fatherly advice

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"Carl, what the hell!" I shout when he sprays me with a water gun directly on my white shirt, "Perv!" I groan and Lip takes the gun from him, "Why are you using a water gun in the house anyway?" Lip asks, "Because I don't have a paintball gun." Carl says, "Valid point." Lip shrugs and we all walk downstairs, "I'm gonna need a paintball gun when we move to Michigan." Carl says, "Uh, no." Lip responds, "Hell Survivors Paintball Field is only five miles outside of Ann Arbor." Carl explains, "We're not going to Michigan." Lip says as he puts Liam in his high chair, "We're not?" Carl sounds upset, "Fiona said we were." Debbie says as she brings the milk and cereal over to the table, "Yeah, that was when Jimmy was here, have you seen him around lately?" Lip scoffs, "I wonder where he went this time." I mutter, "I picked a fight with Becky Alexander because I thought I was never gonna see her again!" Debbie complains, "See who again?" Fiona comes downstairs and grabs her pink button-up shirt from the dryer, "Big day today Lip." Fiona says and I smile, he gets his diploma today! "Yeah, whatever." Lip rolls his eyes and I throw a piece of cereal at him, "It is!" Fiona and I say in sync. "First Gallager getting their diploma, it's a big deal." "Who'd you buy it from?" Carl teases, "He earned it fair and square, setting a good example for you two so pay attention." Fiona lectures Debs and Carl, "Do you have to go to some long stupid ceremony like Sadie?" Carl groans, "Nope, picking it up at the guidance office and getting the hell out of there." Lip says with a mouthful of cereal, "No ceremony in the fall but he'll walk with everyone in the spring." Fiona explains, "No, he won't." Lip says, "Yes, he will." I say, "Yeah and we'll all scream 'Lip' and embarrass him." Fiona teases before walking upstairs to continue getting ready for work.

Just then Ian comes down the stairs in his uniform, "Looking sharp." Lip compliments, "ROTC got a meeting a day before Christmas break?" I ask, "Yeah, some sort of winter ceremony." Ian says and puts on his backpack, I nod, unconvinced, "Later." He says and leaves then I shoot a look at Lip and he nods in agreement. "Guys, finish your breakfast, no more talk of Michigan." Lip says and nods over at me to follow, "Behave." I say as I grab my jacket and follow Lip. "Yo, G.I. Jane!" Lip calls as we run over to Ian, "I don't want to be late." Ian says as he continues walking, "Hey, glad to see you out of bed." Lip says as we finally catch up to him. "Moved on, how many times you gotta hear no?" Ian explains with a smile, "Good thing about falling for Mickey Milkovich, you can always find someone better." Lip teases and I slap his chest, "Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys after school." Ian says and walks away from us, "Right, see you." Lip says and then sighs, "Bipolar." I mutter, "Let's not think that yet." Lip sighs and we turn to walk back home. "Hey, can we go get your diploma? I don't really feel like being home right now." I explain knowing Fiona is decorating the house for his party and he nods, "Sure." He grabs a cigarette from his pocket and lights it, "So Polytech?" I ask, "Yup, you're going to University of Chicago right?" He asks, I nod, he looks disappointed, "What's wrong?" I ask, "It's too far apart, you think?" He asks and I laugh, "Come on, 14 minutes away isn't that bad!" I say to him, "So many douchebags I can't protect you from." he teases and wraps his arm around my neck, "Fuck off." I push him away gently, "You're the douche I need protecting from." I smile then lean back into him and he wraps his arm around me again, "I know we're just friends but call me anytime you need anything, please. I'll be there." Lip explains and I nod, "Same goes for you." I pull my hands from my pocket and wrap them around his torso.


"I'm going to the Alibi for a drink, wanna come?" Lip asks me as he folds his diploma and puts it in his pocket, "Sure." I shrug, "You okay with your dad?" Lip asks as we walk to the Alibi, "Kev said he hasn't seen him at the Alibi in months but I still see lights on at the house occasionally and his car is there so I don't know." "You're not worried?" I shrug, "I don't know how to feel." I say and he nods, "Valid." he smiles, "Race you there?" Lip asks, "Nah, I don't really feel like it." I lie just before booking it down the street, "You son of a bitch." I hear Lip shout as he trails behind me.

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