He chuckled as he shook his head. "When you got back after 2 years, I didn't fight you. I came into your life the second you asked me to"

"You used me, Xavier! I knew you never loved me! You just used me for your selfish interest! You are a terrible person. A fucking! Terrible! Person!" he kept on shouting those words in Xavier's face and when he couldn't take it anymore, Xavier voiced out.

"Of course I loved you! But you are delusional Martin. I loved you like a normal person would, but you wanted more. I had other things to think of, like my future, but you didn't think that was necessary"

"I am the delusional one?" Martin was too stunned to speak. "Fuck you, Xavier! Fuck you for taking my love for granted"

"You call that love? That was you leaving your fantasy dream and it was crazy!"

"I am not the crazy one Garcia. You are!"

"Of course, you will never accept you need help. That's why I fucking left you!"

"No, you left me because you were selfish"

"I left you because you almost killed me. Do you call that love? Hurting someone you love?"

Martin didn't say a word. His breathing got louder and more intense. Xavier knew it would only take a matter of time before he lost his mind. "You are a heartless person. You took Hardin away from me" Tears gathered in his eyes.

That was how manipulative Hardin could be. Xavier has had enough. He didn't let his tears get to him. Behind those tears was a heartless man who couldn't feel any emotions. He was trying to make Xavier believe he was the bad person and he was good at that. Someone who hadn't met Martin before would fall for his tricks, but not Xavier.

"Why did you agree to meet me?" Xavier asked because he was still surprised at how quickly Martin was willing to accept his offer for them to meet.

"I met this girl at a club some night back. When I told her about everything. She told me it isn't worth it and when I thought about it, I realized that for sure, it wasn't worth it. I don't want us to go back to how we were before. I just don't want to hate you and I don't want you to hate me too"

Xavier started coming closer. "Is that going to be possible? How can you not hate me after all I did to you"

"It's possible. I've done worse to other people"

Xavier nodded his head."True" He paused. "So what are you going to do from here?"

"I'm leaving California for good. This place brings a lot of memories"

"For good?"

"You won't have to see my face again and I will stop bothering your family. I can be free for once" he smiled. That was the most genuine smile Xavier had ever seen from Martin. "Can I get a hug?" he asked.

Xavier hesitated, but he agreed. Martin walked closer and hugged Xavier.

Xavier hugged him back and after a while, Martin broke the hug. After giving Xavier the last smile, he turned and started walking towards his car, but Xavier would be damned if he let him go like that.

"I'm so sorry Martin," he let out with no atom of pity in his voice.

Martin turned around and Xavier shot him in the leg. Then he walked towards Martin as he groaned and cursed in pain.

Xavier bent to his level as he lit a cigarette. He placed it on his lips and took a long drag. "I wanted you to turn around before I shoot because I wanted to see the look on your face as you go down in pain"

"Fuck you, Xavier. Fuck you!" Martin cursed as he repeatedly banged his head on the floor, trying to fight the pain his legs elicited.

Xavier stood up from where he was bent. "You told your story, but you didn't let me tell my side of the story. Remember how you stood by, while those guys beat me up after standing up for you? I begged you to go get help, but you didn't. You found the scene amusing"

Xavier removed his hair from his neck and leaned closer to Martin for him to see. "See this scar. You were the one who did this to me. You almost killed me. You fuckin placed a knife on my neck and watched it bleed. I thought you were going to kill me, but surprisingly, you didn't."

Xavier paused trying to contain his anger. "You laid your hands on Amelia, you let your boyfriend almost kill her. You shot Erica, you killed Nathan, you caused me an accident, you poisoned me. What the fuck have you not done to me?!"

"Xavier stop this" Martin called out. " I did that because I loved you" his voice sounded faint.

"No, you didn't. You were stuck in the crazy fantasy that kept playing in your head. You can't get the kind of love you need here. Maybe you can get it in another world"

"I'm sorry.... "

"shut the fuck up! " Xavier roared at him. "For this, to end, one of us has to die and it has to be you"

"No no. Xavier don't do this. I will leave this place and you won't have to see... "

Xavier shot him in the other leg and watched him scream in pain.

"Stop this madness, Xavier! "

"You taught me this madness, Martin. May your soul rest in peace" he shot him in the head.

"Or not" he completed.

That was the end. The end of a major problem in his life. Xavier smiled as he looked at the lifeless body of a man who had caused him a lot of pain. He repeatedly shot him everywhere until the bullet was finished.

"Who would have thought you would die like a chicken Maryin?" Xavier snickered as he stooped to where Martin was.

He didn't care if Martin was bleeding he flung him across his shoulder and took him to the car. An asshole like him didn't deserve a normal burial. A normal burial wouldn't do him any good because he was going to rot in hell.


Amelia dipped the pregnancy dipstick into her urine as she waited patiently. She was nervous. The last time she saw her period was 2 months ago and she was scared of the possibility of her being pregnant.

She couldn't get pregnant especially when their marriage was ending in a week time.

"Oh no," Amelia exclaimed as she placed her hand on her mouth.

"Hey what does it say?" Wendy asked from out of the bathroom. She had been waiting for Amelia to get done with it.

"I'm pregnant Wendy" she blurted out as she came out of the bathroom.

"Omg!!!!" Wendy screamed at the thought of her voice. "You should be happy Amelia"

"No this is bad Wendy"

"Are you fuckin serious? The marriage is ending one week from now and you got pregnant for him. Well that's a twist"

"I don't think he is ready for a baby and this wasn't part of my plans"

"Plans change Amelia. Trust me, this is good. I couldn't imagine the two of you getting a divorce"

"I don't think Xavier was going to divorce anyway. He loves me"

"Well, whichever one it is. Your being pregnant will make your journey with him completely sealed. He will have to keep to the fake vows he recited at the altar. For better or worse. Till death do us part" she giggled while Amelia rolled her eyes at her. "You need to tell him, Amelia"

That was the problem, Amelia didn't know how she would break the news to him, and above all, she didn't know how he would react

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