Two large isolation pods come out, and I immediately activate my craftsmanship skill along with other perception perks to examine them.

One says [Current Dilation: 8.7005x]. It must be the one set aside, using only one containment stone that Arie rested in before coming to train with us.

The other reads out [Current Dilation: 46.9209x].

My double turns to me, and I expect it to kill itself to share its memories with me, but it speaks up.

"Open up your storage, I have an item I need to transfer over carefully."

I create a small white portal, doing as it says. My double opens its spatial magic portal millimeters above mine, and a small white shimmering stone makes itself visible for a fraction of a second before falling inside.

It was only detectable because I was watching so closely and carefully. My double places a finger on its forehead the next second and the memories of a 2nd dungeon collapsing and that white stone falling from it just like the first rush into my mind.

"So the farming process is replicable..." I whisper under my breath with a grin.

I make a new double, and have him and Ember go off to continue making containment stones for later use.

Then, I'm left alone with my teammates and two lightly humming isolation pods.

One of them hums significantly louder than the other, it's clear there's a difference.

I turn and point to them.

"This here, is our next stage of training."

They all look at the pods with different expressions on their faces.

"Most of you already know these are isolation pods. Machines that allow us to rest for 6 to 8 hours in a trance-like state filled with dense mana while only an hour goes by in the outside world."

Monk's eyes open at the sound of that, but my other teammates have already witnessed their power.

I continue all the same.

"They're made with very dense mana shielding that isolates us from the outside world. No sound or external energy is let in other than the energy and mass circulated through the core of the machine at its top. This also means, whatever is inside, stays inside."

Of course, this seal isn't perfect, or it would act like my item storage system and no energy at all would ever leak out. But for my explanation, it gets the point across.

I point to the weaker pod. Then turn toward Maria, Abby, and Monk.

"When you take a Qi pill, and its total contents exceed your core's limit, the excess leaks out and dissolves into the air. However, when confined in a semi-closed place like a room in the monastery, the walls can trap excess Qi and the absorption rate of energy gathering increases in speed and effectiveness."

Monk speaks up at the weaker pod.

"So what you're saying is, I could gather Qi in a super saturated environment where no Qi could leak out while also taking advantage of time moving faster by almost ten times..."

I smile.

"Yes, precisely. Eight days in there would only be 1 day in the outside world. Plus, let's say you were to bring 100 Qi pills inside. You would be swimming in dense Qi, forcing your body to absorb it at a much faster rate than normal. The pod may be used up multiple times as well, its charge should last upward of a few years before it totally runs out of energy."

Then, I turn to the other pod that hums louder.

"This one is supercharged... We'll only get one shot at using it before it falls down to below 10x dilation. My guess is 36 to 48 hours is going to be its limit. The Dilation is nearly 50x, it's 46.9 to be exact."

Monk pulls out his silver briefcase and clicks it open.

I continue talking as the sea of white pills come into view.

"Ember and my double are off working on getting more materials to supercharge another pod. However, getting enough to bring this weaker one up to such a high rate will take another 12 hours to do. We could cut that time in half and use the materials from a 5 to 6 hour farm and bring a pod up to 30-35x. Though, I believe it's most efficient to try to bring them closest to 50..."

Monk whispers to himself, "That would be over 90 days... 3 full months of isolated Cultivation in a supersaturated environment. In just 2 days here in the outside world..."

He looks up to me and responds.

"I see... So you'd like to go one at a time then."

I nod.

"Well, we really don't have any other choice. The materials I use for these machines come from the 39th Floor. The Minotaurs only spawn in so fast."

He thinks deeply to himself, then speaks up again.

"So then the best candidate for the first round would be Maria."

I'm quite surprised at his response, but happy he sees my vision too. He's been wanting to try out my cultivation method all this time, and supplying all of us with precious resources, yet he still isn't jumping in to get first picks.

With a satisfied smile, I respond.

"A very logical deduction. That was my first choice too. If danger is approaching, we need to get our strongest fighters with the highest potential for growth a chance to take advantage of these pods first."

Everyone turns toward the blond-haired hunter dressed in silver, white, and blue. She doesn't say a word at first, just looking down at the Qi pills then back up right at me.

"You're right. I can still see that Soul Energy blade of the Dark Guard fresh in my mind. If I want to be able to fight back against a monster like that, a major leap in power is necessary."

She pauses again, but the determination in her gaze grows as she turns her head toward the strongest loudly humming Isolation Pod.

"I'll do it."


Author's Note:

If you're enjoying Dungeon Diver and want to follow Jay on his journey 20+ chapters ahead of schedule, check out the Patreon link in my profile bio.

There's custom chapter art for every new daily upload too!

Thanks for reading:)


[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now