Chapter 4

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I wake up to find Soph sleeping next to me, I have class in an hour so I grab some clothes which consists of my normal jumper and leggings, and make my way to the bathroom.

Showering and I put light makeup on pushing my hair into its normal ponytail.

Looking at my phone I should get to my first class on time I've got 34 minutes, I don't hear anyone moving around so I walk out of the bathroom to the front door, before I manage to open the door I hear another door open behind me and Griffin walks out of his room our eyes locked. My brain replays the words he said yesterday over and over and I walk out of the door without a second look.

College drags on, me and Jared are getting on well he invited me to a house party he's throwing. He seems to have made friends fast and as he said there is no better way to make friends than have someone trash your house. Parties are not my kind of thing but I know Soph is dying to experience her first college party.

The parties are on Friday and I'm going to talk to Soph about it and see if she wants to go. Once college is done I make my way to the store, it's a relatively small store as I'm not sure where the bigger ones are. I just need some food and some toiletries, grabbing what I need I pay the cashier and walk back to the apartment. Letting myself in I put the stuff away and make my way to my bedroom. I start studying so I don't get behind on anything but I feel my eyes closing.

The next few days go by and the workload is getting intense even if it is the first week. I have barely seen Soph just in passing, and I haven't seen Griffin or Miles I've spent most of my time studying, napping, or hanging out with Jared. Me and Soph even missed out on our Thursday movie nights.

It's now Friday and I have the whole day off, today is also the day of the party. I haven't had a chance to talk to Soph about it but Jared made me promise that his best friend (Me) comes to his party. I didn't really have the heart to say no so now I'm trying to build myself up to it.

Soph finishes at 2pm today and I can't wait for her to get home so we can catch up properly. After studying for a few hours I walk out of my room grab a coffee from the machine and sit on the couch watching some TV waiting for Soph to get home.

Before I know it she's walking in the door, when she sees me she makes a beeline straight for me.

"Daisy ive missed you so much" she hugs me so tight I can barely breathe.

"I missed you too, I've got so much to tell you" She grabs a coffee whilst I continue. "Classes are so hard, I made a friend and we are invited to his party tonight".

"You made a friend, he's a he? And what party why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" her words sound muddled from speaking too fast.

"Yeah I have psychology classes with him, he's throwing a house party tonight and told me I could invite whoever I wanted. He's nice" she starts squealing "Oh my god it is our first college party, what are we wearing? We have to look hot? What time does it start?".

"He said people will be arriving around 8 pm, how is college going for you I've barely seen you" Sipping her coffee she starts talking.

"Yeah it's good same as you they have given me so much work, I've made some friends but I miss you. Hopefully, I find a guy at the party I've been so busy with work I haven't had the time for sex" I laugh at this statement.

After a few hours Soph declares it is time for us to get ready, she insisted as it's the first party she gets to make me over. I agree begrudgingly and I have no idea what I am in store for.

She orders me to shower first and dry my hair and whilst I'm doing that she will shower. I wash and shave everywhere, putting one towel around my body and one around my hair letting Soph use the shower next. Going to my room I start dying my hair, once it's done I brush it out.

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