Chapter 18

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Sophie hasn't really spoken to me since the drunken phone call. Griffin had asked if we were okay but I just told him we had an argument and we would be fine.

Miles avoided me when I was at the shop I'm sure he feels guilty for what has happened between me and Soph but he's still not doing anything about it.

"Babe, I'll pick you up after class I want to show you something at the shop," he says as he grabs our coffees.

His lips meet mine and we have fallen into the comfortable state that we were in before the trip to his dad's.

Classes are getting harder but I'm still keeping good grades. The friends I've made are nice but now they found out about Griffin that's all they talk about.

My last class finishes up and I receive a text.

Griffin: I'm outside whenever you're ready

I spot his car and see him leaning against the door.

His black shirt is tight and shows off his muscles, his tattoos are on show and I see other girls checking him out.

Once I reach him he grabs my waist and I stretch up to kiss him. I think a part of me is doing it so girls stop staring at him.

His tongue slips into my mouth and I groan as he spins us around pushing me into the car. He pulls away biting on my bottom lip and moves his mouth to my ear.

"Jealousy looks hot on you" I push him away walking to the passenger seat as he laughs.

He starts the car driving to the shop putting his free hand on my bare thigh massaging it.

"So, what did you want to show me?" I turn to him.

"Some new art I'm working on. I'm thinking of getting it on me, I want to know what you think" he smiles at me.

"Oh really?" I'm surprised.

"Yeah, I want to know what my girlfriend thinks of my new ink" I smile as he says, girlfriend.

We get out of the car once we arrive and he holds my hand walking into the shop.

Now that we've become official he's more affectionate in front of everyone.

"Yo, Griff, your clients here" Wes shouts across the shop gesturing to a man.

"Client?, oh fuck I forgot" he whispers looking at me apologetically.

"It's fine, do you mind if I watch?" He leans in to kiss my lips. "Of course not" he walks away talking to his client.

His client smiles at me as they get set up and Griffin goes into concentration mode. He's half an hour into the tattoo and I can't stop staring at him, he looks hot.

I look at his arms tense as he drags the needle over his client, his tattooed bicep bulges and a vein on his forehead becomes prominent as he focuses on the design. It is a beautiful sight, his green eyes move away from the client's body and raise to meet mine.

"Daze, you need to stop looking at me like that" I shake my head to clear my thoughts as I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Like what?" my voice sounds breathless.

A smirk appears on his face "Like you want me to come over and take you now, as much as I would love to I'm a little bit busy". I cough in shock and turn around to cover up my embarrassment as I hear him laughing behind me.

I go to his office hiding from him after what he just said. He was right though that's what I did want.

I stroll through my phone for a while before going leaving the office and spot that Fee is free.

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