Chapter 10

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I haven't driven since the accident but I need to get away from this. I see figures shouting in the driveway as I speed down the road.

I have no idea where I'm going, I can't stop my hands shaking just trying to keep my eyes on the road.

I drive around for around forty minutes until I find a park. Sitting down under a large oak tree I think about what Nathan said.

He clearly doesn't want me with his son, I guess it's weird as he sees me as a daughter. I don't know what to do.

I don't think he meant what he said about my parents. I hope he didn't anyways.

I've got two options, I could go back to the Dramos' or I could go back home to our apartment the only problem is I left my phone and purse back at the house.

I know I'm going to have to go back I'm just not sure I'm ready. I stand up as it's getting dark and looks like it's going to rain.

Going to the car I start the engine, breathing slowly as I set off. I wait at a stop sign until it turns green and set off not noticing a car coming towards me.

I feel fear like I did back when my parents died as I hear metal scrape again each other then I feel pain.

The impact throws me to the side hitting my head hard against the window, pain radiating through the side of my body and I hear a crack.

I try to lift my head to see blood dripping, my eyes are fuzzy and black spots start to take over until they are closed again.

Hearing sirens in the distance I try to open my eyes but I can't. After a few minutes, I hear someone trying to talk to me asking if I'm okay.

My eyes keep fluttering open and closed when I feel my body being moved from the car.

I can hear people speaking fast around me and I manage to open my eyes enough to see someone.

"Donna?" My voice breaks.

"It's okay I'll call Hannah and Nathan and get them to the hospital I just need you to keep your eyes open" Donna's nice she works at the hospital with Hannah.

Unable to keep them open my eyes shut and I feel myself moving.

Beep beep beep beep

I stir awake my vision blurry.

"Turn that off" I grumble out.

"Daisy?" Somebody says but my head is pounding.

"Daze" There's only one person who calls me that.

Trying to clear my vision I shake my head and instantly regret it.

"Stay still I'll get the doctor," I think that's Nathan.

"How are you feeling Daisy, you've been out a while," a new voice says.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital you've been unconscious for the past couple of days," the new voice says before continuing "I'm Dr. Harlow, how bad is your pain?".

"Bad, what happened?" I need some pain relief.

"You were in a car crash" My vision started to come around. I see Nathan and Griffin sitting on each side of me. Both look like they haven't slept in days.

"I was careful, I was driving carefully" I know I was, I was nervous to be back in a car. I was calm up until what I remembered.

"The other driver ran a red light, unfortunately, you came off worse" the doctor explained. "You have a concussion, severe bruising, a broken arm" I nod not caring. I've topped up your pain relief I'll be back later to check up on you.

The Art of GriffinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