Chapter 21

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We arrive at Nathan and Hannahs's house and Nathan picks me up immediately hugging me "I've missed you so much, you know you have to tell me what happened because nobody else is". As he puts me down he sees my face "Daisy what happened to your face?" As he reaches to touch the concern is etched all over his features.

"Oh, just a silly accident" I shrug it out.

I see Griffin look away as his dad tries to hold his gaze knowing it has something to do with him. To break the awkwardness Soph introduces Miles who looks like he wants to shit himself.

"Hello Sir," Miles says sticking his hand out.

"So you're with my little girl?" Nathan says seriously but you can see the humor in his eyes, although Nathan clearly can't see it as he nods nervously.

"I'm kidding man bring it in" He says as he drags Miles in for a hug "What happened to your face though you and Daisy look like you've been fighting?" Miles tries to laugh off Nathan's questioning.

Next, he hugs Soph as Hannah hugs the rest of us. When Nathan gets to Griffin I see him whispering in his ear before pulling away, the look on his face showing pain from whatever Nathan said.

I'll definitely have to ask him about it later.

Walking into the house it just feels like home, I instantly relax from all the stress I've been feeling. I'm so happy I decided to visit.

I got told that we are having family game day tomorrow and I can't wait, we haven't had one for ages. Game days are the best, it started not long after I moved in more as a distraction from thinking about my parents and it stuck around. Griffin has never been here when we've played, sure I absolutely hate the exercise portion of it but my competitive nature comes out and trust me that isn't always a good thing.

Nathan starts telling everyone where they are sleeping even though it is obvious we are all in our own rooms, he paused as he got to Miles.

"So erm Miles, you'll be sleeping in the spa" he's cut off by Hannah elbowing him in the ribs and lets out a grunt before sighing "You'll be with Soph," he says fast before walking away clearly wanting Miles to be in the spare room.

I grab my bag and walk up the stairs towards my room I feel someone following me before I'm turned around "Daze, can we please talk on this trip?, I know I have no right but I miss you" for such a big guy standing in front of me he looks so lost. His eyes are boring into me and I can't help but get sucked in, I want to kiss him and tell him everything is fine but it isn't he broke my heart.

"We can be friends but I am not ready to open my heart up again I really want to but I can't yet" I say pulling my eyes away from him.

"We can be friends, I'll take anything. Can friends hug?" He says trying to catch my gaze.

"Sure," I say desperate for his comfort.

Wrapping my arms around his torso I lean my head against his chest. I know that I love him but I'm not sure I can forgive him.

His arms automatically go around my neck his fingers playing with my hair as he leans his chin on my head.

I can feel his heart beating fast as my cheek is against his chest and I'm sure mine is doing the same thing.

Parting ways we go off to our rooms and it isn't long before Soph comes in sitting down on the bed.

"Is everything okay? I saw you guys hugging" She says concern laced in her voice.

Smiling at her I nod "Everything is fine I promise'.

Dinner the first night was awkward there was glancing between Griffin and his dad but not a word was spoken between them, Miles was trying to make small talk with Nathan but he was too busy giving Griffin daggers.

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