Chapter 20

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I stir to the side and I feel a hammer banging against my head. I don't remember how I got home last night.

Opening my eyes slowly I groan when I see daylight. Today is not a good day.

Once my eyes are fully open I jump back when I see somebody else on the bed.

"Shit" I scream as the person looks up and I stop as soon as I notice it's Soph.

"What are you doing here?" I say pulling the covers up over me and cuddling them.

"You called us last night and you were so drunk by yourself on the road. We were worried about you so Griffin drove us back last night" she says and I start to worry about what they told Nathan and Hannah.

"We told Mom and Dad that there was an emergency at the shop don't worry" she adds knowing what I'm worrying about.

"I'm sorry I ruined your trip," I say unsure what to do.

"You didn't ruin anything, Griffin had gotten to Dad's a few hours before so they had their celebrations," she says and I flinch at his name.

"I'm sorry Daisy, for everything I was selfish and pushed you away. I guess I do get something from my brother. He's a dick you know, I can believe he cheated on you" She says reaching for my hand.

"Are we okay?" I say not wanting to fight anymore.

"If you forgive me we are. I've missed you" She says hugging me.

"I missed you too" hugging her back before continuing "but I smell like a brewery so I'm going to shower".

The shower is amazing, but my head is still pounding so once I've brushed my teeth and put on a long jumper and clean underwear I go in search of painkillers.

Unfortunately for me, I walk out to see Lacey wandering around in her underwear. Ignoring her I grab some painkillers and a glass of water downing them and leaning against the counter.

I hear Lacey's annoying voice behind me "Baby, shall we go for round two?" Obviously directing it at Griffin who I haven't seen.

Her presence is making me want to gag, I'm not sure it's the alcohol anymore.

I turn around to see them with their tongues down each other's throats.

"Come on Griffin really? With Daisy standing right there you're a real asshole" Soph says walking in.

"Let go to your room baby," Lacey says dragging him behind her.

Sophie comes to hug me as I lay on the couch " I'm really sorry that he's my brother" she says.

I shrug putting the TV on.

Not long after we hear banging and groaning coming from his room. He really is an asshole.

Lacey being at the apartment has become a reoccurring thing and I hated it.

Soph and I are back to normal but we haven't really spoken about Miles.

I feel like I'm finally getting back to myself that is until I see Lacey's smug face.

Everyone is out of the apartment and I get some peace and quiet. I'm on my bed when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I shout moving my laptop off my lap.

To my surprise, Miles walks in.

"Can I sit?" He says looking uncomfortable.

I shrug my shoulders "Sure".

I sit up so I'm leaning against the headboard and he's sat on the edge of the bed.

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