Chapter 56: Purple

Start from the beginning

Yichen shook his head as though Mochou's words had broken him from his musing. He raised his trembling finger and lowered it to Mochou's exposed abdomen.

"It's... it's purple." Yichen barely managed to say. At first Mochou didn't understand what Yichen meant.

"Purple? Do I have a bruise?" He asked before looking down to where Yichen was pointing.

"I'm sorry." Yichen whispered.

"Why are you..."


Mochou's mind nearly exploded when he realized what was going on.

"No! No no no! You said it was impossible! You said it could take years even if we tried everyday! No! I won't believe it! It must just be the light. It's dark and the sky is foggy. You'll see in the morning it won't be purple." Mochou suddenly began shouting in a panic.

Yichen pulled Mochou into his arms.

"I'm sorry. I never expected it to be this easy. I'm sorry." He whispered as he held Mochou tight.

"You're wrong. You must be wrong. I'm not ready." Mochou said as tears began to flow down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I know you're scared but this... it's a good thing."

"No. I'm not ready. Hiccup* I can't do this. Not now." Mochou cried out. He was crying so hard he began to hiccup.

"Cute." Yichen thought despite Mochou crying so hard snot and tears had begun to mix together in an oozy mess.

Mochou clung to Yichen both out of anger and desperation. He knew it was possible. He had tried to accept the fact it could happen. But now that it did his mind only screamed for it to not be true.

"Mochou, I love you. Don't cry. Don't be angry. Everything will be okay."

"Hiccup* I'm... Sniff*  not ready." Mochou barely managed to say through the tears.

"It will be okay. I'm here. You don't have to go through this alone."

"Hiccup* We don't even have a house yet!"

"We have ten months to prepare. The house will be built, we'll save lots of money, plus my family is barely a ten minute walk away. We can do this. Don't cry." Yichen assured Mochou as he rubbed his trembling back.

Mochou was relieved to know it would take ten month. Even so, it was little comfort given the situation.

"We were supposed to be careful. We were supposed to wait until I was ready."

"I know. I'm sorry. I know you didn't want to get pregn..."

"Don't say it!" I'm not ready." Mochou shouted as he desperately covered Yichen's mouth with his hands.

Yichen didn't know what to do. They both knew he was pregnant. Why was saying the word so terrible?

"Is being pregnant with my child so horrifying?" Yichen couldn't help but wonder. Even after being attacked by Fu Ling Mochou didn't cry so hard.  Seeing Mochou react so strongly was no longer cute.

The longer it went on the more painful it was for Yichen to watch. Not because Mochou was crying. It was painful because he was crying over the fact he was pregnant. Mochou was pregnant with his child and all Mochou could do was cry from fear and rejection.

Yichen tried everything he could to calm Mochou but nothing worked. Unable to think of anything else to do and feeling depressed himself, Yichen could only hold him in his arms. He rubbed Mochou's back and wiped away the snot and tears until finally Mochou fell asleep.

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