"You guys are at Kauai right?"


"Can I get the full address of where you stay so I can help out?" he asked Amelia didn't know why, but she had second thoughts about giving somebody she didn't know the address of where they stayed.

"Mary's street 23 part b" she blurted out nevertheless as pressed her lips together. Maybe the man could help her take him to the hospital. She wondered why Xavier thought it was a perfect idea not to take any of his guards to Kauai. Now she was stranded here with him. There was silence at the other end of the line. The call was still ongoing, but not a word was said.

After about one minute of not saying anything, she finally heard him speak

"Good," he said in a deadly whisper. For some reason, a shiver ran down her spine as genuine fear overtook her.

The phone call ended. Her attention drifted back to Xavier. Gladly, he was still awake. He grabbed her hand as he tried his best to speak.

"Pills," he let out in a strained voice

"What pills?"

"Pills" he spoke again as sweat just kept rushing down his face

"You are not saying anything," she cried out. A whimper escaped from her lips. She hadn't even realized that she had been crying all this while.

"Upstairs" he swallowed hard, trying his best to bring his words forth. "Get them for me," he managed to speak. Amelia finally understood what he meant and quickly went upstairs to his room. His pills were upstairs, and he wanted her to get them for him.

The adrenaline that coursed through her body was so great that she ran faster than a cheetah. Nothing was going to happen to Xavier. She kept on repeating those words.

She opened the door to his room and stormed in. The first thing she noticed was how he kept things so orderly. Almost like he had an OCD. This was the first time she was entering his room, so she had no idea where to look.

*How was she going to find the pill?* she thought Inwardly, trying to keep her cool.

She rummaged through his clothes, then his bed, flinging all the pillows down to see if it was under any of them, and finally a Little cabinet, close to his bedside. She found a set of drugs wrapped in a bag and without checking, she hurried downstairs with a trembling heart. Due to how she didn't know what might have befallen him in the sitting room made her increase her pace.

There he was, lying helplessly on the floor, and the sight of him like that made her feel agony build up in her heart.

"Xavier, Xavier" she called out incessantly as she rushed towards him, placing his head on her lap again. She emptied the bag's content, and she came faced with numerous drugs. Once more, she became confused.

"Which of them?" she asked Xavier, who was too weak to even move. Her hands were shaking and sweating as a result of how scared she was. Even though she considered him to be an asshole, she still cared so much about. It was the truth she tried her best to deny.

His mouth opened slightly, as he raised his hand to her, trying his best to speak, but no words were coming out. That made her panic even more.

The person she called earlier wasn't showing up. That was bad because she didn't know anything about his illness and giving him the wrong dose of drugs could only make things worse for him.

The sweat on his body was excess and by the way, he kept breathing so fast and rapidly, it was obvious he was trying hard to stay awake. That was the only hope she clenched too. If he passed out, she might pass out too with him.

When Amelia was still contemplating whether to start with the blue pills or the red ones, the doorbell rang and for a second, she breathed a sigh of relief. Not caring to know or ask who it was, she rushed to the door and opened it up.

A man in his late twenties stood in front of her. He had brown hair and dark eyes. His spiked faux-hawk hair looked good on him. He looked like any regular man, but there was something about him that didn't sit well with her. His tall, well-built frame, made him a model-like feature. He was so Handsome, but Amelia couldn't trust him.

"Who are you?" She asked, but didn't get a response as he brushed past her and walked towards Xavier that was on the floor. Something wasn't right, and she didn't know how to stop him.

"You can't just step in and go to him. Who the hell are you?" She asked the man who was already examining Xavier. He eventually turned to look at her, but she didn't fail to notice the look of annoyance on his face.

"You let me in, didn't you?"

"Still you should at least give a proper introduction rather than barging in" she said with a stern look on her face. Her anxiety built up

"I don't owe you any explanation". He paused for a while and turned to look at Xavier. "I was the guy that called minutes ago" he said in a gruff tone

Even with what he said, she still felt angry at his attitude, the feeling of fear also lingered inside her, and she was doing a horrible job of hiding it.

"How long has he been like this?" he asked, addressing Xavier.

"A couple of minutes," she looked at Xavier who was already passed out on the other guy's lap. It was a rather weird scene, but Amelia didn't think about it much

She had other things to care about, like *who the fuck was this person?*

She stared as he reached his hand inside the medication bag she brought earlier and grabbed a syringe. The need to stop him came to her, but she didn't. The man seemed like he knew Xavier and had good knowledge about the illness.

He placed the syringe inside a bottle of medication and extracted the content. Flicking the mouth of the syringe, the shot was finally ready. He rolled up Xavier's sleeve and injected the content inside him, while Amelia stood there with both panic and fear coursing through her.

After all this, he turned to Amelia, and the look he gave her made her freeze on the spot. He got up from Xavier who slept peacefully on the hard floor and began to approach her stealthily with a look of menace on his face.

He stopped in front of Amelia and stared at her intently. Amelia, not wanting to show how intimidated she was by him, maintained eye contact
He smirked at her boldness.

"You called me earlier" he mentioned and Amelia suddenly remembered that an unknown number called earlier, and she had dropped the address out of fear. He was the one.

"I remember" she stared squaring her shoulder, giving off a daring look

"Amelia," he said In a deadly whisper. Her mouth dropped at the mention of her name from his lips. Her eyes opened in disbelief. How did he know her name?

"Who told you that?"

"Told me what?"

"My name," she asked, and he soon erupted into deep laughter. He walked away from her. Amelia wondered what was funny about what she said. What she was grateful for, was the fact he had left her face and she could finally relax. There was something about his stare that sent fear to her heart. It felt like he could read through her, and it made her highly uncomfortable.

"Is that necessary?" he asked

"This is the first time we are meeting, and I don't remember mentioning my name"

"How are you sure?" he turned to look at her. "This is the first time we are meeting" he asked, and she gulped in fear.

"I haven't met you before, so..."

"That doesn't mean I haven't met you Amelia" he spoke after and Amelia shook in terror.

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