Chapter 26

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A few weeks pass by and me and Griffin are going strong, we spend every night we can together.

Griffin's been really busy I found out he owns more than one tattoo shop which is where his mom lives so he's had to start travelling down there a little to sort some things out.

Me and Soph are coming up to finishing our first year of college soon and I don't really know what the plan is when summer comes.

I hear the buzzing of my phone and go to answer it.

Soph's name flashes on the screen.

"Meet me at the shop in 20 minutes I need a favour" she says as I hear Miles in the background.

"Sure" I reply ending the call.

Her and Miles have been spending all their time at his I've barely seen her but I know she hasn't spoken to Griffin about moving out.

I'm definitely going to speak to her about it. I need to know what's going to too.

Picking up my bag I leave the apartment making my way to the shop.

As I walk in I feel the atmosphere change and everyone is looking tense.

It doesn't take me long to hear why as I hear Griffin shouting through the door of his office.

"I don't care, how many times do I have to come down there to sort your shit out. If this doesn't stop you're out. I mean it this time" he shouts I presume he's on the phone.

Looking around the other guys look nervous as I walk to his office door and walk in shutting it behind me.

Griffin turns around quickly shouting "Not fucking now".

His face is seething until he sees that I'm standing in front of him and his expression falls soft "Sorry Daze" he says placing a kiss on my forehead.

Turning away he carries on talking on the phone but at a normal-ish level "I really could not give a shit, it's my reputation you're affecting. I'll be down tonight" he sighs hanging up the phone collapsing into his chair.

I move to sit in the seat on the other side of the desk "Is everything okay?".

"I have to go to the other shop again, I don't know how long I'll be gone this time" he replies.

I'm not really sure what is going on with the shop he hasn't said and I don't want to pry in his business.

"Okay," I say when Miles and Soph walk in.

"Everything okay man?" Miles says as he leans on the wall.

"You know what Kealans like he's got himself in some shit again" Griffin replies.

"You need to separate yourself from him he's bad news for you and the business" Miles says in a serious tone.

"You know I can't do that" he replies back as I look at Soph to see if she knows what is going on but she looks clueless too.

"I know this is a bad time to drop this on you but me and Soph have something to tell you" Miles says looking nervous.

I look at Griffin and he just looks annoyed waving his hand for Miles to continue which he does "We've found an apartment and we are moving in together". The words come out of his mouth fast I'm not sure if Griffin understands until he nods.

"When are you moving out?" He turns to Soph.

"Erm, about that. We are moving in a few days" she says as I turn my head towards her.

"Sorry Daisy it was a last-minute decision" she says to me.

Griffin starts to type on his phone before standing up "I gotta go down to the other shop so I won't be able to help you move" he says to Miles as he nods back "Let me know if you need some help with Kealan".

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