Chapter 1

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The sun is blazing through the curtains as my eyes battle to open, I absolutely hate mornings but I need to start packing tomorrow is a big day. Sitting up stretching my arms out I hear shuffling in the room next to mine. I just know Sophie is shoving every item of clothing she has in her suitcases, the girl does not know how to pack light unlike me.

Swinging my legs off my bed, I stand up making my way over to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me I get in the shower taking time to lather my hair up and wash my body.

I step out wiping the mirror that has steamed up, looking at my reflection my boring normal blonde wavy hair falling flat from it being wet, bags under my big blue eyes from the sleepless nights I've been having recently.

The sleepless nights from the worry about the move to college, I'm just happy I'm going to have Sophie with me.

I walked back into my room putting on an oversized jumper and leggings, speaking of Soph, I hear her before I see her which is a common thing.

"Daisy, I am so excited about tomorrow" her voice travels when my door flies open "We are going to college baby, god I hope the guys are attractive" she sighs as she sits down on the bed. I know for a fact she is now daydreaming about the potential guys she can set her sights on.

I pick my suitcase up from my wardrobe and bring it into the center of the room. Looking around my room I think about what we are leaving behind going to college, I am going to miss Sophie's parents they have looked after me really well the past year and a half, even before I lost my parents they looked after me like I was their own.

It makes me sad thinking about it leaving them but Soph just looks thrilled with the prospect of college and independence.

"I am going to miss your parents, Soph, they have done so much for me" Soph looks towards me when I speak and grabs my hand.

"I know you will miss them but we will be home for the holidays, hell even I will miss them I know it doesn't seem like it but I will" A sad look crosses her face before she speaks again "Your parents would be so proud of you Daisy".

I know my parents would be proud I just wish they were here to see me go to college. They died a year and a half ago, the Dramos took me in after that as they didn't want to see Sophie's best friend by herself.

I don't have any family now my parents died in the car crash but I think of Mr and Mrs Dramos as family I have known them forever. The car crash took its toll on me not only did my parents die but I was in the car when they passed away and I walked away with a dislocated shoulder and watched them die in front of me.

I feel guilty for surviving when they didn't, and now I panic whenever I'm in a car. My nerves about college isn't just going to college but it is the journey there. I will have to sit in a car for over an hour, I haven't been in a car since it happened and I don't want to be in one.

I've spent the last year and a half walking where I needed to go or if really necessary getting the bus. Now I have to face a car journey, I know Soph and her parents are worried about me in the car, I did try one time to get into a car but I had a panic attack and I haven't been able to do it since.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, Soph is still talking about something and I clearly have missed a lot from what I can tell.

"When we get there we will be moving to Griff's apartment straight away, he has three bedrooms but he's barely home, he spends most of the time at his shop" I nod just going along with what she is saying.

I have never met Soph's half-brother, Griffin, he lived with his mom before moving out, he and Sophie have different moms. I know he's letting us stay with him whilst we are at college because he barely uses the apartment. I know he's twenty-six and owns his own shop. He and Soph are close, but she's never talked much about him but she says he is private.

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