Chapter 17

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The car journey to Nathan and Hannah was quiet he hasn't said much since he saw me with Miles.

"So, where does your mom live?" I say to him. I can see some things bothering him his hands are gripping the steering wheel so much that his knuckles are turning white.

"2 and a half hours away from my dad. Are you still coming?" He says with a tone as if he doesn't want me to come.

"Yeah but do you still want me to come?" I said playing with my fingers nervous about his answer.

He sighs loudly not answering.

"Griffin you're clearly angry about something just say what you want to say" I turn to look at him.

He glanced at me before focusing back on the road.

"Are you fucking Miles too?" His words take me back and his fingers turn pure white.

"Why would you say that?" I got to touch his arm but he flinched away.

"Don't touch me answer the question?" His words were filled with venom.

"Of course I'm not he's your best friend and I'm only sleeping with you. I haven't even looked at another guy never mind touched them" I'm hurt that he even questions that.

The car ride is silent for the rest of the journey and when we get to his parents I climb out of the car slam the door walking up to the door as Nathan opens it.

"Hey Da" he cuts off as I storm straight past him going to my room and slamming that door as well.

Shortly after Hannah comes in sitting on the bed next to me.

"What's going on Daisy?" She says holding my hand.

"Nothing" I try to show her I'm fine.

"Daisy come on, you know I'm not leaving until you tell me" her stern voice came out.

"He accused me of sleeping with his best friend" Tears run down my face as I tried to keep them at bay.

"And you're not?" Hannah says.

"Of course I'm not I wouldn't do that to him," I say as she lays down next to me.

"What's going on with you two? You know me and Nathan love you both but we need to know" she says wiping a tear on my cheek.

"I honestly don't know" I can hear Nathan raising his voice downstairs.

"You like him though?" She asks stroking my hair.

"Yeah, I do he makes me happy," I say and she smiles at me.

"You guys will sort it out but now I'm going to go save him from his dad" She gets up making her way downstairs.

I stay in my room for the rest of the night. I didn't sleep because he wasn't with me.

The next day he's helping his dad with a project at work and I don't see him all day. In the evening Nathan says we are going out and I protest until I find out it's just me and him going.

We end up at a local restaurant, he asks the generic stuff until he brings up what he wants to say.

"Daisy I know you said you forgave me but I still feel really guilty about what happened the last time you guys were here," he says still looking ashamed.

"Nathan, I told you I forgive you, I know you didn't mean it. After my parents died you and Hannah became my new parents and I do think of you as my dad. I know that's what they would want" I say getting everything off my chest.

I look up to see him crying, "Oh shit I'm really sorry, if you don't like that I take it back completely" backtracking after seeing the look on his face.

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