Amelia tossed to the other side of her bed, her stomach hurt and her head banged. That was the time of the month when she hated being a woman. "Fuck" she groaned in frustration.

The door opened, revealing Mrs. Rebecca.

"Ma'am, what would you like to eat?"

"Nothing" Amelia managed to mutter, groaning in pain.

"But Sir Xavier...."

"Tell Sir Xavier to go fuck himself! I mean that" she snapped at her, not caring if she delivered her message or not. Amelia just wanted her to leave.

The pills she took weren't working. It was all thanks to her heavy sugar intake yesterday, now she had to face the consequence.

Rebecca left and soon after, the door opened. Even without looking at the door, she already knew it was Xavier. She wasn't ready to see his face. She didn't want to see anybody's face. Her period had a way of making me so cranky.

"Are you okay?" he asked, but she didn't give him a reply. If he wasn't blind, he would be able to tell she wasn't fine

"Amelia" he called out, walking into the room. From where she lay, she could already smell his cologne.

"I don't want to eat with you"

"Must we always quarrel every morning about breakfast?"

"And why can't you get the message that I don't... Fuck" She hit her stomach and lay back on her bed. Shouting at him was making her worse.

"You should have just told me to get you chocolate, like every reasonable lady". He said already realizing the cause of her mood swings. When he was much younger, he remembered how the house turned to hell when Daphne was on hers.

"Well why don't you be a kind gentleman and get me some"

"I will, but you have to know it's not my duty to get you chocolate every month"

"Why not?"  she frowned at him

"We don't have to be affectionate to be each other"

"Because our marriage is fake huh?"

"The contract doesn't state I have to care about you and get you gifts"

"The contract also doesn't say you can boss me around"

"I don't boss you around" he stood his ground and Amelia gave him a "are you kidding" look.

"This has to be the funniest joke you have ever made" She sat up from her bed. "Since the contract doesn't say you can boss me around, but you still do, I think I have every right to ask for chocolates. Do get ready because you are going to be doing this every month until all this is over" she spat out and lay back on her bed.

"And don't keep me waiting" She muffled with my head dug inside her pillow.

She knew she had stained his ego, but didn't care. She watched him sigh as he left. He probably didn't expect such outbursts from her. He didn't know she was a different person during her time of the month.


"You were so close to getting your lover girl," Martin said and Hardin didn't fail to sense the mockery his voice held. It got him even angrier.

"It's not funny"

"No, it's not. You just gave Xavier more reason to kill us now"

"He will do no such thing. She's only a mere contract wife. He doesn't care about her"

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