Chapter 14

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I wake up when I hear the door close.

"I got us some Chinese, I just picked up a variety of options none of you were answering your phones" I hear Griffin say.

"Sorry I was studying, Daisy fell asleep on the couch," Sophie says as I sit up.

Making my way to the bathroom I say hi to them before freshening up. I put my hair into a messy bun before walking out.

They have set all the dishes out on the table in front of the TV with some plates.

Chow mein, sweet and sour, and some kind of curry were in ramekins on the table along with chips, rice, two different types of sauces, and some ribs.

Soph sits down filling her plate straight away stuffing her face "Thanks Griff" she says with her mouth full.

Griffin comes over giving me a peck on the lips before grabbing his own plate. Sophie coughs with her mouth very full.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I ask.

"Water please," Sophie says.

"Can you grab me a coke please babe?" I stop dead when he says that and I hear Sophie snigger babe under her breath.

Going to the fridge I grab a water and two cokes and give them to them whilst grabbing a plate of my own.

After we've all finished eating we clear up and put a movie on, shortly after it starts I hear Sophie's phone go and she excuses herself to her room.

I start shuffling trying to get comfy before Griffin suggests we watch the rest of it in bed.

I go to the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face before going to his room. Before I even ask he throws me a shirt to wear and goes to the bathroom.

I get into bed setting up the movie so we are prepared for when he's back.

When he's back we get settled.

"How was work?" I ask him.

"It was good, the shop is so busy at the moment and Wes is getting overwhelmed with bookings at least with the tattoo part I have a few people" When he says this I automatically think of Fee.

"You know I heard that Fee is pretty good a piercing she just needs someone to give her a chance" I look up to see him thinking.

"Really? I never knew that I'll speak to her" he smiles at me before kissing me.

"Thank you" Why is he thanking me.

"Huh?" I say confused.

"You just always seem to know what to do. I wanted to ask you something" Looking at him I wait for him to continue.

"I've got the day off tomorrow so I'm coming with you to get your cast off. I also wanted to ask if I can take you on a date after?" He actually wants to take me out.

"Yeah I'd like that" he kisses me again before speaking seriously "Oh and will you phone my dad he's been non-stop calling to see how you are".

"He hasn't called me that's weird" I miss Nathan.

"He still feels guilty after everything that happened" A sad look crosses his face.

"Oh, I'll call him" I mumble out.

"Daze, he'll come around. He asked me to go down in a few weeks I was thinking you could come?" He said but I'm swamped at the moment I have an essay to write but I'll have to do it on Tuesday seeing as I have a date tomorrow.

"I guess it depends on how college is going" I know he's disappointed with my answer.

I end up falling asleep and I feel him pull me against him.

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