"I thought Martin had her, could you blame me?"

"You could have waited for 48 hours like every normal person. Or sorry. I forgot you aren't ordinary. You beat reality"

"What's done is done"

"It doesn't work that way. If Martin sees the news, he will realize how much you care about her" he stated and Xavier snapped his head towards Lucas as he peered at him in turmoil.

"That's not true"

"What's not true?"

"I don't care about her" Xavier blurted out. "At least not in the way you think"

"Yeah you can tell your reflection that every morning, not me," he said and Xavier still had the look of puzzlement on his face.

"Stay true to yourself, you care about her. All my life, I haven't seen you care for anyone as you do with her. The sooner you start admitting it to yourself, the better"

"It's normal to care for someone entrusted into your hands"

"By who? "

"We signed a contract, I have to keep her safe as my wife"

"I have never heard you say something with such determination in your eyes. A couple of weeks ago, you detested the word 'wife' so much, but here you are owning it up like a possession"

"Lucas what are you're implying?" Xavier asked and with the look on his face, it was obvious that he was getting pissed by the conversation.

"You are in love with this girl aren't you?". He asked and Xavier froze as soon as the word registered in him. That question took him by surprise.

Early into the contract agreement, if this particular question was asked, his answer would have been straight up no, but this time, he didn't know what his answer was. He just couldn't answer and that surprised him.

"She isn't my type"

"You keep telling yourself that?. Let me guess, that's a newly adopted coping mechanism?"

"Lucas stop" he shot at him and Lucas shrugged.

Xavier's mind was already all over the place and it all evolved on that particular question. Several sensations clouded him, but one was greater, confusion.

Lucas tilted the bottle of barcadi on the table to its side and poured the content into a cup while Xavier watched him. He gulped the content and leaned back on his couch and Xavier couldn't help but applaud him mentally, for causing him so much restlessness while he sat there, unbothered.

"Amelia ran into Nathan" Xavier blurted out after a long period of silence and Lucas almost coughed out all the drink he ingurgitated and Xavier understood his reaction.

"She what?" Xavier asked when he could finally speak. "Does he know she is your wife"

"I don't know about that, but I feel he told her something because she seemed very keen to know what we both had"

"Are you going to tell her?"

"not at all" Xavier said and Lucas narrowed his eyes in confusion

"Why wouldn't you tell her"

"It's none of her business. She just a sheer contract wife"

"Sheer you say, but don't mean it, do you?"

"What are you saying?"

"She is more than a contract wife to you and deep down you know it"

"I thought we dropped this" Xavier glared at Lucas and he lifted his hand to signify defeat which resulted in Xavier sighing info exasperation.

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