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Changbin sighed ready to get back to Seungmin's place. It's been three days since he's been home and he's so grateful for his mom, but he was ready to get back to his everday life, especially with the younger. The thought made him blush. When did I become so whipped for Seungmin. he thought. I wonder what he's doing right now. He grabbed his phone wanting to text the older when his mom called him. He sighed again before getting out of the bed.

"Hey honey. Are you excited to see Seungmin today?"

Changbin blushed, he came clean to his mom that when she met the younger they weren't exactly dating, but that they were now. She couldn't have been more excited for him. He told his mom about everything that happened but spared her the details of their sexcompades. She was just happy for him that he had someone like Seungmin taking care of him.

"Yeah, I haven't heard from him today yet. They must be busy at work."

His mom nodded her head understanding, "Well don't forget to to track your heat in your app and make sure to stay on top of your medication until you feel more confident in having control with your pheromones."

"Thanks mom, I really appreciate you," Changbin said. turning to hug his mom.

"Of course. You're my son. I would do anything for you. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask, okay?" His mom said, while patting his head. Changbin nodded in her embrace.

Meanwhile Seungmin groaned, his body felt sore all over and he had a mild headache. He got himself out of bed and walked to the kitchen to grab some coffee. He looked around, I am ready for Changbin to be back. It's too quiet here without him, he thought. He breathed in, smelling the younger's lingering pheromones, though they were faint. He'll be back tonight, he reminded himself.

Seungmin finished his coffee and quickly got dressed and headed to work. He rubbed his head, wanting his headache to go away, but it only persisted as time passed. He walked into the cafeteria running into Minho on the way inside.

"Oh sorry," Seungmin mumbled.

"It's o...hey why are you releasing pheromones right now?" Minho asked, crinkling his nose.

Seungmin looked up at him surprised. Am I releasing pheromones? He thought. "I...I didn't mean to. I didn't even realize I was."

"Are you going into your rut?" Minho asked lowly.

Seungmin was shocked and didn't know how to answer. He was usually very on top of his cycle. He pulled out his phone to check his calendar. It's supposed to be two weeks from now. Did it come early? That's never happened before. Is it because of Changbin? His mind swirled with all the questions.

"I-I gotta go," Seungmin said, turning to leave. Before he left he turned back to Minho, "Can you let the boss know?" The older nodded and he turned to leave again. He picked his phone up and dialed Changbin not looking forward to the conversation they were about to have.

The phone rang and Seungmin nervously bit his lips. He made it back to his apartment and his headache was progressively getting worse. The older finally picked up.


"Hey hyung."

"Hey Seungmin. Aren't you supposed to be at work? Did something happen?"

"I had to go home...but umm I think you should go to your apartment for the next few days?"

The line went silent. Seungmin pulled the phone away to make sure they were still connected. Seeing that they were he asked, "Did you hear me?"

"Yes...but why? I thought you would want to see me? Did I do something wrong?" Changbin asked quietly. His heart was beating fast and he was nervous. Is he breaking it off with me? he thought.

Seungmin gritted his teeth. He was barely able to concentrate on their conversation. His eyes were starting to hurt from his headache and he stumbled his way to his bed to lay down.

"N-No not at all. I think it would just be best if you stayed at your place for a few days." Seungmin mumbled out.

"But why? I am already on the train and headed back. I should be there within the hour. Can we talk about it when I see you?"

"No, don't come!" Seungmin exclaimed, sitting up and instantly regretting it. The line was silent again and he regretted yelling at the older.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to yell. It's just that...I'm going into my rut. It wasn't supposed to be for a few more weeks, but it came early. I just need you to stay at your place until it's over."

"But I can help you! I should be there with you."

Seungmin shook his head, getting frustrated that the older wasn't listening. "Please Changbin. Listen to me. Alpha's ruts are different. You will be helping me by not coming here. I will text you when it's over. Okay?"

"O-okay," Changbin said, knowing full well he wasn't going to listen to the younger. There is no way it would be better for him if I wasn't there. I have to go over there, he thought.

"Thank you. I will talk to you later, okay?"


With that Seungmin hung up. He laid back down on his bed, feeling his head was pounding now. He closed his eyes, willing himself to try and sleep it off.

Changbin glanced outside the window, biting his lip nervously. I have to go help him right? He's just being stubborn. His rut can't be that bad right? he thought. He pulled out his medication. I should probably take another one of these? I don't want to go into heat while trying to help him. He took his medication and looked back outside feeling the nerves in the pit of his stomach.

The train finally pulled up to the station and Changbin grabbed his stuff, rushing to leave and get back to Seungmin's place. He flagged down a cab and they made their way to the younger's house. His nerves only heightened the closer they got to Seungmin's house, but he tried to push them down. Telling himself everything was going to be fine.

The ride didn't take long and before Changbin knew it he was standing in front of Seungmin's door. He used the key the younger gave him and unlocked the door. His eyes widened when he stepped inside. The apartment was filled with the younger's pheromones, making the air feel thick.

Thank goodness I took another dose of my medication. I would've definitely gone into heat if I hadn't, he thought. He took his shoes off and left everything near the front door. He looked around, seeing the younger wasn't in the kitchen or living room.

"Seungmin?" Changbin called out. He walked towards the younger's room and stopped right outside. He swallowed the pheromones even stronger the closer he got to the younger.

"Seungmin?" Changbin tried again, hesitantly walking inside the younger's room.

Seungmin was sitting on the floor. His head was hanging and his arms rested on his bent knees. He was clenching and unclenching his fist. He stopped suddenly when he heard his name and looked up abruptly at the older.

"W-what are you doing here?" Seungmin asked, his voice strained like he was holding back.

Changbin's eyes widened, were his eyes always that bright? He thought. "I-I came to help. You always help me with my heat. I should do the same," he said, glued to his spot. He watched as the younger slowly got up and he nervously watched him, having the urge to run away.

"You shouldn't have come," Seungmin growled out. He pulled the older to him and hungrily kissed Changbin.


Lots and lots of smut coming up. Idk how many chapters yet. But just a fair warning
1309 words

Bound to You | Seungbinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن