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"You guys have a very...interesting relationship," Han said, taking a sip of his americano. He and Seungmin were sitting on the bench outside talking.

"We aren't in a relationship!" Seungmin exclaimed. He had his head in his hands, shaking it back and forth. How did we get here again? It's all Changbin's fault, he thought. "Wait, where is Changbin?" He asked, finally lifting his head and looking around.

The oldest had disappeared after they got dressed. Did he run away? AGAIN? Seungmin thought.

"You guys are complicated," Han said, shaking his head. "I haven't seen him since you guys were together. I think he went home early"

"He ran away again! He's not going to get away with it this time," Seungmin got up, stomping away from Han.

Han watched him shaking his head again. These two. I am so curious what their relationship is, Han thought.

Changbin had left early and he needed to go see Doctor Chan. He needed help and was feeling lost, everything happening to him was so new and he was a bit terrified. He waited in Dr. Chan's office, lost in his thoughts, when heard the door open.

"Oh Changbin. I didn't expect you here today," Dr. Chan said walking into his office surprised to find the younger there.

Changbin bit his lips, his eyes full of anxiety. Dr. Chan looked over at him, his eyes filling with concern, "What's going on?"

"My heat.." Changbin started, he dropped his head feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

"Did your heat finally come," Dr. Chan asked, sitting down at his desk. Changbin nodded his head. "This is good news! What are you concerned about?"

"Well...I slept with an alpha not just once but twice," Changbin whispered.

Dr. Chan's eyes widened, he didn't expect to hear that from Changbin. "Did you guys use protection?"

"Umm I think so?" Changbin mumbled, feeling small.

Dr. Chan grimaced, "You don't remember? When did this happen? It wasn't even that long ago that I saw you."

Changbin cheeks flushed with embarrassment, "I was kind of out of it the first time by the time I snapped out of it, it was already the next morning. And umm...he did the second time, so I would assume he did the first time."

"So it was the same alpha both times? Who is it?" Dr. Chan asked, writing down notes in Changbin's chart.

"Yes...he's my coworker," Changbin said, bringing his legs up to his chest and burying his face.

Dr. Chan's eyes flickered to Changbin, surprised, "Your coworker? Which one? I didn't realize you were interested in any of them?"

"This guy on my team, he was sitting next to me when my first heat was triggered and then he was standing behind me the second time at work..." Changbin started to say.

"You went into heat twice, and at work!" Dr. Chan asked, surprised.

"Yes! It's because the medicine you gave me isn't working properly!" Changbin exclaimed.

"I gave you a low dose, since nothing has triggered your heat before and most omegas don't go into heat so quickly or frequently. So you were next to this guy each time your heat was triggered?" Dr. Chan asked, amused.

"Y-yes," Changbin said slowly, his mind racing now. Wait a second! Does that mean Seungmin is triggering my heat? What does that mean? How did this happen? I don't even like the brat.

"Do you lik..." Dr. Chan started.

"Hell no!" Changbin yelled. He stood up pacing in front of Dr. Chan's desk.

"Well either way, we should update your mom, she will be happy to hear that you got your first heat," Dr. Chan said, reaching for his phone.

"Wa-wait, no don't tell her! I will talk to her."Changbin exclaimed, embarrassed.

"Fine, but we should run more tests and get you on proper medicine. Also about work...maybe you should think about finding a different job. You work with a bunch of alphas and since your heat cycle seems to be irregular you don't want it to be triggered again. It could be really dangerous for you." Dr. Chan said, grabbing his iPad to order more tests.

"I will figure it out, they won't fire me for being an omega. Plus once we get me on stronger medication I should be fine," Changbin reassured Dr. Chan. I also just need to avoid Seungmin, he thought.

Dr. Chan looked skeptical, but didn't argue with the younger. "Fine we can try the stronger medication, but if you have any issues at all you need to call me right away. Okay?"

Changbin nodded. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to avoid Seungmin, he thought.

This just got interesting -eyebrow wiggle- haha. Who thinks changbin will successfully avoid Seungmin, raise their hand! Haha who sees more fucking in their future, raise your hand!

782 words

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