Chapter 2

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I am sitting in the kitchen waiting for the rest of the family, my nerves are shot but I know I have to do this journey for both me and Soph, she will just continue worrying if I can't even make it to college never mind actually experiencing it.

It is now 8.20 am and I hear movement upstairs.

"Nathan get your arse up now, the girls need to go to college" I hear Mrs. Dramos shouting.

"But I don't want them to leave" he whines back.

"Come on Dad you know how hard this is going to be for Daisy, don't make it harder" Sophie's voice is quiet but I still hear it.

Not long afterward I hear the shower going. Sophie walks downstairs looking beautiful as always she's wearing a black strappy summer dress with boot heels, her brown hair flowing down her back. A vast contrast to what I look like.

My blonde hair is secured in a ponytail. I'm wearing an oversized cropped white jumper and skin-tight high-waisted black leggings with white Converse.

"WE ARE GOING TO COLLEGE DAISY ARRGGGG" got her voice is so loud.

Mr. and Mrs. Dramos walk-in "Sophie keep it down".

I see them setting our bags by the door. We all sit down for one last breakfast, my eyes are barely open I think I'm going crash out before I even get to the car.

Mr. Dramos comes over and gives me a hug "Come on pumpkin let's get you in the car before you pass out", he walks me to the car opening the front passenger seat.

I look at him and back at Sophie and Mrs. Dramos behind me.

"Don't worry honey we know Nathan needs to spend more time with you, sit in the front with him. Plus, I get to spend some more time with Soph in the back" Mrs. Dramos smiles and I slip into the seat putting my seatbelt on immediately even though the engine hasn't even been turned on.

I see them in the wing mirror loading the car with our bags and even though I'm super tired I can feel the nerves kicking in. Everybody climbs in the car a few minutes later and I can feel them glancing at me trying to gaze at my reaction.

Mr. Dramos turns on the engine and I can see he is trying to do it quietly but it's an engine obviously it is going to make noise but I can't help that my hands start shaking.

I can feel myself internally panicking, I try to hide my shaking hands but Mr. Dramos notices.

Reaching over he grabs hold of the hand closest to his "I'm going to set off now okay?" I nod knowing we have to go.

The car starts moving and my hands start to shake more, he continues holding my hand in one hand with his other on the steering wheel. As the car is an automatic he doesn't have to change gears.

I'm trying to breathe normally but it is ragged, I see Sophie looking at me from the corner of my eye and she sees the complete panic in my eyes.

"Daisy, how do you think classes will be this semester? Do you think they take it easy on us at first? God, I hope so" I know she's talking to me to distract me and it's partially working not necessarily because the questions are distracting me more her voice is sending me to sleep.

My eyes are closing as I lean my head against the window. I hear faint voices and feel Mr. Dramos removing his hand from mine, before he can fully release it I grab onto him tightly. He squeezes my hand as a sign he understands and keeps holding my hand as I drift off.

I hear murmuring voices as my eyes flutter open. Once I open them I see we are outside of a building block.

Sophie and her parents are outside of the car talking unaware that I am awake.

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