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It was the day after Seungmin was feeling anxious, he hadn't heard from Changbin and after yesterday he was really worried the older was going to disappear on him.

Seungmin ran into Han, "Thank you for helping yesterday ."

"Hmm I thought you two weren't involved, why are you thanking?"

Suengmin didn't know how to respond, "umm...I feel like I still should thank you. It was my fault after all."

Han shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Seungmin's anxiety was increasing by the minute. It's not like I expected all of that to happen yesterday, he thought. What am I supposed to do when that asshole is affected by me every time I see him?

Seungmin thought back to when he first came to the company, we had fond memories right? There was that time when Seungmin suggested they see who could move the most boxes off the truck.

Flash back

"Changbin! Let's see who could move the most boxes off the truck. Loser buys dinner and drinks!" Seungmin said, eye the boxes in front of them.

"Yeah! Let's do it."

Seungmin laughed, "Come on we have to show them who the strongest alpha is."

Changbin turned and stared at Seungmin. He sneered at the younger and was annoyed, "what does being an alpha have anything to do with it?"

Flashback end

Oh maybe that wasn't such a good memory, Seungmin thought, scratching the back of his neck. That wasn't the only time the younger had referred to Changbin as an alpha. Is that when he started hating me? How was I supposed to know he wasn't an alpha?

Seungmin got irritated at the thought. He is shorter than me, but he is hella strong, and plus he didn't have any omega pheromones. He has such a strong personality too, and he's so stubborn.

Seungmin was lost in his thoughts, he shook his head. He's so not my type, so why do I keep thinking of him, he thought. His mind wondered to everything that has happened in the last few weeks. He saw a completely different side to Changbin. Should I ask him out?

Seungmin ran into his boss, "Hey boss. Where is Changbin?"

"Oh he said he wasn't coming back for a while due to personal reasons," The boss said, shrugging his shoulders.

Hearing that Seungmin's anxiety only increased. Wait he didn't actually quit did he?! I have to call him.

Seungmin grabbed his phone frantically looking for the older's number. I saved it, didn't I? He scrolled through his contacts, finally finding it. Thank god, I hope it's the same number.

Seungmin dialed the number praying that it was the right number.


im sorry this was such a short chapter! i feel bad for Seungmin D: he just wants to do the right thing and Changbin is making it very difficult for him.

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412 words

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