I giggle as I smirk, "Of course! Not bad, Buggaboy!" I say with a giggle as I look back to Befano who was talking to Hawk Moth and he says, "You didn't say the magic word." Befano smiles as he hears what Hawk Moth says as he then says, "Much better, Hawk Moth!"

Befano then points to me as he asks, "You little thief! Where have you hidden Mason?" "I forget." I say oblivious with a smile as Mister Bug pulls on his Yo-Yo, "Watch out or you'll be getting a time-out of your own?" Mister Bug explains with a smirk as Befano glares at us both.

"Take care of these two villains!" Befano says as Mister Bug and I dodge the fairies that fly right at us. We keep dodging the fairies while I look behind me seeing Befano on his motorbroom flying straight towards the Eiffel Tower. Even though I knew Mason was here with me since he's Mister Bug I couldn't mess up the plot of this episode.

"We can't let him get to the Eiffel Tower!" I yell as Mister Bug turns to me and asks, "Amy why not?" We both dodge another fairy that flew at us while I extend my baton with me on it as I say, "Because that's where I hid his grandson!" I make my baton jump in the air as I go after Befano while Mister Bug yells, "Wait. No! He's..." he then stops mid sentence as I knew he was about to say something going to blow his cover while I just keep going after Befano.

I get closer to Befano who was looking around the Eiffel Tower, "Where are you, Mason? Befano has a special treat for you!" Befano says as he grabs his candy gun and I quickly jump on behind him on his motorbroom. "Can I hitch a ride?" I ask with a smirk as I then continue, "Your grandson isn't here. Let me show you the way." Befano tries to point his candy gun at me but I dodge as I grab ahold of the handle of the motorbroom flying away from the Eiffel Tower.

"Pets are not allowed on board." Befano says as he spins around fast and I gasp falling only for Mister Bug to swing in and catch me. As he lands us both on the Eiffel Tower as Befano says, "What a sweet little ladybug you are! You'd make a perfect fairy!"

Befano shoots his candy gun at Mister Bug and I but we both dodge the hits. He keeps shooting at Mister Bug who swings on his Yo-Yo dodging the hits and Mister Bug and I land beside each other as he says, "Thanks, but no thanks!"

"You can't turn down a gift, you rude little imp!" Befano says as he then turns to his fairies and continues, "You take care of the Bug, my fairies, while I punish this kitty cat brat!" The fairies fly at Mister Bug while my eyes widened knowing that wasn't part of the episode.

Mister Bug fights off the fairies as I quickly climb up the Eiffel Tower dodging Befano's hits with his candy gun. He keeps shooting at me as I dodge all the hits and I see all the candies fall back down fast.

I quickly go inside the bars in the Eiffel Tower as I look seeing Befano see the candies fly down towards him. He gasps as he starts dodging the candies and I smirk knowing what to do. Suddenly Befano looks back down to me and points his gun to me. I then quickly land where Mister Bug was. As Befano sees he didn't have no more candies in his gun.

"Mister Bug, I saw Befano dodging his own candies. Even he can't touch them!" I explain as Mister Bug turns to me and we both look to Befano who was filling up his gun with the candies. "The candy bag! The akuma must be in there." I say as Mister Bug smirks and says, "Of course!"

Mister Bug then throws his Yo-Yo in the air while he says, "Lucky charm!" His Yo-Yo glows while ladybugs spin around and suddenly a ladybug themed tuba falls into his hands. He groans as he says, "I don't know how to play the tuba. But it looks like I'm gonna have to learn."

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now