Chapter 12

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Walking back to the apartment is awkward. Wes, Fee, and Miles are walking in front and Griffin walks with me.

I'm texting Soph to see if she's going to be home she said she is and she's called some friends over because Griffin text her.

She also demanded we have a catch-up before we drink at the apartment she wants to know about the date.

While I'm messaging her Griffin looks over at my phone.

"Is she hounding you about the date?" He asks.

"Did your mom ever tell you it was rude to read other people's messages?" I say in a joking manner.

"Sorry," he looks away.

"I'm kidding Griffin, yeah she is. She wants a quick chat before we drink at the apartment" he smiles at me before looking at my arm.

"I'm sorry about crashing it the guys wanted to go for a drink. How's your arm doing?" He looks at the arm in the cast.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine I get the cast off in a few days" he looks at Wes and then back at me.

"Is he taking you?" Annoyance is evident in his voice.

"Nope, I'm going by myself Soph has college. Your dad wanted to come but it's pointless for him to drive up for something so little" I tell him straining my neck to look at him.

"When is it?" He asks.

"Monday, my professor has said not to bother coming in and to have a study day that day" I explain to him.

He nods back in response as we continue to walk his hand brushes mine a few times before we reach the apartment.

As soon as we get to the apartment Soph is dragging me into her room.

"How was the date?" She says excitedly.

"It got crashed by your brother and his colleagues," I say as I walk to my room picking out a long jumper.

"What the fuck, Griffin is so jealous" she throws herself on my bed.

"He's not jealous when I went to the shop to meet Wes, he was in the next room sleeping with a gorgeous woman. I told you he doesn't see me that way" I pull off the clothes I'm wearing and throw on the jumper.

"He was fucking someone in the room next to you? I told you I'm happy to kill him" I can see she's angry.

"He didn't know I was there and it's fine," I say as I pull my hair out of the style it's in and through it into a messy bun taking off my makeup.

"So how did it go with Wes?" I know she's excited I went out but damn she's going to be disappointed.

"It didn't, we are friends plus he likes someone else and I think they would be cute together so I'm going to help them" She looks at me like I'm an alien.

"You're going to help them?" She says as I nod.

"They both have liked each other for a while, so I'm thinking your skill of starting off some drinking games to push it along a bit" She rolls her eyes at this but smiles.

"Sure, I love drinking games, so who's the lucky girl?" She stands up ready to go back out to everyone.

"Fee, she will probably be hanging with the boys. Shall we go get a drink?" She nods making her way out of my room and to the kitchen where music is playing.

"Where's Hunter?" I ask her.

"We broke up I don't want anything serious he did" She shrugs before introducing me to some of her friends and Griffin introduces himself and the guys from the shop. Most of Soph's friends look intimidated but also attracted to him with some of them flirting.

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