Chapter 5

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"Where the hell have you been Daisy, Sophie got home over an hour ago" he was seething as he held me up against him.

"I was sat down I lost track of time" pushing him away and stepping properly into the apartment.

"More like you were too busy trying to get fucked than look after my sister" I flinched at his words.

Walking into the kitchen I go to grab a glass of milk, it has always helped my hangovers.

"No, I wasn't I spent the whole night by myself whilst Soph does what she always does at parties. I didn't do anything wrong" Gulping down the milk and placing the glass in the sink I turn to walk to my room.

I'm grabbed from behind Griffin turning me around to face him "You never leave my sister alone at a party. I swear to god I don't care if my dad and sister worship the ground you walk on I will ruin you" threatening me I could see the hatred in his eyes.

I nod unable to look at him again, I knew moving in here would be a mistake.

Pulling away front his grasp on my wrists I go to my room shutting the door behind me. I didn't realise how hard he grabbed me but I can now see marks on my wrists.

I fall asleep quite easily thanks to the alcohol and wake up feeling semi-refreshed. Thanks to the milk I don't have a hangover and remember everything that happened.

Maybe I shouldn't have left Soph for that long but I saw she was with friends. Forgetting that I go see Soph she's not in her room she must be in the living room.

I see her cuddled up on the couch with a blanket clearly nursing a mega hangover.

I know exactly what she needs, her hangover cure. Painkillers, iced mocha, and pancakes. I make them for her and bring them over.

"Soph I made you some stuff that'll help your hangover" She looked rough I couldn't lie.

"Hangover cure?" I nod in response "Yeah hangover cure, how much did you drink last night?" She looked happy whilst eating.

"I don't know a lot, Jared is really hot you never told me that. I spent the rest of the night with friends from college I presumed you'd gone home" She turned on the TV putting it on a quiet setting.

"I'm sorry I didn't see the message you sent, I shouldn't have left you by yourself inside" I didn't hear anybody else come into the room until he spoke.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have left her alone what kind of a friend does that" Anger was still burning in his eyes.

Soph looked between us before addressing Griffin "She is the best friend, it was my fault I went off with my friends and I know Daisy always hangs outside at parties I didn't even check before I left" She looked at me knowing I felt guilty "I should have looked for you properly instead of just taking off"

Griffin was watching and listening to our interaction as he grabbed a coffee.

"Wait Daisy, how did you get home?" I know she was not going to like the answer so I try to avoid it by grabbing a coffee of my own but she followed me.

"You walked home didn't you?" My face told her everything she needed to know.

"You walked home at 2 am?"
"Shit I'm so sorry Daisy I didn't even think how you would get home"

They both talked at the same time looking at me with disapproving looks.

"Why didn't you just call a cab?" Griffin spoke but Sophie ignored him looking at my hands.

Grabbing them "Why do you have bruises? Did something happen at the party? Did something happen on the way home? Shit Daisy" she was talking to herself at this point.

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