Chapter 15

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Over the next week, we get ourselves into a new comfortable routine with each other. His bed is now mine, Sophie doesn't spend much time at the apartment which is causing Griffin to ask questions and I've told them they have to tell him.

"Babe, your coming to the shop after you've hung out with Soph, aren't you? I'll help you study between clients" he says as I make us some coffee also making Soph one now she's decided to grace us with her presence.

"She'll be there about 3 I'm having my time with her," Soph says to him pushing him slightly away from me.

"Yeah I'll just be coming back to grab my books but I'll be there later," I say to him.

"Go get the books and stuff you need to study," he says as I look at him confused but go do it anyway.

I grab the back from my room bringing it back to the kitchen. As he holds his hand out "I'll take it to the shop so you don't need to come back here" he says grabbing it.

"Thanks," I say smiling at him.

"Okay guys break it up you'll see each other later time to go, Daisy," Soph says trying to get me to move.

"Oh Soph, you've barely been home when are you going to introduce us to your new boyfriend?" Griffin says as she tightens her grip on my arm looking between us.

"Not right now, are you guys going to Dad's in the college break?" She says changing the subject.

"Yeah I'm going for the weekend but I've got other stuff to do after which I need to speak to you about", he says looking at me.

"Well talk about it later your running into my time with my best friend we gotta go" She, says grabbing her bag.

I grab mine about to walk out when Griffin turns me around.

"Bye babe," he says before capturing his lips with mine. I swear time stands still ... that is until Sophie clears her throat really loudly.

"I'll see you later" I say as me and Soph walk out of the door.

We decide to go for some lunch and do some shopping.

After picking a nice Italian place we order when Sophie speaks.

"It feels like it's been ages since it's been me and you, I miss you," She said aww I miss her too.

"I miss you too, I'm sorry if it's weird with me and Griffin," I say feeling guilty I haven't spent much time with her.

"It's not weird exactly it's just, okay it's weird but I'm happy for you two," she says smiling.

"How is it going with Miles?" Her face lights up even more when I say that.

"It's great, he's so kind, caring, and incredibly hot" she gushes about him.

"Is he your boyfriend now?" She looks down before replying "Yeah he is" she says.

"You really need to tell your brother I don't like keeping it from him," I say as I know it's going to backfire on me.

"We will tell him I'm just trying to find the right time," she says as our meals are placed in front of us.

"So, is my brother now dating you officially?" She asks with a mouthful of food.

"We haven't put labels on it but we aren't seeing anyone else. We spoke about it yesterday" I say but I see she's put her fork down looking serious.

"Are you sure he's serious? I know he's my brother but he is always sleeping with some woman and he's never been one to solely be with one woman" She looks at me sadly when she speaks.

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