Chapter 25

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I follow Griffin out not knowing what else to do. Throwing my coffee cup in a nearby bin we go to his car.

"You do look really pretty," he says sitting in the driver's seat and looking over to me.

The corner of my lip tips up as I try not to smile "Thanks".

He starts the car and starts driving down to a warehouse-looking place "So I know this isn't really traditional but I wanted you here when I did this so you can pick" he says not elaborating so I have no idea what he's talking about.

I look around and we are parked in a car park, I turn when the driver's door closes and I see Griffin walking to my door and opening it.

He holds out his hand as I take it getting out of the car.

Pulling me along he walks towards the entrance of this warehouse building.

I'm surprised by what I see when we get inside and Griffin goes to get a cart and a handheld scanner.

The place looks like it sells everything and anything you need for your home, it has furniture, paint, decorations and god knows what else.

I am a little confused as to why I'm here though.

We walk through the paint aisle and I see Griffin looking over some colours, "Daze, which colour out of these do you like?" He says as I walk over to take a closer look.

The colors are wildly different I pick the eggshell blue color and he puts it in the cart scanning it.

We then move on to the bed covers and he picks out some bedding that matches the paint color and some cushions and throws.

Next week moves on to the furniture and he starts looking at beds and bedroom furniture.

"Do you need new furniture?" I say now really confused as we have barely spoken since we arrived here.

"I needed a change with my room so I thought you could help pick some stuff out," he says as he reaches for my hand.

"This place is expensive, how can you afford this stuff?" I say looking at the price tag.

"I can afford it don't worry about that," he says.

"So which bed do you like?" He says turning towards to mass of beds in front of us.

We ended up choosing a cream-colored bed with a high soft headboard and he insisted on buying some more drawers which matched the ones he's already got so I have space for my clothes even though I could walk fifteen steps to get them out of my drawers.

He keeps picking up random stuff before we take a break in the in-store coffee shop.

I feel like he's trying to change his room to make me like it more but my mind can't help but drift to the woman from earlier and I can tell he knows what I'm thinking about by the pained look on his face.

"I'm sorry for how it looked in the shop, people flirt and I need to create boundaries straight away but I'm not used to having someone I care about. It won't happen again" he says desperately.

"I'm not stupid, you're ridiculously attractive and way out of my league, Women are going to flirt with you but if we are going to give this a go I can't have you flirting back I need to be able to trust you" I say honestly.

"You're the one who's out of my league, everyone's already said how far I'm punching with you," he says as I laugh.

"Everyone meaning you're dad?" I say.

"My dad loves you way more than me" I continue laughing because even I'm unsure if that's a lie.

"I know it's a bit of a boring date but this place does same-day delivery so I was hoping we could spend the day putting this together then have a movie night in our room?" He says "That is if you're happy to give us a proper chance?".

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