back out

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"Sadie." I hear Lip's drunk voice outside my dorm room, "Sadie, can you come out please?" He stammers, "I just want to talk, okay?" He says and I quietly walk up to my door to hear him better, "I-I don't know how to make things right okay? But if I didn't if I had a fucking clue how to reverse time or," he stutters, "Please just tell me what to do, you've always been good at that." He says right up against my door, "I don't have shit without you. It's just you and me. It's you and me against South Side, remember?" He sounds like he's on the verge of tears, he's so drunk. "So come out please. Come out and fucking talk to me!" He raises his voice slightly. 

I hesitate with my hand on my doorknob, "Sadie!" He hits my door and I open it, "Yes?" I ask and he falls into me, crying into my shoulder, "I'm so fucking sorry." He mutters into my neck, "I'm so sorry." He repeats as I rub his back. "Lip, your sorry means nothing to me. We can be friends, civil but I don't want anything else with you anymore." I explain to him so he doesn't try to weasel his way in like always. "Okay." He huffs, looking at me with bloodshot eyes, okay? All I get is an okay? "So?" I question, "Can I stay here tonight?" He asks, "No." I fold my arms across my chest and lean on the doorframe. "Seriously?" His tears almost reverse back into his ducts, "Yeah." I let out a breathy chuckle, "Goodnight, Sade." "Sadie. Good night." I say, backing into my room then shutting and locking the door.

I can't believe I just did that.


"I can't believe Fi actually took your money and got the house back." I say as I help Carl move his stuff from V's back to their house. "Carl's crib now." He says, putting up the most random decorations, "Okay." I chuckle. Just then Fi and Sean walk in, "Hey." I greet with a smile but her face is still hard, "What's going on?" "Moving my shit back in and getting shit done." Carl says, pushing by her, "Yo, tell your boss next time if they ain't got any peach vodka, I'm gonna find myself a new distributor." Carl says, slapping money into a guy's hand. "Carl!" I scold, putting a box on his dresser. "What are you doing in my room?" Fiona yells at Ian, "Carl kicked me out, this one was open. Couch is still free." Ian says, walking away in a rush. "What is going on?" Fiona asks, bewilderedly. "Upgrading my crib. I paid for it." Carl says, walking back into his room, "Got some homies coming over later to kick it. Place is gonna be poppin you feel me?" Carl goes on with that fake accent, "Yo, Sade. Since you and Lip called it quits, how bout you let a real n-" "Enough." I wave my finger in his face. "You and Lip are done?" Fiona asks, "Not talking about it." I sing, walking away, "Love you guys, see you later." I shout as I descend the stairs.

Avoiding conversations about my feelings is my favorite hobby.


"No mass murders kids!" I hear Kev say as he closes a van door, "Aw the gremlins are leaving?" I ask, standing next to V, "Why do you have a toothbrush shiv?" I ask again, "Little girl gave it to me." V sounds emotional, "She was so scary and cute all at the same time." I say, resting my head on her shoulder as the van drives off, "Sissy!" Jemma runs up to me and hugs my leg, "Hey girl." I say, picking her up and putting her on my hip, "I miss you." She says, hugging me again, "I missed you too babe." I say, kissing her forehead, "Hi." Amy waves at me from the stairs as she colors with chalk, "Chalk is better than me?" I tease her and she giggles. "Chalk is better than everyone." Kev sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You busy? Want to come in or do you have class?" Kev asks, "No, I'm off today." I smile up at him and walk into the house.

"Still no ring?" V asks, putting toast in the toaster. "No Lip either. Broke up with him officially last night." I say, putting Jemma down and sitting on the couch. "What?" Kev and V ask in sync, "Yeah. Tired of the games I guess." I shrug, "No big deal, I'm fine this time." I confess and it's the truth. "As long as you're okay." V says, bringing me a cup of coffee and two pieces of buttered toast. "Thank you." I say and begin to eat and drink. I love V's hot coffee, I don't know what she does or how she does it but whenever I try it tastes like burnt dog food.


After hanging out with Kev, V, and the girls my phone begins to blow up. I skim read over some of the messages; 'Hey, there's a weird dude sitting outside your dorm. Need me to help?' The message from Max reads, I furrow my eyebrows and text back, 'What does he look like?' 'Dirty blonde hair, 5'7ish.' I sigh when I read the description. 'My ex. Just leave it, I'm on my way.' I text back and groan, "I gotta go. Lip is sitting outside of my dorm room and I'm assuming causing a scene." I inform, "Good luck." V says, "Need help?" Kev offers, "No, I'm fine. Love you guys, bye." I say, leaving their house and going to my dorm.


"Why are you sitting outside my dorm?" I ask, crossing my arms, "Waiting for you to get back, of course." Lip says, standing up. "Why?" "So we can talk." "About?" "Can we go into your room?" Lip asks quietly. "No." "Well, I don't want to air out our dirty laundry." "It's all been aired out." I responded. "Sade-" "Sadie." I correct. "Sadie. I got kicked out of my dorm and was wondering if I could stay here?" "You came down here to ask me for a favor?" I snicker, "You came all the way here to see why I was here." He says, holding back a smirk, "Yeah because I had someone text me and tell me you were sitting out here. Well not you, a weird dude, dirty blonde and 5'7 ish." I restate the text, "So, I came to see what was going on outside my dorm. You know, taking care of the things that are important to you is a thing?" I say, full of sarcasm. "Can I stay here or not?" Lip asks, "Not." I answer, "Can you move so I can get into my room now?' I say, pushing him to the side and opening my door. "Good luck, safe travels." I say before closing and locking the door.


The next morning I'm woken up by my phone ringing, "Hey babe, what's up?" I ask Carl, sleepily, "Sade, can you come down? I wanna talk." Carl sounds worried, "Yeah sure, I'm coming now." I say and hurry out of bed, rushing back home with my pajamas still on.

As soon as I pull up, I see Carl sitting on the stoop and I immediately see a gash on his forehead, "What happened?" I gasp and grab his face gently, "Nothing, do I need stitches?" He asks, "Definitely," I gently pull him over to my car, "Sit." I say, opening the passenger seat door and looking in my back seat for the suture kit, "What did you need to talk about?" I ask as I begin cleaning and sewing up his gash, "I wanna get out of the game, I just wanted to tell you that." Carl says, "Good, I'm proud of you but getting out is just as dangerous as being in." I say, "I can tell." Carl scoffs, "That's how this happened?" I ask, "Yeah, told him I wanted to sit out the next runs and he got pissed." Carl explains, I sigh, "Ten stitches, don't get it wet, keep it clean." I say, "Get out of that shit you're involved in." I say and gently tap his chin, "Why do you care so much?" Carl asks, "Because you're my baby boy Carl and I love you and lately you've been acting a fool and I miss you, the real you; not this corrupt juvie white boy Carl." I explain as I put my kit away. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." He says and hugs me, I hug him back, "I hope so." I kiss the side of his forehead that's not injured, "Here, take some of this for the pain. Four pills once a day will give you good relief. Either all at once or you can split it up throughout the day." I explain. "Don't tell, Fiona." "I won't but that doesn't mean someone else will tell her you're hurt." I nod towards Kev and V's house. "Shit." He sighs, "You'll be okay." I say, "Thank you for calling me." "Thank you for coming."

Only You - [Lip Gallagher]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora