Chapter 30

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After that comment, I feel my anger rise to match his.

"Excuse me?" I spit out back to him.

I see the group looking around uncomfortably as we stare off at each other.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the redhead still flirting with Kealan which just spears on my anger.

Griffin's sat with the same girl he's been with all night practically sitting on his lap. His face looked smugly towards me.

"I'm surprised you're not trying to get with Maddox over here," he says pointing to a guy I don't know a few seats over.

"What are you talking about?" I say feeling defeated by his behaviour.

"I'm just saying first Wes, then me, then Kealan why not try with one of my other friends?" He continues to smirk at me before turning to make out with the girl before pulling away.

"Daze, look around we can all do better than you. Wes upgraded, and so did I and now look at Kealan" I turned to look at him and I see Kealan realize what was said as he pulled away from the girl kissing his neck with a look of regret.

"Enough" he directs to Griffin as Wes and Fee say the same.

Ignoring them he looks at Kealan again "You were right about me wasting my time with her, she is a stuck-up bitch".

The words cut deep, I thought me and Kealan were friends or at least getting there now he's called me that to multiple people.

"Griff, stop" I hear Wes say as my eyes drift to a remorseful-looking Kealan.

"Why?" He responds.

Before anybody responds I stand up walking towards Griffin who stands up dropping the girl on his seat.

He's hovering over me due to his height as I tilt my head up.

Kealan and Wes stand up moving closer as I speak "Fuck you, Griffin".

He smiles at me "You already did".

I feel tears building in my eyes as he continues to stare down at me.

I can hear Wes and Kealan telling Grifin to back off but their voices are muffled as he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Why don't you go cry to mommy and daddy?, Oh no, you can't" he says softly so nobody can hear before chuckling and in that moment I feel like my heart has stopped.

He pulls away standing up still chuckling as I stumble back from his words.

Tears fall as my hands start shaking and I slap him hard in the face and for the first time, I see his anger fade as he realises what he said.

Turning away from all of them and I hear Griffin shout "Shit" and I hear a bang I presume he's hit something.

"What did you say?" I hear Kealan shout before I hear "Princess".

Ignoring it I make my way quickly out of the club before anyone can catch me.

Moving my way quickly I end up in a bar a few doors down and head straight to get a drink.

Downing a few drinks I can still hear his words playing over and over in my head.

I can hear my phone ringing and it's been ringing constantly since I made my exit.

He used my worst life experience against me. I never thought he would do that, I don't understand why he became so cold all of a sudden.

I feel buzzed from the alcohol and I know I'm drunk.

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