little things.

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It's been a week of being with the Gallaghers and I'm starting to feel comfortable being there. Ian came out to me, I feel honored that he trusted me with that secret, I swore not to tell anyone; he's safe with me. Fiona and I are closer than ever, Lip and I have lots of tension; every time we study together I feel him staring at me. I feel the tension and I know he does too, but he has a girlfriend–I couldn't do that to her or myself.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" I ask Lip as I climb up to his bed, sitting next to him, "Better, I can slightly walk on it now." "It's been a week, how?" I chuckle, "I've been through a lot worse." He slides off his bed landing on his better foot first then reaching up to help me down. "Thank you" I nudge his shoulder as I slowly walk down the hallway with him, "No problem, hey, you want to study later?" he offers, "Yeah, want to tonight?" I offer, he nods, "Karen is coming over to watch deadliest catch with us later and Steve is buying burgers but we can study after." Of course she's coming, why do I have to like the boy with the girlfriend. "That's fine." I say trying my best to not sound disappointed. "Sadie, I'm glad you're here, sit have breakfast with us." Steve says handing me and Lip a plate full of food, "Where's Fi?" I ask, "Right here." I hear her behind me, "What's this?" She asks Steve. She looks so happy, I smile at them and go sit next to Lip and Ian. "This is so good Steve." I compliment him, breakfast is my favorite but I haven't had any in ages. "15 minutes until you have to get ready for school." Fi says as she sits down to eat with Steve.


We all walk to school together until Lip walks away from the group to go pick up Karen. I sigh as he walks away and Ian nudges me, "He likes you, a lot. That's why he won't get with you." He whispers to me, "How does that make any sense, Ian?" "He doesn't know how to stay committed to a girl and that's why he's still with Karen, she hooks up with anything that breathes pretty much and Lip doesn't have to stay committed." "I hate it here." I complain and Ian chuckles, "Me too." he says and I rest my head on his shoulder, "The world hates us Ian Gallagher." I joke and wrap my arm around his waist, he wraps his arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry about my brother, you can do a lot better. All he'll do is hurt you." he comforts me, I sigh, "See you later." I say as we walk into school, "Bye, Sade." he says and walks to his locker.

As I walk to mine I see Karen and Lip flirting, I gag to myself as I walk by. "Sadie Mitchell, still too good for me?" the most annoying guy in school, Justin Conrad, comes up to me, I groan and open my locker, "You're such a loser." I mutter. He slams my locker shut and backs me into it, "What did you say, Mitchell?" he basically growls at me. "Yo Justin, is there a problem?" I hear Lip's voice, "No, we're good Lip, don't worry about it." Justin says going toe to toe with Lip, "Don't fucking talk or touch Sadie again, you hear me?" Lip says to him, "What are you gonna do about it?" Justin smirks in his face, oh no. Lip decks him in the jaw then spits on him when he falls then immediately walking away, Karen jogs behind him to catch up with him.


I walk back to the Gallaghers' with Debs and Carl, Ian went to meet Steve at the burger place to grab us some food and Lip is somewhere with Karen. "How was school?" I ask the kids, "Shit." Carl says, "Good." Debbie says, "What happened, Carl first ok?" "The teachers are just bitches they don't let me do anything." he complains, knowing how Carl is, I don't blame them, "I'm sorry, I hate my teachers too. Debbie, why was your day good?" "We had a substitute who just let us watch movies all day." "Sounds fun." I smile at her and we hurry into the house as Frank walks past up, "Hey, is your dad at Alibi?" he asks me with a cigarette in his mouth, "Probably." I say and go into the house leaving the door open because Steve just pulled up. I walk into the house to see Karen and Lip cuddling in the chair, I ignore it, put my backpack on the stairs and sit on the couch, furthest away from Lip.

"Burgers coming through!" Ian says as he digs through the bag, "Bacon cheeseburger only ketchup for Sadie. Just ketchup for Debs." Ian says, "Extra onions, jalapeños?" Steve asks, "Me." Says Veronica, "Make room." She says as she steps over the couch sliding in between Fiona and Carl, "Uh, who's this?" She looks at Karen, "This is Karen." Lip says bringing over napkins, "Hi, nice to meet you." She quickly says, "Shh, shut up." Fiona says as the show starts.

