Chapter 31

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He grabs our bags as we exit his car walking towards the reception of the motel.

It's a small place that doesn't look like much, but it's only for the night.

"Can we have two rooms please?" Kealan says to the receptionist.

She looked up to see him standing in front of her and her whole demeanor changed. She stands up straighter pushing her chest out and flicks her hair over her shoulder.

"I'll look for you" She says, batting her eyelashes before turning towards the computer.

"Oh, we only have one room available," she says, looking directly at him and ignoring me.

"Your friend could take that room and you can take me out later and stay at mine," she says in a flirty voice.

"Wow," I laugh at her forwardness but I'm secretly hoping he doesn't take her up on that offer.

He looks at me with a shocked face as I take the keys off her leaving my card at the counter  and walk away looking at the number on the key chain.

23 it says on it as I walk back outside looking for the room.

The rooms are right at the end, I open the door and turn not seeing Kealan behind me.

Guess he decided to take her up on her offer.

Throwing my suitcase on the bed, I can feel my anger and disappointment grow at him.

Aggressively taking out my toiletries I place them in the small bathroom and go back to the room.

I look up to see Kealan leaning against the door watching me.

I avoid his eye-line and go to look through my suitcase as a distraction.

"Princess, why do you look fiery?" I hear him say.

Before I can think about what I'm saying the words come out of my mouth "What time are you going to meet your friend?" The bitterness comes out in spades as I pause what I'm doing realizing what I said.

I feel him come up behind me putting a hand on my waist "You think I'm taking her up on her offer and it bothers you. Why does it bother you? " He says into my neck.

I turn around his hand still on my waist and I see him smirking slightly at me "It doesn't" I say pulling away.

"Don't worry, she's not my type," he says before continuing "Have you noticed anything about the room?".

"No," I look around confused until I realize what he's talking about.

There is only one bed.

"Oh," I say unsure of what else to do.

"I can always go stay with the girl," he says in a joking manner.

I can't help but throw him a dirty look as he chuckles.

"So how do you want to do this?" I say.

"I don't mind sharing as long as you don't get handsy," he says moving to his bag.

Scoffing I sit on the bed looking at my phone I don't have any messages from Griffin which I think is for the best. Nathan's messaged me so I message him back telling him I'm okay.

"So Jessica was telling me about a little bar around the corner if you want to go?" He says sitting next to me on the bed.

"Jessica?" I say, turning to him.

"The receptionist. You look cute when you're jealous" he says, pushing a loose hair behind my ear.

"I'm not jealous" I say, pulling away from him "Do you think a bar is a good idea?" I continued.

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