aren't you all roughed up?" Ian asks as he takes his blindfold off, "Because," I say and nod towards the silhouette standing under the bleachers.

Mickey told me he'd do something crazy, I figured this was his doing after they gently grabbed me.

I smile and run over to him, "Mickey!" I say as he picks me up for a big hug, "How'd you like my plan?" He smiles, "I fucking hated it." Ian says, shoving him, making him put me down. "The fuck is up with the blindfold?" Ian shouts, "The fuck is up with you being late?" Mickey shoves him back, "Guys! Shut the fuck up!" I shout over them, "You knew about the plan?" Ian yells at me, "No I just was told he was getting out and he was going to do something crazy to see us." I explain, "You could've had them be a little gentle with Ian by the way, they were really mean." I say, "They hurt you?" Mickey asks and I shake my head, "Then we're fine." "Fuck you." Ian says, shoving him once more. "In our old spot?" Mickey smirks as he grabs his beer and sips it, "Went all official on me." He says, sitting down, "EMT, aren't you so proud of him." I say, admiring Ian in his uniform. "So what now?" Ian asks, "Lay low with my cellmate, Damon." Mickey says nodded towards the man standing at the other end of the bleachers. "Cops come talking to either of you?" Mickey asks us and I nod, "Last night." "Think we'd snitch?" Ian scoffs, Mickey hesitates for a moment, "Look, I'm getting some new IDs, some cash and I'm heading to Mexico." Mickey explains, "Wow." Ian huffs, "And a haircut?" I tease, his hair is so long and he has facial hair, "Fuck off, Mitch." He says quickly, followed with a small smile; he knows I'm sensitive. "You should come." Mick speaks to Ian. Ian chuckles nervously. "I thought about you a lot inside." Mickey says as he caresses Ian's cheek, "Think about it." Mickey says as his cellmate whistles for him. "How can we find you?" I ask him as he's walking away, "Look up." He says as he gets into the van and Damon drives off.

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