Xavier let go of Williams. "Don't you ever think of lying to me again" He let out and watched William nod in fear.

Xavier felt frustrated. His brother was the cause of it. He probably didn't inform him about this because he felt he wasn't okay enough to challenge Martin, but at that point, Xavier didn't care. He was going to bring down Martin.

He remembered how Martin killed Nathan and his anger doubled. First, he killed Nathan, then he caused him an accident, then Poisoned him and now he shot Erica. If he wasn't stopped, Martin was going to keep on doing what he was best known for; destruction.

Xavier, out of anger walked back into the house.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked Amelia who sat on one of the couches, confused. She dropped her phone and stood up.

"Tell you what?"

"You adopted Martin? Why the fuck would you do something like that?"

"I was trying to protect you and myself"

"Do you know how dangerous he is? He would have killed you"

"And he did not!"

"Listen Amelia" he pointed his index finger at her. "You don't have any right to tell my men what to do"

Amelia was taken by surprise by the statement but quickly regained herself. "I am your wife, Xavier"

"You forgot to add a contract-fake wife" he snarled at her and watched as her eyes softened.

She thought they had gone past that stage of calling their marriage fake. She wasn't angry anymore. She was more than hurt. Xavier noticed that he had hurt her, his anger immediately died down and he tried to hold her.

"Don't..." She snatched her hands from his grip and immediately went upstairs. "You can go. I understand. I am just a fake wife and the contract is going to expire soon"

"No Amelia I didn't mean it like that" Xavier tried to beg her, but she was already jogging upstairs. "Amelia," he called out. "Amelia please"

She didn't for once turn to look at him. She was too bittered to do so.

Xavier sat on the chair as he rummaged his hand through his head. Not only was he frustrated, but he was also fed up. He had given Martin too much breathing space.


"It warms my heart to see you here," Erica said in sarcasm as she looked at Lucas who took a seat beside her at the bar counter.

He hesitated for a while before giving her a response. "Okay you really do dislike me"

She scoffed. "Dislike? I hate you. And I know you feel the same about me"

"What do you expect me to feel for the woman who tried to kill my brother?" he took a sip from his glass."surprisingly, I don't hate you as much as you do to me"

"You fucking pointed a gun at me."

"I wasn't going to shoot and you know it"

"Excuse you. How the fuck was I supposed to know when I was busy praying for my life?"

"How did you expect me to act especially when you were working for Martin?"

"I didn't know he was that vicious"

"Well, now you know. Do yourself a favor and leave the couple alone"

"Trust me I have" she drank her wine. "They have been a pain in the ass anyway"

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