During the show I feel Lip's eyes burning into the side of my face, "I'll be right back." I whisper to Fi and she shoos me off. I get up and go upstairs to the bathroom, I take a deep breath and lean against the sink, "You ok?" Lip's voice startles me, "Holy shit, Lip. You scared me." I turn to face him, "Sorry, you alright?" He asks again, I nod, "Thanks for earlier today too." "Don't worry about it, I'll always protect you." He says and gets closer to me and suddenly he picks me up and puts me on the sink and we passionately make out. His hands are gripping my hips and I let a moan slip out, "I've wanted to do that for days." He says against my lips before kissing me again, "Lip. We. Can't." I say in between peck kisses. I gently push him off, "Why?" he asks, "You have a girlfriend Lip." I say as I slide off the sink, "Trust me, I want you so bad, but I can't do that to you." I say and walk out of the bathroom, he gently grabs my arm, "Sade, I want you too." He says to me and pulls me back into the bathroom, kissing me again and begins taking my clothes off, "Lip." I say as he's sucking my tit and trailing kisses down my stomach until he kisses my pussy, "You're so wet." he licks his lips; I think about what Ian said this morning and make a stupid decision, "Fuck me." I say looking into his eyes as he slams into me, making me gasp. "Shh." he covers my mouth and pounds me. I feel myself cream and squirt on him making him moan, "Sadie." he mumbles under his breath as he finishes on my stomach and pussy. "You're so tight." he says as he wipes my stomach with toilet paper, "I was a virgin about five minutes ago." I admit, his jaw drops, "What? No way." He's in disbelief, "I was, I swear." I put my clothes back on with a smile, he kisses me again slamming me against the door, "Lip," I manage to get out as he is sucking on my neck, suddenly we hear yelling downstairs. We quickly finish getting dressed and run downstairs, "What the fuck?" Steve yells at Frank, my eyes quickly go to Ian, he's bleeding on the coffee table, "Ian!" I run to him, "The guy in the bar said to pass it on." Frank slurs, he's also covered in blood. "What the fuck is wrong with you Frank?" Steve pushes his chest, Lip grabs Debbie to keep her away from Frank, "What are you, a tough guy, Steve? You think you're a fucking tough guy?" Frank says, "Steve, go, get out!" Fiona yells to protect him, "Pussy." Frank teases as he starts walking out, "You're pathetic, Frank." Steve says, "Get out! Now! I mean it." Fiona yells again, "Oh, come on, don't go puss puss." Frank teases again, Debbie is gently pushing Steve out, she's scared, she hates arguing. "Ice, please, anyone." Veronica says as we hold napkins to Ian's nose with his head tilted back. "It's a bloody nose, he's not dying." Frank scoffs, "Really Frank?" Veronica says in disbelief. "Anybody notice that I'm bleeding?" Frank whines, we ignore him, "Let me take you home." Lip says to Karen and leaves with her.

Ian and I go upstairs to his room, he's changing his bloody shirt, "You should've hit him back. "I say as I light his joint for him, "If I ever do, I'll fucking kill him." He says before taking a big drag, "8-10 for manslaughter and get laid as often as you want." Lip says out of nowhere, "You're back already?" I ask, "Walked her half way." He says before taking a hit, "I better get going." I say awkwardly, Ian looks between Lip and I, "Did you two fuck?" He laughs, "No." Lip and I say in sync, totally giving it away. "Okay, sure." Ian says, still chuckling. I throw a pillow at him, "Bye Ian, see you tomorrow." I say before walking downstairs, Lip following me, "Walking me halfway too?" I look back to him and smile, "No, full way minus two houses." He says remembering not to get too close. "Oh, so you do remember things?" I ask as we walk down his front steps, "I remember everything about you." He says as he smokes a cigarette, "You do not." I say in disbelief, "Try me." He challenges me with a smirk on his face, "Birthday?" "June 10, 1994." "Favorite color?" "Green, dark green." He specifies "Favorite number." "Six." I'm holding back a huge grin, "Totally just lucky guesses." I say, jokingly, "Totally." He smiles wide at me, going along with my joke. "See you tomorrow." I step in front of him, he nods, "Of course." he blows the smoke out of the side of his mouth so it doesn't go in my face, "Goodnight, Lip." I say before walking to my house. He waits for me to get inside before walking away, he's my weakness.

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