Chapter 22

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"Marriage? He was talking about marriage with our Daisy? Griffin?, are you sure?" I hear Hannah say as I walk into the living room.

"Yes and Yes" Nathan's voice sounded stressed.

"Let's not talk about this guys. What's first on the agenda for game day?" Their heads turn to me when they hear me talking.

"Oh yeah just let it go Nathan I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it came out. So game day, we were thinking we could do it in the yard this time and we are going to start with football" Hannah says before calling everyone else in.

"Right let's get some drinks and take them out and the boys can set up the equipment" Hannah says giving orders.

After the guys had left to set up outside we go to the kitchen to get the drinks.

"Right get some water, juice and some beer" Hannah says as she puts ice into a cooler.

I grab some bottled water out of the fridge as Sophie gets the juice and puts them next to Hannah.

I turn back for the beers when I hear Sophie speak "So Griffin was talking about marrying you. How do you feel about that?".

The beer bottles look very interesting as I try to collect my thoughts.

"Daisy" Hannah says clearly waiting for an answer.

I sigh knowing they won't stop asking until I answer.

"I don't know how I feel. Obviously, a lot has happened and honestly, I didn't think he was that serious about me. So can we get on with game day now?" I feel the tiredness coming through in my voice as I know they aren't going to drop it.

Hannah takes the beer off me putting it in the cooler and turns around hugging me.

"I see the way he looks at you trust me he is incredibly serious about you but if things don't work out you will always be my daughter" She pulls away smiling.

I smile back looking at Sophie who is smiling.

"Right enough dramatics it's time for me to win" Laughing I walk off as I hear Soph shout from behind me.

"Hey, I'm going to win I refuse to lose again" and I carry on laughing at her as I meet the guys in the yard.

The Dramos' have a beautiful backyard, I'm appreciating the view when I hear my name being called.

"Daisy, are you ready?" Nathan says as he comes over and throws an arm around my shoulders.

I nod my head and start walking closer to the others.

"Right guys, I know Griff and Miles haven't played before" Nathan nodded towards them before carrying on "It involves 2 games, first is football but no rough tactics and the second is a soccer shootout" The guys nodded to him listening.

"Guys I do mean no tackling, I don't want the girls to get hurt" I see him narrow his eyes at Griffin and I already know he is thinking about my face.

To break the tension I step forward "How are we going to pick teams?" The sound of my voice makes everyone turn and I think for the first time Griff realises what I'm wearing as his eyes travel slowly from eyes down to my bare legs on show and back up to my face. A small smile creeps onto his face before Nathan clears his throat obviously seeing this interaction.

"Me and Hannah are sitting the games out this time we are going to start on the BBQ and we will referee" Nathan says smiling down at Hannah who is lying sunbathing.

"Don't you wanna play though Nathan?" I say looking at him with concern. He loves playing on family game days.

Walking over to me he pulls me to his side as he sees the concern on my face "We are fine Daisy don't worry about us, we are just tired and we want to see you guys play. Now you're all off on your own it's nice to see you all together".

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