can't be friends

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"Are you sure you're okay going to this?" Ian asks me as he buttons his shirt, I nod as I push my boobs up in my dress, "Definitely." I say with a smile, "Where's Lip?" I ask as we walk downstairs, "He left a while ago, he was already drunk." Fiona says, "Oof." I say and help Debbie put her hair into a bun, "Are we ready?" I ask, "Yes, let's go." Fiona says and we all head over to Sheila's. "Excuse me, ma'am, what are you wearing?" Kev asks me like a concerned father, "Um, my dress." I say, walking to his truck, "Yeah, no." He says and pulls it up, covering my cleavage, "Better." He smiles and kisses the top of my head, "Glad you're feeling better though, you sure you're up for this?" he asks, I roll my eyes, "Yes! Everyone keeps asking me, I'm fine. Lip is a big boy, he can handle himself." I say walking to Sheila's with Ian and Fiona. Carl and Debbie went in the truck with Kev and V.

As I'm sitting with Kev, V, and Fi; Jimmy walks in, "Oh my god you're here?" I say to him, walking over and giving him a hug, "Fiona already knows I'm back in town so why not right?" Jimmy whispers to me, I nod, "You guys fucked already didn't you?" I whisper back and he pushes me away, "Goodbye, Sadie." he says and walks over to Fiona. My eyes quickly search for Ian, I find him and hurry to him, "Hey." I say to him, "You alright?" he asks, I nod, "Good." he says, popping the last pig in a blanket in his mouth, "Did you down all of those?" I laugh, he smiles and shakes his head, "Kev put them in Veronica's bag." He says to me, making me laugh, "No way." I say in disbelief, grabbing a cup of punch.

As I take a sip I glance over at the door, Lip is here, I smack Ian's chest a little too hard, "What the hell?" Ian says, I point to the door discreetly , "No way." Ian chuckles. Fiona goes up to him, he walks away from her and right past me to his grandma, he got more alcohol, I sigh, "Jeez, Lip." I mutter to myself, "Don't worry about him." Ian says and pulls me away from him. Just as we moved away from him, glass starts tinkling, I look towards the sound hoping it's not Lip. I'm relieved to see Sheila at the bottom of her staircase, "Quiet, please." She says in a whisper, "Quiet, everybody!" Jody slightly yells, "I'm sorry that I didn't make it all the way down the stairs today but, baby steps!" She says and Jody cheers for her, I feel Lips eyes burning into the side of my face, I shuffle uncomfortably, hugging Ian's arm. "Oh, my Karen, my baby all grown up. I so wish your father could have been here today. I wish he could have seen you, our sweet girl all grown up. I know he would be so proud of his grandbaby. No matter who the father was." Ian wraps his arm around me and rubs my arm, "Except Frank, he hated Frank." Sheila awkwardly laughs, "It couldn't be Frank's because there was no penetration. Eddie didn't like penetration." Sheila over explains and I hide my face into Ian's chest, "He had a funny bump on the side of his penis that we thought was cancer but it turned out I was just being too rough on him, anyway, there's been some obstacles and some pitfalls, she's made some wonderful, wonderful friends along the way; like Lip and all the Gallaghers." My eyes shift over to Lip, he is now looking at Karen and winked at her, he is so drunk, "People I just used to only know as the ones in that house where the cops always came." Sheila is still going, "Jesus, is that bitch ever gonna shut up?" Grammy Gallagher scoffs, "And Frank's mother, we're just so honored that you're here even though you weren't invited." Sheila says sarcastically, "And you're not really honored, because you're a convicted felon." my hand quickly slaps my mouth in shock, "But you're out now, aren't you? Why did they let you out?" Sheila instigates, "Because you're a loud, mean, vicious bitch." Sheila adds, "Okay mom, let's open presents." Karen says awkwardly "Why don't you do yourself and everyone a favor and shut up?" Grammy Gallagher says, "Have I offended you? In my home, where you're an interloper?" Sheila antagonizes, "No one wants to hear it, you fucking windbag." "Okay mom, let's go upstairs." Karen says walking towards her mother, "She called me a Wacker Driver whore." Sheila complains.

I nudged Frank, "Hello?" I whisper, "Let them work it out." He disregards the situation. "And I don't know how an angel like that man could have come out of your poisoned womb." Sheila yells as Karen is trying to drag her upstairs. "Shut up you batty bitch!" Grammy yells, "You know what? You've got a demon mind and a devil's womb and heart! And your coochie smells of brimstone and sulfur!" Sheila yells and I bite my knuckle so I don't laugh, "I will fuck you up!" Grammy yells and holds her cocked gun up, "Oh shit." I say quickly snapping into fight or flight mode, "Do it!" Sheila shouts and just as Grammy is about to shoot Jimmy pulls the gun towards the ceiling and Tony grabs the gun.

"I need to go outside." I say to Ian, he nods and I walk towards the backyard. As I approach the door I overhear Lip talking, "If that's my baby, I want you to get an abortion. I want nothing to do with you." Karen slaps him and storms off. Lip sighs, "Lip?" I say softly, "Shit, Sade, how long you been standing there?" "Long enough." I say as I sit on the stairs and pat the spot next to me, "So you really don't want anything to do with her?" I ask, he shakes his head, "She was always just an easy fuck I got attached to." "She fucked your dad." Lip sighs and puts his head in his hands, "I fucked up." He mutters into his palms. "Yeah, you did." I rub his back, "But we all do, I forgive you." He looks over at me with tear stained cheeks, "You do?" he asks, I nod, "But, I don't think I can trust you." I confess, he throws his head back and exhales deeply, "What now?" He asks, looking at me again, I shrug, "Friends I guess." I say just as upset as he is, "Sadie, I can't be friends with you. I fucking love you, I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone and that's why I did what I did because I was scared. You scared me, all five foot two of you. Everytime you look at me it sends electricity through my body, you have the best green eyes I've ever seen. Your smile Sade, Jesus Christ that alone does it for me. You're not like other girls and that scared me because every girl I've ever met just wanted to fuck me, nobody loved me the way you do, you actually care about me. I'm sorry but I can't be friends with you." He says through tears, I process what he just said to me, it felt genuine, I hug him. He pulls me into his lap and hugs me tightly, "Sadie, please." He says into my neck. I pull away from him gently and wipe his tears and he wipes mine, "I love you too, Lip." We smile at each other before he hugs me again. "Sadie I swear I won't fuck up again." He says while holding my face, "I'll hold you to that." Ian says out of nowhere, "Fuck off." Lip says, "What you said to Sadie was the most genuine thing I've ever heard you say in all 15 years of my life." Ian says and sits next to us, Lip and I smile, "I'm happy you two are back together, you guys are my rock." Ian admits, "And you three are mine." Fiona says squeezing in between Lip and Ian.

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