"But you will still be his brother, but I will no longer be his wife. Who loses the most?"

"If you don't want him to leave. Maybe you should do something that can make him stay"

"Like what?"

"I haven't gotten married before, have I?"

He said and Amelia rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Have a nice day" she grabbed her purse and walked out of his office.


That night, Amelia kept pacing around in her room. She had tried sleeping, but it was almost impossible. There was no way she would let her husband go like that. She wasn't sure she would survive such a heartbreak.

A thought came to her mind. Lucas did say she should something to make him stay. She opened her closet and took the lingerie Daphne gave her when she was going on a honeymoon with Xavier. To think of it, she had never used it once.

She slipped off her normal nightdress and wore the lingerie. She was desperate to get Xavier and she was also very nervous. The thought of him rejecting her made her feel that way.
She undid the messy bun that her head was wrapped in and let it cascade down her shoulders

After succeeding in steadying herself, she walked out of her room and made her way to Xavier's room. Her shaky hand knocked on the door as her heartbeat increased so much that she heard it.

There was silence at the other end for a while but she soon heard footsteps and her heart almost exploded.
She adjusted her hair and her lingerie that barely covered her thighs region, but it wasn't too extra

Xavier opened the door.

"Amelia what...." He tried to speak, but one look at her from top to bottom, and his words flew out of his head. He immediately lacked composure.. "are you doing here" he managed to finish his question.

Amelia walker and stopped very close to him with both of her hands behind her.

"I came to plead with you too" she looked up at him, speaking in a flirting tone.

"To do what," Xavier said in a gravelly tone. He tried to move away from her because the space between them was so little, but she held him by the hand, stopping him from moving an inch. The space between made him feel heated inwardly.

He couldn't understand his body anymore. No woman had ever been able to turn him on, but she was different. One look at her in that lingerie and his mouth went dry.

His heartbeat increased and he instantly felt nervous. That was something that hardly happened to him. He was very organized and composed, but at that point, he wasn't in his right sense.

"I just uhm" she brought her hand to his chest. "You look nervous"

"I'm not nervous," he let out in his defense.

"That's good" she gave him a flirty smile.
"what do you want?"

"Well, since the marriage is going to be over in a month. I don't see why we should end it on a bad note"

"You lied to me," he asked trying to keep his cool because she was very close to him now. He felt his shaft throhbing in response. That was so strange.

"If you got married to one of your Boyfriends. You know they love you, but they get into an accident and lose their memory. Won't you do anything to keep them close to you? If I had told you the marriage was fake, you would forget about the love and call off the marriage just like you are about to do now"

Xavier said nothing. She was right. There was also a chance he loved her hm because anytime he look into her eyes, he felt something. He couldn't even hate her when he found out she lied to him.

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