"hmph interesting, but why does he always have to drag me to every show I don't wanna be part of"

"you are his wife and every press will be honored to interview you?" She said and Amelia's eyes flew open.

"Interview me?" She half yelled with widened eyes.

"It's not so bad, they could just want to know more about you".

"Then what happens"

"Bloggers carry on from there"

"So I'll be all over social media? "

"Something like that, but don't misquote me. Not all over social media"

"Why would they want to interview me"

"Because it's their job"

"Can't I stop them"

"If you wanna appear rude, yes"

"Jeez," Amelia said in belief.

"Anyways get dressed, you don't wanna be late," she said with a smile and Amelia gulped. Her social anxiety began to kick in and the thought of speaking into dozens of mics made her shriek.

Amelia slipped the dress on, alongside the suitable shoe and when she was done, she signaled Stephenie to come in. Stephenie came in and her face molded into stupefaction as she looked at Amelia in admiration.

"And this is perfect," Stephenie said looking down at the body hug dressed that cascaded down Amelia's body, clinging to her hips and giving her a nice fitting.

"You think"

"Yeah, I know so. Xavier would love it"

"You mean everybody at the red carpet will? Xavier won't give me a second glance. Yes he is nonchalant that much"

"We don't know yet, do we?"

"Probably," Amelia said with a shrug and Stephanie walked in fully, shutting the door behind her.

Amelia had her makeup done by Stephenie and when done, she was so stunned by his beautiful she looked. One word could be used to describe her and that was different. The dark makeup concept was precise and  Amelia was loving it.

Amelia walked down the stairs with her lips positioned together nervously. The thought of Xavier's reaction to her dress propelled her stomach to flip. She outperformed herself and she was aching to know if Xavier would give her a thumbs up for her job well done in getting an outstanding dress for the red carpet.

Xavier caught sight of her and swallowed hard. One thing was inevitable, she looked different and he had most certainly not seen this aspect of her.

She swayed her hips with each gait and that ruffled something inside of him that he couldn't interpret. She got to where he was and he just gaped at her, too marveled to speak.

"You look...."He bit his lips as he strived to think of a word that best suited her appearance, but he found none. Why was he feeling like this? He kept asking himself. Why did she have so much effect on him, he couldn't think of a suitable explanation.

"Let's go," he said and Amelia looked at him with eyes widened. One minute he was drooling at her and now he was all of a sudden being temperamental and it was quite infuriating.

Amelia groaned in frustration as she made her way towards the front door without sparing him a glance. Truth be told, she almost stumbled on the stairs when she came faced with him.

He had on a dashing brown trench coat and in it he wore, a white turtleneck shirt that clung to his body and Amelia ached to get rid of the trench to have a glimpse of his virility. In all, he looked too stunning and Amelia couldn't help but feel low classed compared to him.

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